"Damn, damn it!"

"This is a trap, this is a trap!"

The Qinglong Holy Beast, which was foaming at the mouth, became extremely pale, and the ferocity on its face disappeared instantly.

At this moment, only fear and despair could be seen on the face of the Azure Dragon Saint Beast.

The extremely powerful Qinglong felt that he could not stay awake, and at the same time felt that his body weighed a thousand catties.

It became extremely difficult to run the mana all over the body.

Qinglong lived for countless years, even if he was severely injured, he was still an invincible existence, but at this moment, the pride on Qinglong's face could no longer be seen.

His eyes fell on Li Yixi, who was casually sleeping on the boulder, as if he saw a devil.


Qinglong roared furiously, however, when Qinglong turned around to look, at this moment, Qinglong found desperately that those monster clan powerhouses who came with him had already fallen to the ground, life and death.

In order to win a ray of life, Qinglong burned the dragon blood in his body without hesitation, and the incomparably powerful dragon body became shriveled at an extremely terrifying speed in an instant.

The next moment, relying on the last sliver of willpower, Qinglong instantly swallowed the bodies of the fainted Yaozu powerhouses into his belly, and flew away.

However, before flying a few miles, the incomparably huge body fell into a long river.

Chu Liang watched everything that happened, with a look of shock on his face. Just now, Chu Liang clearly felt how terrifying the coercion emanating from Qinglong was.

Moreover, Qinglong is one of the four most powerful holy beasts in the Demon God Realm.

Chu Liang's gaze fell on the burning mosquito coil involuntarily, looking at the smoke ring above with a puzzled expression.


"Why don't I have anything?"

"This thing is so powerful and terrifying, why am I still able to stay awake?"

Chu Liang looked confused.

But there was a storm in his heart, and Chu Liang knew very well that this mosquito coil was an unimaginable fetish.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to keep countless strong monsters alive and dead, and even the most powerful Qinglong is very likely to perish.

"This senior, who is this senior, and why is he so terrifying?"

"This thing looks ordinary to me, there is nothing special about it at all, but unexpectedly, it is so terrifying."

"So, what about the golden sore medicine that the expert gave me?"

"Is it an ordinary golden medicine?"

Chu Liang's body trembled suddenly, and suddenly he thought of the gold-creating medicine that Li Yixi gave him before. Just now, Chu Liang didn't pay attention to the gold-creating medicine at all, thinking that it was an ordinary thing, and he couldn't enter it at all. The reason why he keeps his eyes is because Li Yixi is too scary.

But now Chu Liang tremblingly took out the golden sore medicine from his arms.

Chu Liang's eyes were fixed on the Jinchuang medicine in his hand.

Now Chu Liang, the wounds on his body still haven't healed.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Liang gently applied Jinchuang Medicine to the wound.

The next moment, Chu Liang's eyes widened instantly, with an expression of disbelief, because at this moment, Chu Liang clearly felt that the toxin in his wound disappeared instantly.

Moreover, an incomparably powerful force of vitality erupted, repairing his wounds at an extremely terrifying speed.

Moreover, this is not the main thing, the most important thing is that at this moment, Chu Liang felt a wave of medicinal effects contained in Jinchuang medicine, which entered his body through the wound.

Immediately, it flowed away among the horrors of his limbs at an extremely fast speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chu Liang's body trembled suddenly, his eyes turned blood red, and Chu Liang's body was twitching, the pain was almost unbearable for Chu Liang.

Chu Liang gritted his teeth to prevent himself from making any sound, because Li Yixi was sleeping soundly beside Chu Liang at this moment.

Moreover, Chu Liang felt that under the extreme pain, his physical body was transforming at a terrifying speed.

That pain seemed to make him taste a thousand cuts.

However, when the pain disappeared, Chu Liang seemed to be fished out of the water.

Even at this moment, Chu Liang's muscles were still twitching slightly.

From this, we can see just how hard Chu Liang has endured.

Breathing extremely heavily, and his chest heaving violently, Chu Liang was extremely excited at this moment.

Suddenly feel that being away from pain is such a blessing.

After panting, Chu Liang stretched out his hand, trying to wipe off the bead of sweat on his face, Chu Liang instantly became extremely stiff, with an unbelievable expression on his face, Chu Liang even felt that he was hallucinating.

Because at this moment, Chu Liang was horrified to find that there was a purple light of thunder and lightning faintly wrapped around his palm.

There seemed to be a flame burning in the thunder and lightning.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Liang held his breath.

It took more than a dozen breaths before Chu Liang was sure that he was not hallucinating.

Sure it wasn't a hallucination, Chu Liang looked excited at this moment.

"My spiritual root has evolved!"

"My spiritual root has evolved!"

Chu Liang's spiritual root is Qingpin's Leihuo spiritual root.

It is not a very powerful spiritual root. In the sect, the spiritual root is divided into levels by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

The spiritual root determines how far a person can go, how much aptitude and talent he has.

Chu Liang is very clear that his potential has reached the limit of his current state, and it is almost impossible to go further.

But at this moment, Chu Liang's eyes widened completely, his face full of disbelief.

Because after just applying a little golden medicine, it actually caused his bloodline to transform and his spiritual root to evolve.

Chu Liang felt his body at this moment, and found that not only his physique had been improved several times, but his spiritual root had also reached purple.

In other words, the current potential of Chu Liang has been further improved.

And from the purple thunder and fire lightning wrapped around his body, it can be known that Chu Liang has awakened the thunder and fire god body.

"Here, what kind of fetish is this?"

"Gold Chuang Medicine?"

"Go to Nima's Jinchuang medicine."

Chu Liang was extremely shocked holding the small box in his hand, and even the mosquito coil beside him was ignored by Chu Liang. Although the mosquito coil is terrifying, this golden medicine is the most precious treasure for Chu Liang. After all, the real power is only when he is strong .

However, while Chu Liang was excited, he felt terrified when his eyes fell on the Jinchuang medicine in the box in his hand.

The pain just now went deep into the bone marrow.

Even if he knew that this golden sore medicine had a heaven-defying effect, it could improve a person's physique and enhance his spiritual root, but at this moment, Chu Liang didn't want to try it again in a short time.

Because once you try it, it is a constant struggle on the verge of death. If you are not careful, it is very likely that your soul will collapse in extreme pain.

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