Zhang Shanbo's words are not unreasonable. Even if Huangling Village purchased more than a dozen TV sets last year, there were only more than 20 sets, accounting for only one-third of the total number of households in the village.

If these people want to watch TV, they can only go to other people's homes to watch TV at night. Over time, people who have TVs will definitely feel annoyed even if they don't talk about it.

If a TV is placed at the team headquarters, those who don't have a TV will all go to the team headquarters to watch it, so as not to look at other people's faces.

It is beneficial for the people of a village to gather together frequently, both to discuss strategies that may be useful, and at the same time to be conducive to unity.

Since the village wanted a TV, it naturally couldn't make up the numbers with a black and white TV, but had to get a color TV anyway.

Of course, Qian Jiangyu would not pay for it himself. After all, a new color TV costs several thousand, and his name is not Lei Feng.

Even if this TV set goes to Zhang Fugui and the company behind him, when the sales volume reaches a certain level, Zhang Fugui wants one to be placed in the team headquarters.

This TV can be placed in the team headquarters, but the ownership must belong to Jiang Yu. When there are TVs in the whole village, it will be meat if it is disposed of.

The sales of TV sets should be taken seriously, and when the road is repaired, take time to run around, contact some sales outlets, and get some quick money back.

Jiang Yu opened the door of the team headquarters and let the energetic young people from Huangling Village into the house.

The room where Jiang Yu slept on duty was packed in the blink of an eye.

The girls all got on the kang, quacking like a group of ducks. Some of the boys sat on the edge of the kang, and some stood in the open space without a place to sit.

Jiang Yu asked Li Qingxian to drag two long benches from the big room where the whole team was reserved for meetings, so that these guys didn't have to stand like sorghum.

As the saying goes, old men get together to talk about mules and horses, old ladies get together to talk about chickens and ducks, older girls get together to talk about rubbing powder and embroidery, and young men get together to talk about that and what.

Now, the young people in Huangling Village gather together and talk about nature, which cannot be separated from the things that young people are interested in.

This is an age eager to understand the world and dream of changing the world, even if you are born in a rural area.

If the young people in Huangling Village want to have a deeper understanding of the world, apart from the TV, Jiang Yu is here.

There is no TV in the team headquarters, so Jiang Yu is the only source of knowledge absorption.

"Jiang Yu! In 15 years, will every family have a motorcycle?" Tang Qinggang, a car idiot in the village, expressed doubts about what Jiang Yu said just now that every family will have a motorcycle in 15 years.

"What are motorcycles? After 25 years, most families will have cars. Anyway, your generation just happens to catch up with you."

"Most families have cars!" There was an exclamation in the room.

Although the people who exclaimed didn't know how much a car cost, they couldn't stop them from exclaiming.

It's definitely not cheap.

"Don't think about cars for now, you should study your tractors carefully. There are less than ten days before March [-]st. Those who sign up to learn tractors are ready for me, and they will study hard when the time comes. , you will have a chance to show your talents soon." Jiang Yu silently shifted everyone's attention to the tractor.

"Jiang Yu! I'm afraid I won't be able to learn or pass the exam!"

"Why can't you pass the exam? How can you eat? Why don't you ask a master to teach you how to sleep when you marry a wife in the future?"

Jiang Yu's words drew a burst of laughter.

"Brother Jiang Yu! Be careful what you say, don't speak below the waistband!"

The girls protested, and Bai Feng became the representative.

Why can't she be blinded anywhere?

"Jiang Yu! I'm also worried about Goudanzi's words, and I'm also worried that I will also take the exam..."

"Zhang drop pants! You say my nickname again and you and I are anxious." The young man who was the first to worry that he would not be able to pass the exam just now became angry.

This guy's surname is Gou, and his nickname is Dandan. Everyone in Huangling Village calls him Goudan.

When I was young, I didn't take it seriously to call him that, but when I grew up, I had opinions in my heart.

"Damn! You still want to be anxious? Are corns as big as bulls' eyes?"

"Let's make room, let these two guys fight once, and see if you lose your pants and you're as good as a dog." Some people watched the excitement and were not afraid of trouble, so they fought on the side.

"You all stop and stop. It's just a nickname. It's been called for more than ten years. What's there to be ashamed of? I still have a nickname! Did I say anything?"

It's okay if Jiang Yu doesn't say this, but when he mentions it, people will think of his nickname: Urine.

This nickname originated from a time when he suggested playing with his little friend He Ni when he was a child.

Zhang Shanbo and Bai Jianshe played with him at the time.

Bai Jianshe was older than them all, so he smeared the faces of Jiang Yu and Zhang Shanbo with mud.

Jiang Yu made a point of urinating into the mud with Zhang Shanbo, and then threw Bai Jianshe all over.

After this incident, Bai Jianshe knew the inside story, blocked them several times, and wanted to beat them.

In the end, Jiang Yu got the nickname of Urine Mud.

Before he joined the army, people in the village often called him that, but after returning from demobilization, no one mentioned it anymore.

Now that he mentioned it himself, everyone suddenly realized.

"Your nickname has something to do with Bai Jianshe. It's a pity that this guy has been taken care of by his wife since he married his wife. Normally, he doesn't come out."

Jiang Yu turned to Baifeng: "Baifeng! You have time to go to your brother's house. Your brother wants a tractor on credit. You tell him that the tractor has been packed. If he wants it, I will come with me in two days to check the condition of the car. , choose one in advance.”

"Ah! Bai Jianshe has decided to get a tractor!"

"What kind of tractor does Bai Jianshe want?"

"I can only ask for 28. He wants a cheap and fuel-efficient one."

"Jiang Yu! How much are those tractors of yours?"

"Why do you want to buy it at home?"

"Can't you just ask?"

"These tractors were not expensive when I bought them, but I overhauled all those old tractors, and I changed the front and bucket tires. It's not cheap to tinker with it. A 28-car takeaway costs at least four dollars. Thousand five."

Four thousand and five Jiang Yu can still make some money, just earn a hard fee, if he doesn't make money, what is he doing with these things?

But not much, like Dongfanghong 28, he can earn three heads and two hundred, but he earns more for big 60 and those 50.

His asking price for the big 60 tractors is 50 to [-], and his asking price for those [-] tractors is [-].

It's just that he doesn't plan to sell the 50 tractors. He wants to keep them for two years to earn freight, and then dispose of them after two years.

A tractor earns 50 yuan a year, and he owns 50 Shanghai 20s and JAC [-]s, which cost more than [-] yuan a year.

Those guys in Huangling Village who had never seen the world were taken aback by the price of four thousand and five.

"It's normal for you to be worried that you won't get the ticket, but let me tell you, as long as you are not stupid than pigs, you will have no problem getting the ticket."

If you spend the money, even if you are really stupid than a pig, you can still get the ticket.

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