"That's right! Does the Zhuanggang County Local Miscellaneous Company sell color TVs?"

Just when An Minghai made up his mind to go to the provincial TV station to advertise, Jiang Yu suddenly asked a heartless question.

From shredders to televisions, although they are all called machines, the gap between them is a bit large.

"I don't know either, I never asked."

"Don't you have the phone number of the manager of Zhuanggang Local Miscellaneous Company? Just ask, they just don't sell. Contact the company that sells electrical appliances. If you do, wouldn't it be good for them to make a little difference in the price?"

"I'll go back and ask you, do you still have a TV in your hand?"

"No! But I can get in touch. A TV factory in the south asked me to develop customers locally. The main reason is that I don't have time to do this during this period."

"You kid is getting more and more capable. You can even connect to the TV."

"Good luck, no tricks!"

"I said you are fat and you are still panting. I'm leaving, so I won't disturb you young people."

"Second Uncle! Don't forget about the TV." Jiang Yu didn't forget to remind him when he got outside the door.

When Jiang Yu returned to his sleeping room, he always felt that something was wrong.

Sweeping his eyes around, he found that Bai Feng's eyes were staring at him very brightly.

This Gua Wazi doesn't think that An Minghai is here for his niece, does he?

She must think so, and the possibility is very high.

"I'm going to the oil company to buy oil tomorrow. I need two helpers. Who has the time to go with me?"

"I'll go!" Lu Changhe was the first to raise his hand.

"I'll go too!" Bai Feng was the second to react.

This unscientific!

"We are going to buy oil, otherwise we will collapse, why are you a big girl joining in the fun?"

"Can't I go for a stroll along with you?"

This woman actually said it with confidence.

"If you are not afraid of getting a smell of oil, go! But you'd better get a rag and wear it."

Bai Feng's eyeballs whirled for a while and finally gave up.

She couldn't accept the fact that she was asked to wear old clothes to the county seat.

Finally, it was Lu Changhe and Zhang Shanbo who decided to follow Jiang Yu to the oil company to buy oil.

A five-ton truck body can hold 24 oil drums. When buying a car, a tractor must be equipped with an oil drum.

Therefore, Jiang Yu didn't worry about the oil barrels at all. He drove to the machinery factory to fill a trailer full of empty oil barrels and came to the oil company.

The oil company was located in the south of Donghe County, which was a relatively remote place in Donghe at that time, not far from the city.

No one would have thought that 30 years later, this would be the most prosperous residential area in Donghe, and almost all the most luxurious residential areas in Donghe would be concentrated here.

If Jiang Yu told the people living in this generation what will happen here in the future, they would probably all laugh out loud.

It's not clear whether other people will lose their teeth when they laugh, but the waiter in the window of the sales department of the oil company has very white teeth when he smiles.

"Sister! How much is a ton of premium oil?"

"Eight hundred yuan a ton, but it's out of stock!"

This sentence is undoubtedly a slap in the face for Jiang Yu.

Hold the grass!Premium oil is out of stock, can this still work?

This is the end of the calf, to use the Internet buzzwords more than [-] years later to describe it: Pabiqiu.

Without oil, his tractor died, and it's not worth repairing the road.

"Sister! When can I come? Can't I be old?" Jiang Yu didn't give up.

"Ten days later."

This answer is too nonsense, after ten days, there will be many more days.

Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the day after tomorrow their road will officially start to be repaired. Although the first two days are just manual digging, the roadbed will be dug in at most two days, and the tractor will start working.

Not to mention ten days or even five days.

Jiang Yu frowns, feeling powerless for the first time.

Although he looks like a bitter melon on the outside, his brain is spinning at a high speed.

Must get oil.

"Sister! Doesn't your oil company order any reserve oil? Even if it's more expensive, we need it urgently."

"I'm just a salesperson. If there is any reserve oil you mentioned, you have to ask the director, manager or something. How do I know if there is any?"

Jiang Yu intends to contact the leaders of the oil company. If the oil company really can't get oil, he can only go to the few transportation companies that he has dealt with to buy it, even if it costs a high price.

"Then is your manager there?"

The little girl shook her head: "Not here! The principal and deputy managers seem to have gone to a meeting somewhere, and 90.00% of them won't be back in the morning."

Look at what you choose at this time. There is a saying that if you are lucky, you will get stuck in your teeth if you drink cold water.

"Then who in your company has the final say?"

"If you want to ask oil, you can only ask Chief Pang Ke, he is here!"

"Which room does Chief Pang work in?"

"Supply department on the second floor, but...be careful yourself."

This little girl is quite interesting, what does the last half of the sentence mean?

Jiang Yu came to the second floor and knocked on the door of the fuel supply department.

"Come in!" A lazy voice came from the room.

In the next second, Jiang Yu saw the owner of the voice.

The person sitting behind the desk is over 40 years old, and his facial features are considered correct, but the eyes are a little small, giving people the impression that the eyes are borrowed from someone else.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I want to buy some premium oil."

"Buy premium oil? Then you should go to the business hall. You went to the wrong place."

"The business office said that the company is temporarily out of gas, and it will take more than ten days to come."

"Then go home and wait!"

This Chief Pang Ke didn't seem to be very talkative, and his tone was a bit blunt.

"Section Chief! We are anxiously waiting for diesel oil, and I am afraid it will not last more than ten days. I would like to ask, does the oil company provide emergency oil or something? Even if we spend an extra two dollars, it will do."

"Which unit do you belong to?"

"We are from Fengwobao Village, Jianshan Commune."

"It's from the countryside! Even if the oil company has emergency oil, it should give priority to the city, no! You can go back." Chief Pang Ke's mouth turned up slightly.

How did you become an official? You just think so in your heart, and you shouldn't say it out of your mouth.

However, Jiang Yu concluded from his tone that the oil company still had oil in its hands.

"Master Pangke! We need to build a road, which is related to our village's fortune, but we can't do it without diesel tractors..."

"Whether your tractor can work or not has anything to do with us? Go home and wait for more than ten days, and wait until the oil comes and it doesn't work."

"Chief Pang! That's not the case. We rushed to repair this road before the spring sowing. It only took more than ten days. After more than ten days, the production of spring sowing will be affected."

"Then I have no choice. You can only go home and wait honestly. If it doesn't work, you can change the construction time again. You can go. Don't delay my work."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry to trouble you, Chief Pang."

Jiang Yu exited Chief Pang's office with a smile on his face.

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