Although twice before and after, Jiang Yu left the office with a smile on his face.But the mood of the two times before and after was completely different.

Coming out of Chief Pang Ke's office, he was filled with anger and disappointment.

At this time, his mood was full of sunshine.

A month ago, I just took a random shot to save a person, and I didn't think about what would happen afterwards?

But God had prepared such a big gift package for him, and the person he accidentally saved was the general manager of the oil company!

Jiang Yu felt that some kind of power seemed to be making international jokes with him.

Whether it's a joke or not, the oil in your hand is true.This is true.

Jiang Yu went to the business hall below to issue an invoice and pay the payment.

The very interesting little girl expressed surprise when she saw the note, and while she was surprised, she quickly issued a receipt to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu went out with the receipt and stepped on the tractor.

Zhang Shanbo and Lu Changhe, these two bastards, just sat in the cab of the tractor to suffer from the cold.

Although this Shanghai 50 has a cab made of canvas, it can only block the cold wind blowing around, but it cannot resist the invasion of low temperature.

These two guys were wearing ragged cotton jackets, shivering in the cab.

"You two are like dead people, go down for a stroll, don't just sit here and force yourself."

"We are wearing ragged cotton jackets and old clothes, how can we have the nerve to go out for a walk?"

Before coming here, Jiang Yu deliberately made them wear old clothes and ragged cotton jackets, because he was worried that the oil would splash on the clothes and it would be difficult to wash them.

"I still have face, I know I'm embarrassed to go out, and I'm promising!"

Jiang Yu made some sarcasm, and started the tractor to come to the oil company's oil storage depot at the foot of Meihua Mountain.

When the third line was built, Meihua Mountain was almost hollowed out.

Now it has become an oil company's oil storage depot. I don't know how many oil storage equipment there are in the mountain. Even in the large yard outside, there are more than a dozen large round oil tanks.

Jiang Yu handed the payment receipt to the custodian of the oil depot at the gate of the yard of the oil depot, and the custodian led Jiang Yu's tractor to a large oil tank.

A barrel of oil is 360 catties, and three tons of oil is [-] and a half barrels.

At this time, it was time for Lu Changhe and Zhang Shanbo to show their skills.

Two people unscrewed the lids of sixteen oil drums in the car, and then one person took a black rubber tube with a valve switch and inserted it into the oil drums, turned on the switch to fill the oil drums, filled one oil drum, closed the valve and then Go fill a bucket.

It takes two to three minutes to fill one barrel of oil, and half an hour to fill sixteen barrels of oil.

When the sixteen barrels were full, there were still more than 200 catties left, and more than half of a barrel was filled.

After Jiang Yu drove the tractor to pull the oil out of the compound of the oil company's oil depot, he finally calmed down completely.

As the saying goes: If there is food at home, don’t panic.

Jiang Yu now has oil in his hands and feels at ease.

It is now ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yu drove the car to the first transportation team to find Han Hanxiang.

Unfortunately, Han Guoxiang went out for a long-distance run with his master today, and he will not be able to return until the day after tomorrow. It is possible to spend the 15th Lantern Festival outside.

I don't know if he has found the driver for this guy, and has he handled the transfer of those tractors?This guy is running long distances at this time, really in a hurry.

Jiang Yu was not in a hurry, so he had lunch at a restaurant in the east of the county.

Lu Changhe and Zhang Shanbo came out to soak up the oil, isn't it just the restaurant in the afternoon in the picture.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Yu drove the tractor back to Huangling Village, and directly pulled a truckload of oil into the yard of the team headquarters without unloading the truck.

This trailer will be used exclusively for pulling oil in the future.

What Jiang Yu never imagined in his dreams was that Han Hanxiang, a pancake guy, would appear in Huangling Village in the afternoon.

In other words, as soon as he drove the tractor into the yard, within 5 minutes, Han Guoxiang appeared in front of him.

It made him a little dazed.

"The person in the communication room of your team said that you and your master went on a long-distance trip?"

"It's true! It's just that my master went there by himself. I ran down the road halfway. I have to make a transfer for your tractors. I'm going to the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office."

"Then why did you come here again?"

"Don't mention it! If you want to transfer the tractor's registration, first of all you have to have a receiving unit, the receiving unit will be fired, the tractor has a residence permit, and the seller's unit is issuing a transfer permit, so that the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office can handle the transfer procedures for you. , if your tractor wants to settle in the Jianshan Commune Tractor Station, you must have the Jianshan Commune Tractor Station Settlement Permit Certificate, otherwise it will not be possible.”

Jiang Yu slapped his head: "I'm to blame for this. I thought it was because I first went to the seller to get the certificate of transfer, then went to the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office to transfer, and finally settled in our Jianshan Township. Damn, I got it upside down, but now Even if you go to the tractor station to apply for a transfer permit, you can’t do it today, or it won’t be too late to wait until the road is finished, so why don’t you tell me if you’ve found the driver for me?”

"What a big deal! Our company has a lot of drivers who are usually sick and do odd jobs outside. Besides, don't you just repair the road under your feet? It's just wandering around the door, and the traffic police won't come here to arrest you. It doesn’t matter if you have a driver’s license or not, as long as you can drive! I can handle nine drivers. I heard that you pay fifteen a day here, and you also take care of food and lodging. Many people want to come, but it’s a pity that you need nine people.”

That's the case, the traffic police really won't come to this poor mountain valley.

"Anyone else wants to come? I calculated that ten tractors are not enough, and five more tractors are needed, which means that five more drivers are needed. You can find six more. I may have to make overall plans by then. , I won’t go down and drive.” He felt that when the road was repaired, there might be various emergencies waiting for him to deal with, and the tractor he was driving would definitely delay work.

Then it is better to find a driver to drive, nothing more than spending more than 100 yuan.

"Where do the drivers I'm looking for come and live?"

"In our village, a family built a new house the year before last, and there was an old house with three rooms that was vacant. I rented this house. If it is still not open, the house in the team headquarters also has kang beds, which can sleep four or five people. No matter what, I’ve settled down. I also hired two women to cook for you, but I want to warn your drivers in advance, be honest with your mouth and hands, and don’t cause any mess here.”

Han Hanxiang didn't like to hear it: "It's only been more than ten days, what can he cause?"

"Nine of the ten drivers are flirtatious, and one is even more flirtatious. What do you think you can cause?"

Han Hanxiang smiled: "The driver industry is stinked by you."

"What do you mean it's stinky? The reputation is created by yourself, but it is also corrupted by yourself. You know what your drivers have done."

"Don't talk nonsense, you drive the tractor and send me to your commune. If the tractor station is not off work, you can go and drive the transfer certificate. I will take the car home and I will do it for you when I have time."

This makes sense, Jiang Yu took off the body of the car and drove the front of the car, pulling Han Guoxiang straight to the commune.

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