Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1058 Entering the God Realm


When Yang Xiao and Lu Yuan heard Li Yixi say that the two of them had a bloodbath, their faces changed instantly. They didn't think Li Yixi was a charlatan, talking nonsense, after all, they had seen Li Yixi's horror.

Originally, the two of them didn't want to ask for benefits, but when they heard that they had a bloody disaster, and Li Yixi had a way to resolve it, Yang Xiao and Lu Yuan hurriedly expressed their thanks and took the talisman from Li Yixi's hand.

The two took the talisman from Li Yixi's hand, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

There was an inconceivable look in the depths of the eyes, because the moment Yang Xiao and the ninth patriarch Lu Yuan held the talisman, they both suddenly felt that the talisman in their hands was related to them.

This kind of connection is so strange that Yang Xiao and Lu Yuan felt that the talisman in their hands became their second life in an instant.

Moreover, the two of them saw an extremely mysterious power on it, and this power, even if the two of them had obtained countless insights into the Dao, they could not see through it.

"Thank you son!"

Knowing the value of the talisman, the two took a deep breath for a moment, knelt down in front of Li Yixi on one knee, and bowed and thanked them. In their view, Li Yixi was the talisman and their other life.

"No, no, hurry up, please get up, you gave me a elixir, and I gave you a talisman that doesn't have much effect, how can such a big gift be possible?"

At this moment, Li Yixi saw Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao bowing to him, and immediately stepped forward to help them up.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Li Yixi suddenly thought of Chu Liang, and immediately asked: "You two are walking in the mountains, do you find that there are still monsters running rampant in the mountains?"

When Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao heard Li Yixi's words, their faces showed doubts. They didn't know why Li Yixi asked such a question. In their eyes, Li Yixi's strength was unfathomable. Which monsters could not enter Li Yixi at all. The Dharma Eye of Recalling the Past.

But Lu Yuan replied immediately: "Young master, the monster beasts were rampant in the mountains before, because there was an extremely terrifying existence, and it captured an extremely powerful monster, which caused the extremely terrifying demon god to be furious."

"But I searched the soul and found out that it seems that the extremely terrifying expert took action to frighten the demon god. The demon god has retreated, and all the demon clans have also lurked. Now there are no powerful monsters appearing in the mountains."

Lu Yuan could only say what he knew word by word.

"Is it safe, that's good!"

"Now that the medicinal materials have been picked, I plan to leave, but I have to trouble the two of you for something!"

When Lu Yuan heard Li Yixi's words, he took a step forward and immediately said, "Young Master, we will do as we are told. Where is the trouble, it is our honor to be able to do things for you!"

Li Yixi heard Lu Yuan's words, and felt that people in the practice world really spoke very nicely.

Then he pointed behind him, "There is a little guy in the back who is very tired. Now he has passed out and passed out. I plan to leave. Before he wakes up, I hope you two will protect him for a while."

When Lu Yuan heard Li Yixi's request, he looked serious. It was too simple for the two of them, so he immediately agreed.

"You two, if we have a chance, let's talk about Li Yixi in the Immortal City of Jinling."

After the voice fell, I saw the golden cloud of merit under Li Yixi's feet appeared, and Li Yixi, who was stepping on the golden cloud of merit, broke through the air and left.

Seeing the golden cloud of merit under Li Yixi's feet, Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao, who were already shocked, widened their eyes instantly, their faces full of disbelief.

"Then, is that the power of merit?"

Yang Xiao, who stared wide-eyed, stared at the Ninth Patriarch Lu Yuan beside him for a moment and asked.

At this moment, Lu Yuan felt his mouth dry. He had never seen such a terrifying power of merit, and said dryly, "No, yes, it is indeed a golden cloud of merit."

"Who is this expert? Why does he have such terrifying merits and virtues?"

"When the young master said that there was something to trouble us, I mistakenly thought that the young master needed the power of luck, incense and faith, but seeing the power of merit under the young master's feet, I realized that we were thinking too much, young master. The existence of boundless horror, with such a terrifying power of merit, how could it be possible to need that little bit of incense and faith?"

At this moment, Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, felt as if his heart was being pinched by a big hand, and he was extremely horrified.

The power of merit is really too terrifying, too terrifying.


Yang Xiao gasped when he heard Lu Yuan confirm that it was the power of merit.

"Kindness turns into clouds, it's terrifying!"

"What kind of existence is this expert?"

"I'm afraid those so-called ancient giants are nothing but ants in front of this senior."

Thinking of the scenes that happened today, Yang Xiao's face was shocked at this moment, and he felt that this time he saw a real peerless expert.

Thinking of Li Yixi's strength, he couldn't help but think of the words Li Yixi said before he left, that there will be a bloody disaster today.

Thinking of the bloody disaster, Yang Xiao couldn't help tightening his hands at this moment, carefully holding the talisman given by Li Yixi.

"Let's go and have a look, and see who the young master wants us to protect?"

Lu Yuan withdrew his shocked gaze, and then saw the boulder.

Yang Xiao also nodded, and when the two walked around the stone, they were shocked instantly.

"Big Brother!"

"It turned out to be a big brother?"

Yang Xiao never thought that the person Li Yixi asked them to protect was the Chu Liang they were looking for.

"Chu Liang!"

"It turned out to be Chu Liang?"

"I was a little nervous just now. After all, before that, countless big monsters appeared in the mountains, and I was worried that this guy would have an accident. I didn't expect this guy to have a great chance to follow the expert."

Seeing that Chu Liang was unharmed, Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of the Qingshan Gate, was relieved. If something happened to Chu Liang, it would be a little troublesome. After all, Chu Liang's status is extraordinary.

As the voice fell, the bodies of the two shook violently, their pupils shrank sharply, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Good guy."

"I actually stepped into the realm of the gods!"

When Lu Yuan watched Chu Liang's cultivation carefully, his whole body was shocked. It never occurred to him that Chu Liang's cultivation had stepped into the realm of gods just because he hadn't seen him for half a day, even if he was better than him.

However, in just a moment, Lu Yuan knew what he had found.

There was a complex look on his face, Lu Yuan never thought that one day he would be jealous of the disciples in the sect.

Lu Yuan knew very well that Li Yixi must be the reason for Chu Liang's terrifying cultivation.

Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao didn't dare to disturb Chu Liang, who was practicing, and they sat cross-legged around, because they knew very well that Chu Liang was not in deep sleep, but that his soul had stepped into the long river of time and was merging.

Because at this moment, Chu Liang's cultivation base is soaring at an extremely terrifying speed every moment, there is only one possibility, and that is that at this moment, Chu Liang is melting into the Dao.

Half an hour later, under the jealous eyes of Yang Xiao and Lu Yuan, Chu Liang slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, Chu Liang's eyes shot out two extremely sharp cold lights, like swords The awn is generally terrible.

Seeing that Chu Liang woke up, Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao walked up to Chu Liang immediately.

As the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, Lu Yuan is not only powerful, but also has a very high seniority, but when Lu Yuan looked at Chu Liang at this moment, there was no majesty on his face, let alone speaking because of his seniority domineering.

At this moment, both Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao are extremely envious. The two of them never thought that Chu Liang would step into the realm of gods in half a day.

Both Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao have gained a lot today, but even if the two of them step into the long river of time and space again, their limit is to step into the realm of gods, and it is impossible for them to step into the realm of gods.

Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, was very complicated in his heart. He never expected that Chu Liang, the first disciple of Qingshanmen, would become the strongest in the sect in a short period of time.

Even the first patriarch of Qingshanmen is only at the level of the gods, and there is still a huge distance from the gods.

"Congratulations, big brother, for stepping into the realm of gods."

"Chu Liang, you are very good. Maybe this time you can relieve the danger of my Qingshan Gate's destruction."

Chu Liang's eyes fell on Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of the Qingshanmen, and Yang Xiao, a disciple of the Qingshanmen, with a smile on his face. Even Chu Liang, who had always been pampered and calm, felt extremely excited at this moment.

Once engrossed, it is the Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens.

At this moment, Chu Liang couldn't help being heroic, a kind of heroism that swallowed mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles.

"I have finally stepped into the realm of the gods. From then on, I can be regarded as a giant, and I am no longer an ant."

Chu Liang looked at his hands, felt the terrifying and boundless mana in his body, and felt like he was dreaming.

But then Chu Liang woke up suddenly, because Chu Liang thought of Li Yixi.

His eyes immediately fell on the ninth patriarch Lu Yuan, and asked anxiously: "Where is the senior? Where is the senior?"

"Ninth Patriarch, can you see that senior?"

"Damn it, I didn't expect that I would be addicted to the sound of senior's piano."

Chu Liang's surprise of gaining power disappeared without a trace, replaced by apprehension and loss.

Feeling Chu Liang's emotions, Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, because Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, found that Chu Liang was not acting, but really lost.

Lu Yun finally knew why Chu Liang got so many opportunities by following Li Yixi.

Because Chu Liang has a pure heart, and his talent is very evil.

Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, explained: "The peerless expert has already left. I didn't expect that the precious medicine we guarded is what the peerless expert needs?"

"However, you have been with this peerless expert for a long time. If one day you go to Jinling Immortal City, you may be able to get another reminder from that peerless expert."

Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of the Qingshan Gate, comforted him. Lu Yuan knew very well that how could such an unfathomable existence like Li Yixi have any contact with them.

At this moment, Chu Liang hurriedly remembered that Li Yixi lived in Jinling Fairy City.

Seeing that Chu Liang had calmed down, Lu Yun hurriedly asked, "Where are your two younger brothers?"

Lu Yun didn't find the two disciples of Qingshanmen, and felt that the two of them were in danger, but he still couldn't help asking.

Chu Liang showed bitterness on his face, "The two juniors were too young and too arrogant. When they met this peerless master, they spoke rudely. Afterwards, thousands of monsters rioted and chased and killed humans. The two juniors died in the hands of an extremely terrifying big monster." subordinate, but I escaped and met an expert, so I saved my life."

"Following this expert, I got a lot of opportunities, which allowed me to step into the realm of gods."

"Ninth Patriarch, Junior Brother, it's time for us to go back. I don't know what's going on with Qingshan Gate. If we go back later, maybe something bad will happen."

The ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen thought of the crisis facing Qingshanmen at this moment, and his face was clouded for a moment, and he nodded hastily.

Now that the monsters in the mountains had been frightened away by Li Yixi, the three of them no longer had any worries, and directly flew into the sky, heading out of the mountains.

After the three left, in the corner, a demon god in a red dress broke through the air and looked in the direction the three left with an extremely gloomy expression.

But he didn't dare to make any rash moves. Thinking of Li Yixi's thin figure, the demon god felt fear involuntarily at this moment.

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