The villagers of Huangling Village really went to the machinery factory to buy a crusher. Jiang Yu believed that An Minghai would definitely give him a discount, at least an ex-factory price would not be a problem.

Of course, this is not something he should worry about. Jiang Yu believes that once this advertisement comes out, An Minghai's shredder will definitely usher in a peak sales period.

The materials for the house are ready, the application for renovating the house has also been submitted, and the bricklayer has also been booked. Construction will start after May Day, and the beams will be erected before the rainy season arrives.

After the ad, the routine is East River News.

Donghe County TV Station was established in [-], and it has been less than a year since it was fully charged. Everything seems very immature, which can be seen from the announcer.

The Donghe local accent is definitely not suitable for an announcer. I don’t know where the two announcers of the TV station were found. The female announcer is still passable, but the male actor Jiang Yu feels ashamed when he looks at it. .

"...With the approval of the State Council, our county has become one of the key demonstration counties for seafood farming in coastal areas. Starting this summer, the state will invest x billion in succession to invest in shrimp and scallop farming circles along the coast of our county..."

This announcer's nasal voice is not heavy, but he still has a bit of a big tongue, which is really intolerable.

Jiang Yu thought that he went up and paid attention to his pronunciation and said a few words, which were better than the mandarin standard of this announcer.

Although he couldn't bear the announcer's spoken language, Jiang Yu was very happy with the content of the program he broadcast today. What he wanted finally came out.

The next day, Jiang Yu came to the village committee and proposed to Li Jinyou to practice Taoism.

"Cultivate Taoism? What Taoism do you cultivate?" Li Jinyou was stunned.

"Build a road that is about four miles from Huangling Village to the county road."

The county road passes south of Hexi Village, and is separated from Huangling Village by Hexi Village and Lingdong Village, with a total length of nearly four miles.

"Ah! What kind of Tao is this good?" Asked Bai Lianjie, the accountant Baifeng Laozi.

"This road will be of great use soon. Tractors will pass by it more than a hundred times a day. Now this road can't bear such a large load. If it is not repaired, it will be as muddy as a quagmire."

"How could there be so many tractors passing by? Usually, there are only a few tractors passing by sporadically."

"That is a normal year. Starting this year, this road will become one of the busiest roads in rural Donghe County."

"You kid came to me again to brag. Even if you practice Taoism, where do you get the money? There is no plan for this fund in the village, and there is no such fund."

"You don't have to worry about the money issue. I'll take care of it. Murakami only needs to provide labor. Isn't there volunteer labor? Murakami provides volunteer labor, and I will provide the materials for cultivating the Tao."

He has borrowed so much money, including the budget for cultivating the Tao. He planned it all at the beginning. It is unrealistic to expect the public to fund the Taoism for the time being, and this road must be repaired. If the tractor is not repaired, the road will be destroyed in one summer. Lose.

Without this road, how can his stones and sand be pulled out?

"It's no problem for the village to send out volunteers. The team leaders from each village are called together and assigned to them. Let them go back and call for work."

"That's it. The rocks under some hard sections of this road don't need to be repaired, but the section from Lingdong to the county road must be repaired. Every spring and autumn, this section of the road is muddy, and there are two small streams in the middle. It has to be repaired too."

"You want to build bridges?"

Jiang Yu shook his head: "It is really impossible to repair the bridge, and it may not meet the design requirements. My idea is to build two water dustpans on these two streams, which is enough to meet the traffic requirements."

The water dustpan is a dustpan-like project made of cement on the river bottom at the river of the road, and the water trucks pass on the dustpan.

As long as there is no flood, it can pass through.

Although the form is a bit old, at least you won't miss the train in the ditch.

"How do you want to build the road? According to what standard?"

"Excavate all the road sections, lay a layer of gravel from the quarry underneath, with a thickness of no less than ten centimeters, then spread a layer of big stones, and on top of the big stones, put another layer of crushed stones, and finally add soil and sand. "

"Hold the grass! How deep are you digging here?"

"Not less than sixty centimeters deep."

"The amount of this project is not small."

"In the next few years, this road will be a typical way to get rich. At that time, there will be small shops on both sides of the road, car repair shops, and even restaurants with snack bars, which will greatly drive our Phoenix. The economic development of Wobao Village."

There are so many tractors passing by, at least there must be someone who repairs tires and runs electric welding!There must be a small shop to sell goods!

In addition to the tractors in the main village of Fengwobao Village, there will also be tractors from other places to Huangling Village to pull stones and sand, and a snack department is not too much, right?

Three wholes and two wholes, the two sides of this road will develop.

"Fengwobao's whole brigade has thousands of laborers. There are many people and great strength. I estimate that it will take ten and a half months to finish everything. If we start working now, we won't delay farming."

Li Jinyou thought for a while: "If you want to get rich, build roads first! Old nephew! You want to build roads and the village will fully support you, but we really can only provide manpower, and you have to pay for cars and money yourself."

"I happen to only have a car and money, so it's settled. I'll drive the car back right away."

Those tractors of his have been in the repair shop for five or six days, they should be repaired, and they should be driven back.

Jiang Yu is expected to spend [-] yuan to build this road.

In [-], the money was useless to build a four-mile-long road.

The labor is a volunteer from the brigade, and the car is his own.

What was spent was gas money, a few drivers and the stone cost paid to the masons in the quarry.

Then there is the water dustpan money for repairing the creek for two days.

After such a calculation, it really doesn't cost much, and 5 yuan seems to be useless.

"Then I will broadcast the notice immediately, and let the team leaders come to the meeting. After the implementation, we will start work immediately, and try to make this road look brand new before the spring broadcast."

Li Jinyou went to call the team captains for a meeting, but Jiang Yu was definitely not included in this meeting lineup.

Because he drove the tractor head to the county seat.

First, I found Han Guoxiang, and then through him, I found six drivers who were idle in the fleet.

Jiang Yu now has ten Shanghai 50s, eight JAC 50s, six Dongfanghong 28s, seven Da60 tractors, one Tieniu 55, and seven 22-horsepower tractors.

Among them, the 50 series and 22 horsepower tractors were driven back to Jianshan by him.

There are only seven big 60s and six Dong 28s in the repair shop and that useless 55.

55. Jiang Yu never repaired them at all. The engine overhaul of the other thirteen tractors cost a total of 500 yuan, and the tire replacement cost more than 8000 yuan.

A little over 5000 was spent in the repair shop.

There were only seven drivers including Han Guoxiang, and it took two trips for these cars to drive back to Jianshan.

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