Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1026 The Murong Family's Calculations

The housekeeper hurriedly said: "That's right, they are all orphans, most of them are fragments."

"That's why it is open, but there are some complete exercises among them, but they are not extremely high-level ones. They are only in the fairyland. As for the immortal arts, they are not open to the outside world."

Li Yixi, who was already excited, was instantly overjoyed after hearing the butler's words.

As for the immortal method, Li Yixi had never thought about it.

Li Yixi felt that even he would not know how to practice.

Li Yixi at this moment is still practicing the method of sanctifying the body.

"My lord, go to the banquet first. Today's banquet is very rich. After the banquet, it's not too late to come see the exercises." Seeing Li Yixi with a hot face, the butler was filled with disdain.

"no need!"

"I'm not interested in banquets, but in the library."

"Go back!"

Li Yixi didn't look at him, and walked straight into the library.


"It's really a waste of a good skin. I thought it was some kind of son of the fairy family. He didn't want to hide his cultivation. He was just a mortal."

"Mortal, unexpectedly came to seize the opportunity."

The butler whispered contemptuously and left the yard.

"I don't know if I have gained anything today?"

Li Yixi didn't care about the other party, strode into the study building, entered the study building, Li Yixi's eyes could not help but brighten, Li Yixi found that the whole study building was spotless.

Can smell the smell of books.

And in the study building, there is also a private room for reading.

"The design is really thoughtful, and it is worthy of being a family bookstore."

Li Yixi's eyes lit up, and he gave a compliment.

When Li Yixi was wandering around the library, Murong Batian was overjoyed to watch Li Yixi's Murong Batian from the Sky Surveying Realm.


"It's really God helping me."

"Is there still a way to separate them?"

"I didn't expect that I would be separated!"

"Give me the formation immediately."

"I want to get those treasures first."

Murong Batian was excited.

The next moment, the faces of the people who were attending the banquet suddenly changed.

The scene in front of him changed instantly.

They were originally in the manor, but suddenly, everyone appeared in a strange place, and saw countless corpses.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

At the same time, a figure appeared in the void at this moment, it was Murong Batian.

"Murong Batian, what are you doing, let us out, otherwise your Murong family will be killed."

An old man looked extremely gloomy, looked at Murong Batian in the void and scolded.

Seeing the white bones in a place, you don't need to think about it, you know that this place is definitely full of danger, and it is definitely not an accident that it was suddenly moved here by the formation.

The shocking corpses made their expressions extremely solemn.

Xiaoyao Immortal King and Little Phoenix also looked surprised, never expecting that the formation suddenly brought them here.

And at the moment when Murong Batian appeared, the smile on his face disappeared, it was absolutely dangerous.

The two couldn't help thinking of Li Yixi's reaction, saying that the faces of these people were turning black and their expressions were changing.

Moreover, Xiao Fenghuang and Xiaoyao Immortal King are extremely powerful, and they were moved here without any perception, feeling inexplicably uneasy in their hearts.

"Everyone, I finally invited you here, why leave?"

At this moment, Murong Batian had a sneer on his face.

"Murong Batian, I warn you, if you don't let me go, I will fight against Tianzong and your Murong family." At this moment, an old man was protecting the young man beside him, with a fierce look on his face, extremely angry, and turned towards him. Looking at Murong Batian who was in the void, he scolded.

The rest of the people did not make a sound, but they all looked at each other with guarded faces, fixedly staring at Murong Batian in the void, with strong hatred and anger shining in their eyes.

No one thought that the selection of a son-in-law by the Murong family turned out to be a conspiracy.

If one is not careful, it is very likely to kill himself.


"Shut up, the old man shut up, so what if you are angry, can it be useful?"

Facing the bloodthirsty eyes, Murong Batian sneered and said with a sneer, "Don't threaten the old man, you are just dreaming if you want to go out, now try to use your supernatural powers and see if your strength is still there." How much is left, do you think the old man will give you a chance to come back?"

"You have almost discovered the abnormality here now!"

"This is an ancient ruin. The place you are in is the place where the formation is imprisoned."

"This place used to be a place where the vicious people were imprisoned. Here, your mana cannot be mobilized at all. Now you are just fish on a sticky board."

"The formation here was originally broken, but it has been repaired over the years. Moreover, the old man has also strengthened the formation. Even if the ancestor god descends, it will never be broken."


Hearing Murong Batian's words, they tried to mobilize mana one by one, but found that the mana seemed to have disappeared, and their faces changed drastically.

Xiaoyao Immortal King and Xiaofenghuang also showed deep anxiety, and the calmness on their faces completely disappeared.

The two discovered that this was the Jedi.

At this moment, they are no different from ordinary people except that they are physically stronger.

But at this moment, Murong Batian, for some reason, still has all his strength.

"Murong Batian, why are you doing this?"

"Doing this will benefit your Murong family?"

An old man seemed to be acquainted with Murong Batian, and said angrily at this moment.

Hearing this, Murong Batian sneered and said: "Actually, you should hate them, although you are going to die, but not so soon, but who let luck be the treasure in their hands?"

"Luck is a treasure!"

"What a precious thing, do you think I'll miss it?"


At this moment, Murong Batian stared at Xiaoyao Immortal King and Xiaofenghuang and laughed unscrupulously.

"Is luck a treasure?"

The faces of Xiaoyao Immortal King and Little Phoenix became extremely ugly. At this moment, the two immediately thought of the talisman that Li Yixi had given them.

Above the talisman, there is indeed the power of luck.

"Is luck a treasure?"

Hearing these words, all the people present stared at Immortal King Xiaoyao and Little Phoenix in disbelief, and there was a storm in their hearts. No one thought that Little Phoenix and Immortal King Xiaoyao would have such a fetish.

While shocked, each one looked desperate.

They knew very well that they might not have a chance to get out alive today.

Murong Batian is very likely to kill people for the sake of luck.

Moreover, it seems that Murong Batian never thought of letting them die from the beginning to the end.

Little Phoenix's complexion was extremely ugly.

It never occurred to them that someone would be so bold as to spy on Li Yixi's things.

"You are so bold"

Little Phoenix was extremely angry at the moment.

Almost vomited blood in anger, Murong Batian's cultivation base, at this moment the little Phoenix has already sensed that he has just entered the False God Realm.

But he dared to plot against them.

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