As for Yao Xianwen's dream of becoming 500 million years old, it is somewhat difficult to realize this ideal.

Unless he can occupy the market in the entire Anton region.

Of course, there are still ideals, what if they come true?

"Actually, you don't have to send a car yourself, you just make a phone call, and the brewery will deliver the wine to you."

"Pull it down! Don't you pay for the car of the beer factory? If you dare to say no to the car of the hard beer factory, I'll let them deliver it."

"There must be a shipping fee for this."

"Still! Isn't it nice for Yue Fei to spin his own car?"

"Actually, the shipping fee for the brewery's car to deliver wine is lower than that of a business car. After all, it is mainly for selling wine, so it is impossible to add too high a shipping fee."

"I feel distressed even if I add a little bit, but I still keep it for myself, and I feel at ease."

"Your restaurant didn't plan to open a year ago?"

"What kind of business are you opening now? Your factory isn't open yet, so there's no one there!"

"Don't worry! There will be someone next year. None\./wrong\./changed\./new `.`.`.c`.o`."

"I hired someone to take care of the house for me. In the winter, it's enough to burn the boiler and keep the house warm. It will open on May [-]st next year."

Yao Xianwen is also a celebrity in Zhuanggang now, and has represented most of the products of Fengwobao Village in the Andong area.

It also earns millions of dollars a year.

He didn't open this hotel in Fengwobao Development Zone to make money.

In a place like Fengwobao Village, it is not bad for a hotel to earn hundreds of thousands a year, which is not the best investment for him.

The reason why he invested in the hotel here is mainly because it is closer to Fengwobao. If there is any new news from Fengwobao, they will know it immediately.

Fengwobao Village is his source of income, so naturally he should attach great importance to it.

The other one is that his daughter is old, and she will be twenty this year.

This kid is good and doesn't learn, he's a mess all day long, and he often deals with people who don't know what to do. .

He was worried that the child would become a female hooligan, so he planned to bring her to Fengwobao. One was far away from Zhuanggang, and he would no longer have contact with those dubious people.

Another one is to infect the atmosphere of Fengwobao.

Fengwobao Village is very strict about both economy and spiritual civilization.

There have never been such dark things as fights and fights here.

In this atmosphere, maybe the child will learn well.

Of course, she can't manage it by herself, and his wife will follow.

"Next year my daughter will come to run the hotel, my wife will be in charge of the finances, and the young people will lose their hands. You will have to take care of them by then."

"What did you think of sending your daughter here? How old is she?"

When Jiang Yu first met Yao Xianwen, Yao Xianwen took his daughter to Fengwobao once, as if she was thirteen or fourteen years old at that time.

"How long have we known each other?"

"Seven or eight years!"

"What are you talking about? She is [-] years old this year. How can she say it over there? She hasn't made good friends. I'm afraid she will fail in school."

"The amount of information in your words is a bit large. Could it be that your daughter has learned badly?"

"It's not that serious. If you stay at home all the time, you're really not sure. Don't go back here. You will find a husband's house in Fengwopu in the future."

It seems that things are really serious.

"Hehe! You have urban hukou, but we have rural hukou here. How could you let your daughter find her husband's family here?"

"You have all become industrial development zones now, and sooner or later your hukou will become an urban hukou. Besides, it's hard to say whether the hukou is worth money in the future."

"Okay then! If you need something then, just ask my sister-in-law to tell me."

Yao Xianwen's car was filled with beer and spilled


"I'm leaving first, we'll talk later when I have time."

"Bon Voyage!"

After Yao Xianwen left, two cars with Xiuyan County license plates drove into the brewery yard.

This is Xiuyan Beer Wholesaler contacted by Li Xiaoyan, and he came with a letter written by Li Xiaoyan.

The person who came was Li Xiaocheng, an uncle and brother of Li Xiaoyan, who had just started in Xiuyan. (The next page is more exciting!)

Wholesale business of dried tobacco.

Li Xiaoyan asked him if he was in the beer business, Li Xiaocheng thought about it, anyway, it was just wholesale, and it was only natural to bring beer.

So he hired a car.

"Did you hire a car?"

"What if I don't have a car and don't hire it?"

"You can ask the brewery to deliver it to you! It's guaranteed to be cheaper than if you hired a car."

Li Xiaocheng Kaba rolled his eyes a few times: "I really didn't think about it. Let the brewery deliver it to my home. It will save me trouble."

This is the people who do business stupidly.

The three channels that Jiang Yu contacted the brewery all took action when December came.

Liu Chuanming was the last one to act. He didn't start until December.

After making a detailed horizontal comparison of the price of wine delivered by the winery and the cost of sending a car to fetch the wine himself, he decisively asked Donghe Brewery to send a car to deliver the wine.

Fengcheng is far away from Donghe, so it would be very inappropriate for him to send a car to drink by himself.

Then it would be better to let the winery deliver it to his home.

The shipping fee for the winery team to deliver wine is higher than the cost of fuel and mechanical wear and tear.

Liu Chuanming's handwriting was quite large. The first batch ordered four truckloads of [-] cases of wine.

He has already set up ten distribution points in Fengcheng, and these two thousand cases of beer have been spilled under the name of these distribution points, and one family only has 200 cases.

When Liu Chuanming began to purchase, Yao Xianwen had already purchased from Donghe Brewery for the third time.

However, the quantity did not increase much. The first two times were [-] boxes, and it was only increased to [-] boxes in the third time.

However, Li Xiaocheng only made two purchases. The second time was when Donghe Winery delivered the goods to his home. It was still [-] boxes.

The initial demand of these three companies is not too large.

Market sales sometimes take time to accumulate, and it will get better slowly.

It's time for business settlement again.

Jiang Yu kind of likes this time period now.

At least he knows how much money he has earned this year, otherwise he doesn't know how much money he has earned from working hard for a year.

Money is really just a string of numbers to him.

The combined net profit of all enterprises in the village is more than 6 million yuan.

This is much more than last year.

Two companies that lost hundreds of dollars last year, the plastic steel and floor heating factories still lost money this year, but the amount dropped to 20.

The two companies lost a total of more than 20 yuan, which is basically not considered a loss.

This year, all the enterprises developed by Yan Hongqiu and the meeting store have adopted plastic steel doors and windows and floor heating, which is the reason why these two enterprises have reduced their losses.

As long as they can be balanced, sooner or later they will make money.

Although the profit is more than last year, the dividend money this year will definitely be much less.

After all, more than 2000 people joined the meeting shop.First\./Send\./Update\./New `..Mobile.Mobile.version

In this way, the total number of cents reached 6000.

Last year, the dividend was [-] yuan per person, and this year it is estimated that [-] yuan will be less than [-] yuan. .

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