Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 491 Mosquito Daoist

Originally, with the Bing Sanren's cultivation base, if he fought head-on, he would not be killed in seconds even if he lost. If he opened the ice shield, it would take a lot of trouble for Taoist nuns to break it.

It's a pity that most of his attention is eavesdropping on the conversation between the two people in the room below, and he is too confident in himself, thinking that he can't hide any troubles around him from his eyes and ears.

Unexpectedly, an enemy with unfathomable cultivation came, approached him silently, and then shot directly without giving him the slightest chance to resist.

You must know that in the animal world, two fierce beasts that may be evenly matched, if one is unprepared and the other is waiting for an opportunity to attack, there will often be instant kills, not to mention that his cultivation base is not as good as that Taoist nun?

Qiu Honglei in the room below raised her head suspiciously: "Bing Sanren, what's the matter?"

Although Bing Sanren didn't make any effective resistance during the whole process, it was inevitable that there would be some noise on the roof. Qiu Honglei is also a master, and this noise was not hidden from her eyes and ears.

Of course, she didn't think too much about it, she just asked casually, after all, no one would have thought that one of the eight great scattered members of the Demon Sect would be instantly killed.

It's a pity that there was no response at all, Qiu Honglei walked to the window in doubt, and called again: "Bing Sanren?"

At this moment, the window burst open suddenly, and an apricot-yellow figure rushed in, and a pair of white palms patted her chest.

In a hurry, Qiu Honglei didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly raised her palms across her chest to meet the enemy, her hands intersected, her whole body felt like a thunderbolt, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her breath became weaker.

The person who came was naturally the Taoist nun, and she gasped: "The saintesses of the Demon Sect really have some skills."

Although her tone was full of praise, she didn't stop at all, and continued to attack the opponent's vital points.

It was already a miracle that the other party was able to catch her move when he was caught off guard, and she was doomed this time.

Seeing that white but murderous hand, Qiu Hong's tears flashed a trace of desperation. She was thrown into a mess by the blow just now. Originally, with her cultivation base, it took about three breaths to adjust her breath. She should be able to recover her combat power, but the other party would not give her this chance.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, hugging her with a warm arm: "Go!"

The critical moment was naturally Zaun's ability to use Gale to snatch her back when her life was hanging by a thread.

The Taoist slap missed the target and hit the pillar behind Qiu Honglei just now.

It didn't make any earth-shattering sound, on the contrary, there was no sound at all, which didn't match the menacing palm, which made people feel an extremely contradictory and twisted feeling.

But when she withdrew her palm, the thick pillar that was originally hugged by one person collapsed in an instant. It wasn't that kind of section, but the whole pillar turned into powder and fell down.

Zu'an and Qiu Honglei looked pale, if they had been hit by this palm just now, they would have turned into a puddle of pus and blood, right?

Only then did the two have the opportunity to look at their opponents. They saw a Taoist nun wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe and holding a whisk in her hand. She actually looked quite ordinary, but she revealed a coquettish temperament all over her body.

Seeing the other party's attire, Zu'an was startled: "Li Mochou?"

This image is really too similar to Li Mochou's dress in The Legend of Condor Heroes, but the appearance is still much worse than Li Mochou.

"Huh?" The nun didn't continue to attack, but looked at Zu'an curiously, "What's the name of your kid's move just now, why is it so fast?"

Zu'an snorted: "Why should I tell you, why don't you tell me what's famous about your palm first?"

The Taoist sneered: "Stinky boy, court death!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she attacked the two of them with a palm. The speed was so fast that almost as soon as she made a move, the force of her palm had already reached the two of them.

Zu'an was terrified, and hurriedly cast "Sunflower Phantom", turning into three figures and running in different directions.

The Taoist nun hit an afterimage, and the astonishment in her eyes became stronger: "This movement method"

Zu'an didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly hugged Qiu Honglei and tried to rush out the door.

How could the Taoist nun let him succeed? With a shake of the whisk in her hand, the silk thread that was originally several feet long instantly expanded to several feet in length, and directly blocked the door.

Zaun was taken aback and hurriedly changed direction.

It's a pity that those white silk threads seem to be alive, one by one, like long snakes, winding around the two of them non-stop.

Out of the corner of Zaan's eyes, these silk threads slid across the bench beside him. The hard bench seemed to have been cut by a laser, and it was instantly broken into two pieces. The cut surface was extremely smooth. How dare he let these silk threads get entangled?

He used the "Sunflower Phantom" to the extreme, and kept avoiding the flying silk threads around him, but these white silk threads seemed to have no end, they kept extending and growing, and soon the whole room was everywhere, as if forming a sheet. Like a spider web, the place where he can move and dodge is getting smaller and smaller.

A cruel smile of cat and mouse appeared on the Taoist aunt's face: "Stinky boy, you really surprised me. Although your cultivation base is extremely low, but the magic of this movement method is not even comparable to many masters. I feel sorry for you!" I am getting more and more interested.”

"Since you're so interested, why are you so ruthless?" Zuan sweated from his temples, looking at the secret numb threads around him, he could predict that he would probably be caught in less than half a minute.

The nun said with a smile: "It's just because I'm interested that I want to grab it and play with it slowly. I just like a young and strong man like you."

Zaan felt a chill, and couldn't help cursing: "It's a pity that I'm not interested in an old woman like you."

"What did you say!" The nun was furious, and screamed, and the silk thread on the whisk grew more and more violently.

The anger value from Taoist Mosquito +678!

"Mosquito Taoist?" Seeing the anger bar in the background, Zu'an was startled, at first he thought it was a spider spirit.

It's a pity that the price of angering the other party is very high. The skyrocketing silk threads of the whisk left him nowhere to hide, and he could only watch helplessly as the silk threads entangled in all directions.

At this moment, Qiu Honglei in his arms suddenly took out a lantern, and the light yellow light scattered in all directions, and the silk threads that were attacking at high speed froze in place as if they had been hit by a fixation spell.

Although Zaan avoided for a long time just now, but his speed was extremely fast, so the time passed very short. Only then did Qiu Honglei adjust the chaotic vitality in his body, and finally he was able to make a move.

"Huh? Changxin Palace Lantern!" Daoist Mosquito stared at the lantern in her hand, a greedy gleam burst out of his eyes.

Qiu Honglei was sweating profusely at this moment: "Go, I can't control her for too long!"

Zaan hugged her and searched around, couldn't help crying secretly, I want to leave too, but now the whole room is made like a coiled silk hole by her whisk, I can't get out even if I want to.

Mosquito Taoist smiled coquettishly: "Your cultivation base is too low to fully display the strength of this lamp. I will recover soon, and then this lamp will be mine."

She didn't expect to be so lucky today. First, she inhaled a stump in the wild. Although the guy was a bit stupid, his cultivation level was not low. The advantage was that he was young, and the taste was very good; It's worse, but his cultivation base is higher.

Now I was thinking that I could kill the demon saint, and then snatch Zu'an away and slowly torture the Phoenix Nirvana Sutra, but I didn't expect to find the existence of the Changxin Palace Lantern. Although it is not as powerful as the lamp in memory, it is in In her opinion, it was just because the opponent's strength was too low to perform.

Thinking of so many superb harvests today, she couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh. These years, I had to hide in Tibet because of my notoriety. Who can do nothing to get her?

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