In the void, a white light pierced the sky.

At this moment, Xiaobai rushed to Lingshan at a very fast speed, and as he continued to approach, a look of shock appeared on Liaokong's face.

This territory is actually filled with a strong sense of Zen between heaven and earth.

It seems that those mortals in this territory are also practicing Buddhism.

This place seems to be the pure land of Buddhism.

However, when his excited eyes fell on Su Xiuyi's body, his expression suddenly changed.

Because of Liaokong, at this moment Su Xiuyi's face actually saw a trace of dissatisfaction.

"Why are you dissatisfied, son?"

The smile on Liao Kong's face also gradually disappeared, and he sat cross-legged and began to think.

Xiaobai's speed was very fast, and Xiaobai found a sacred mountain with Buddha's radiance appeared in the sky.

Xiaobai's voice sounded, "My lord, that is Lingshan."

Xiaobai's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived outside the Lingshan Mountain in a short while.

In the Lingshan Mountain at this moment, two voices appeared instantly, carrying endless Buddha light, as if stepping out of the Buddha light.

At the feet of the two, there are golden lotus flowers blooming.

"See you son!"

It was two of the three Long brothers who appeared at this moment.

The two of them didn't expect that Su Xiuyi would go here. At this moment, their faces were filled with ecstasy.

"Is this Lingshan?"

"Where's Long Yi?"

Su Xiuyi glanced at the sacred mountain in front of her, and then her eyes fell on the two people in front of her, but she found that Long Yi was not in it, so she couldn't help asking.

Long Er hastily explained, "Young master, Long Yi went to arrest an extremely evil person, that person has killed tens of millions of mortals in his hands over the years."

"In order to sacrifice an evil soldier, they often slaughtered the creatures in the cities."

"Recently Long Yi found a trace, so Long Yi went to arrest him."

"According to the time calculation, it should be back soon."

Su Xiuyi's eyes showed anger when she heard that the other party had slaughtered such a terrifying number of creatures in order to cultivate the evil weapon.

At this moment, in the void, a figure returned quickly.

It was Long Yi.

When Long Yi saw Su Xiuyi, his face was filled with ecstasy.

Immediately went forward to salute, "Long Yi pays respects to Young Master, I don't know that Young Master is going to Lingshan, otherwise, Long Yi will definitely not leave."

Seeing Long Yi's return, Su Xiuyi couldn't help asking: "Long Yi, I heard that you went to arrest a heinous person, can you kill him?"

Hearing these words, Long Yi's body shook violently.

"My lord, it's been a long time since I found out about the other party's whereabouts. How can I let him escape and ascend to heaven?"

"However, the other party has repented and converted to my Buddha."

"So, I forgive him."

"Sir, look!"

Long Yi hastily pointed to the distance at this moment, at this moment, he saw a monk coming through the sky from the sky, at an extremely fast speed.

Hearing this, Su Xiuyi frowned slightly.

At this moment Long Yi was very excited, and said with a smile: "My lord, to tell you the truth, this person is very powerful, taking refuge in my Buddha today is like adding a War Buddha to my Lingshan, making my Lingshan even more powerful. "

Liao Kong was contemplating all the way, and at this moment Long Yi's voice just fell, Liao Kong found that Su Xiuyi was instantly angry at this moment!

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately?"

Su Xiuyi's voice was slightly cold.

Feeling the coldness on Su Xiuyi's body, Long Yi's body seemed to be knocked out of the ten-thousand-year ice cave at this moment.

Long Er and Long San's complexion changed instantly.

Because they rarely found Su Xiuyi angry, but today Su Xiuyi was actually angry.

Liaokong involuntarily raised his head to look at the sky, and found that the sky was originally clear, but at this moment, black clouds suddenly surged.

At the same time, there were thunderous sounds in the black cloud.

The sound of thunder was extremely terrifying, and at the same time, heavy rain poured down instantly.

"God is angry!"

At the moment when he was empty, his eyelids jumped wildly and his scalp went numb.

The expressions of the three Long brothers are constantly changing.

"He who ruthlessly slaughtered all living beings can still become a Buddha. Does such a person have the qualifications to become a Buddha?"

"Such a person shall go to hell forever."

When Su Xiuyi thought of Long Er's words before, she became extremely angry.

The voice just fell.

All of a sudden, destructive thunderbolts fell in the void. The monk who came to Lingshan was extremely powerful, but in the blink of an eye, his body turned into nothingness.

There is no resistance.

At the same time, black chains appeared in the dark, making a rattling sound.

These chains seemed to be transformed by the order of heaven, and in the blink of an eye, they directly pierced the soul body in the void, and those black chains erupted with unimaginable power, pulling their soul into hell.

At the same time, at this moment, countless hands stretched out from the depths of hell, pulling his soul into the river of blood.

Seeing this scene in front of him, his body trembled violently.

The three brothers Long Yi were also drenched with sweat at this moment.

They knew that the man died because Su Xiuyi was angry.

"I just said that such a person can't even forgive God, how can he be qualified to become a Buddha?"

"This kind of people should be punished."

At this moment, Su Xiuyi's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm.

The three brothers of the Long family knelt down in front of Su Xiuyi instantly.

"Young master, the three of us are guilty."

At this moment, the three brothers of the Long family were sweating profusely.

Su Xiuyi didn't let the three of them get up, but said indifferently: "The three of you followed me from the lower realm and stayed by my side all the time. Now, your strength is extremely strong, but I still have to say, you three The three of them are possessed."

"The villain has done evil deeds all his life, causing countless innocent people to die, and in the end, he can become a Buddha just by stopping!"

"A good person has done good deeds all his life, and in the end he did one evil deed, and he will be criticized by thousands of people, and he will feel that the other party has revealed his true colors."

"A good person needs to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships to practice Buddhism, and a bad person needs to put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha."

"Do you think this is the Buddha in your heart?"

"Aren't you forcing good people to have nowhere to retreat, and gradually become heartless, the Buddha has an angry look at Vajra, why?"

"What is the holy land in your heart?"

When everyone heard Su Xiuyi's words, their faces changed again and again.

At this moment, he didn't dare to say much at all.

Su Xiuyi was not the slightest bit polite to the three brothers of the Long family.

"I think the holy land should be protected by good people and saved by bad people!"

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. That should be the words of salvation for those ordinary monks who have not cultivated supernatural powers. Because they have no power, they can only use this method to let the other party kill less and save all living beings."

"But you have the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth, but you actually let the wicked become Buddhas. Then what's the use of cultivating Buddhas, and what is the difference between you and demons?"

"Ordinary monks use this sentence because they can only be outsmarted."

"You practice the way of Buddha, and you should bless the world with your strength."

"What is a holy place?"

"It's not that being powerful is a holy place, but being a holy place in the hearts of all people in the world is the real holy place."

"Buddha, in the hearts of all people in the world."

"Instead of imposing it on the hearts of all the people in the world."

"Otherwise, it's a demon!"

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