After getting excited, Li Yixi looked at Xiaobai who was at the side again, he was a little embarrassed at first, but Li Yixi comforted himself, the master is a teacher.

He asked modestly: "Xiaobai, is there any other way to use this power of merit?"

"Just wrapping my body like this, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"How to make yourself feel like flying through the clouds?"

Li Yixi was a little embarrassed, but what he actually wanted to say was how to make himself full of personality, with a fairy air, and an image of a master who soars through the clouds.

Xiaobai didn't feel any surprise when he heard Li Yixi's question, after all, Xiaobai felt that this was in line with Li Yixi's own mortal personality.

Ordinary people, if they can know too much, are they still ordinary people?

Xiaobai explained with a serious face: "Young master, this is the power of merit, but it is actually somewhat different from the power of our cultivation."

"The power of merit is a bit strange, it can be changed arbitrarily according to the young master's thoughts."

"Whatever the young master thinks, the power of merit will change according to the young master's thoughts."

Xiaobai made a foolish sound.

After all, Xiaobai knows very well that Li Yixi's strength is beyond imagination, and whenever he thinks about it, he will show his avenue if he has any thoughts.

"Does it change with your own thoughts?"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Li Yixi showed excitement on his face.

"Can somersaulting clouds be created?"

In Li Yixi's mind, this thought appeared involuntarily, and the next moment Li Yixi found that somersault clouds suddenly appeared under his feet.

Suddenly, a golden cloud appeared under his feet, and Xiao Bai who was beside him staggered in fright, and almost fell from the void.

"Okay, it's dangerous!"

"I, I almost died!"

Seeing the golden cloud under Li Yixi's feet, Xiaobai's face was full of fear, because Li Yixi suddenly turned the power of merit into a cloud, and Xiaobai almost bumped into it.

Xiaobai knows that it is the power of merit, if he hurts even the slightest bit, he will definitely suffer backlash, and he will definitely die.

Xiaobai was so scared that he immediately distanced himself from Li Yixi, his heart beating wildly.

It seems that nothing happened, but Xiao Bai is very clear that the self just now has really walked on the edge of hell.

"Ah this"

"It really works!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Yixi looked excited, standing on the cloud of merit, Li Yixi felt down-to-earth without fear of heights.

Li Yixi felt himself at this moment, and felt that he was really full of life.

The excitement in my heart.

Soon, Li Yixi descended slowly from the void like flying clouds and fog.

Lingshan, the three brothers from the Long family, Tuobaxue and others have already returned, and each of them saw Li Yixi flying through the clouds, and their expressions changed slightly.

"The power of merit!"

"This is the power of merit!"

"How can there be so much power of merit in this world?"

"The meritorious power of the expert is actually overflowing."

Tuoba Xue in the crowd gasped for a moment, unable to describe Li Yixi at this moment.

Not long ago, Tuobaxue received some inheritance from Guanyin Bodhisattva, so she naturally knew how precious the power of merit is. For a little power of merit, those saints even calculated and desperately tried at all costs.

However, in Li Yixi's body, the power of merit is overflowing.

Tuoba Xue was instantly jealous.

"Congratulations, son!"

The three brothers of the Long family rushed to congratulate.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

At this moment, Li Yixi was too pleasantly surprised and felt a little silly. Looking at the excited faces of the people in front of him, he kept nodding his head in thanks.

But when Li Yixi nodded, everyone was extremely uneasy.

In order to congratulate Li Yixi for being able to fly, the three brothers of the Long family prepared a feast at Lingshan.

Seeing a group of monks in the main hall, Li Yixi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Since the three brothers of the Long family want to build Lingshan, then I have to tell them how to build Lingshan."

"This is related to the power of merit, and it cannot be sloppy."

"However, it can be modified!"

After thinking about it, Li Yixi said with a smile: "Everyone, you have established Lingshan now, how do you know how to build the system of Lingshan?"


A group of monks were confused when they heard Li Yixi's words, they didn't understand what a system was.

Li Yixi was a little embarrassed to see the confused faces of the monks.

Hastily added: "System is actually a word in my hometown. It actually means how to set up Lingshan positions."

"For example, Lingshan must have the Lord of Lingshan."

"How do you rank under the Lord of Lingshan?"

"Which existences do you need?"

"Since it is a Buddhist holy place, it can't be like those ordinary places of practice!"

After hearing what Li Yixi said, the three brothers of the Long family's eyes suddenly lit up.

I thought to myself: "Is the expert trying to give us advice?"

The three of them were instantly overjoyed and extremely excited.

Long Yi hurriedly said: "My lord, can you guide us?"

After Long Yi's voice fell, he looked at Li Yixi anxiously, and the three brothers of the Long family also looked excited.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Li Yixi took a deep breath and said with a smile, "I think, since you established Lingshan, you want to imitate the West Paradise in Journey to the West."

"If you want to imitate, then I don't think Lingshan should be built on top of mortal peaks, but a Lingshan should be built and let it float in the sky."

"Since Lingshan is where the Buddhas are, it is naturally different from the place where the Buddhists preach."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, the three brothers of the Long family trembled violently. Building a spirit mountain suspended in the sky was beyond the reach of the three of them, and the three brothers knew very well that they wanted to create such a mountain. The terrifying spirit mountain needs too terrifying fetishes, and there is nothing they can do.

Moreover, they only knew about Lingshan from Li Yixi's story, but they didn't know how to build it and what it looked like.

Long Yi's eyes fell on Li Yixi, and he hurriedly asked: "My lord, it's a bit difficult to build a spiritual mountain, and we don't have the specific shape of the spiritual mountain in our minds, can you have any suggestions?"

Li Yixi just said this because of excitement, because Li Yixi felt that it would be compelling. After all, if a Buddhist holy place is built on a mortal mountain, wouldn't it not be a holy place.

Hearing what the three brothers of the Long family said, Li Yixi was stunned.

But suddenly, Li Yixi's eyes lit up, "I remember something in my system space, which is the spiritual mountain I carved."

Li Yixi thought of this, the next moment, with a thought, there was something extra in Li Yixi's hands.

It was a Foshan, and Li Yixi's face showed joy.

This is the Lingshan Mountain that Li Yixi carved out of a strange material when he was idle. Li Yixi carved it according to the mythical scene in his mind when he was idle and bored.

This spiritual mountain had just appeared, and all the monks present widened their eyes, because they felt the terrifying Buddha's meaning from it.

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