On October [-]st, Weilai Group's second-generation agricultural four-wheel vehicle rolled off the production line.

Continuing the title of Fengling, the second-generation agricultural four-wheel vehicle was named Fengyun.

The car is 485 meters long, with an approved load of 58 tons, a 68 turbocharged engine, a maximum horsepower of [-], and a top speed of [-].

The ex-factory price is 4000 yuan, and the retail price is around [-] yuan.

At the same time, Luo Xianlai began to test the same type of high-speed trucks.

Replace the 485 engine with a 493, and the horsepower is increased to 94 horsepower, which basically meets the power demand of a two-ton truck.

The gearbox for Fengyun has been slightly adjusted, and several pairs of gears with different ratios have been replaced.

Then there are some changes in the cab to distinguish the two cars.

The name of this car does not start with the word Feng, but starts with the word Lei. The name of the first high-speed car is Lei Ming.

The production line is basically the same as the Fengyun production line, but there are still some minor changes and modifications.

Weilai's car-making movement is in full swing, and various vehicles seem to have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Just when Luo Xian came to test Lei Ming, his favorite student Huang Chengwu appeared in front of Jiang Yu driving a pickup truck with a strange shape.

"Boss Jiang! The prototype of this pickup truck is ready, do you want to drive it around?"

Unlike the current domestic pickup trucks that look like a miniature version of the truck, the appearance of this pickup truck is too eye-catching. From the front, it looks better than the cars in the early 90s.

With this appearance alone, it can achieve good sales.

Jiang Yu got into the car with great interest.

Although the appearance has adopted the model that became popular ten years later, the interior of the car is still quite different from the passenger pickup trucks of later generations.

Only the tape recorder and radio are on the plastic center console.The fabric seats are anything but luxurious.

There is also no electronic lock, electronic lift window.

In Jiang Yu's eyes, he really couldn't find any bright spots.

Still, it feels pretty good to drive.

The engine and gearbox also use their own mature products, which are the reduced and modified versions of Fengling gearbox, most of the parts are common.

Jiang Yu drove his pickup truck from Dongshan, went straight to Hongdao, turned back when he arrived at Hongdao, and ran for about ten kilometers.

"Not bad! I didn't expect you to make it so fast. I thought it would take a year for you to get it out."

When Jiang Yu asked Luo Xian to develop a pickup truck, the preparation was to make a prototype in [-].

It takes at least one year for the prototype car to be tested and evaluated, and it is going to be launched in the second half of [-].

By [-], pickup trucks began to pick up, and their pickups just caught up.

"We still have plenty of time to experiment slowly, solve any problems we find, and try to eliminate all problems before production."

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry! I promise to polish this car well."

Huang Chengwu's culture is not high, and he graduated from junior high school.

When Luo Xianlai came to Fengwopu Village, he had been working in Fengwopu for a year.

At that time, he was doing debugging in the agricultural machinery factory.

After Luo Xian came to take charge of the research and development of these vehicles, he looked for talents who met his requirements in the enterprise.

He can't do it himself as a bare-handed commander.

Huang Chengwu was the first to be discovered by him.First update@

The young man is smart, studious and willing to work, and is interested in researching some mechanical parts.

Just like him, he messes around when he has nothing to do.

Therefore, Huang Chengwu was transferred to the vehicle research institute by him, and began to study various things with him.

There is almost nothing that is not involved in the engine gearbox axle.

Over the years, he has become a master of mechanical design.

Luo Xianlai handed over the study of the pickup truck to him with confidence.

He really lived up to Luo Xianlai's trust, and led twenty or thirty youths around his age to fiddle with this pickup truck.

These energetic young people are naturally the valuable asset of the enterprise.

For this precious wealth, Jiang Yu has always been generous with material support.

If this pickup truck goes on the market in the future, Huang Chengwu, the research and development team, will get it. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 840 Six Bad Names

Up to 80 yuan in collective rewards.

Huang Chengwu has additional rewards as a leader.

In this way, they have the enthusiasm to invest in the research and development of the next project.

After watching Huang Chengwu leave, Jiang Yu came to the mold factory located in Qianyang Village.

Since the independence of the mold factory, it has been an invisible existence in Weilai Group.

Speaking of Weilai Group, many people know about electric vehicles, agricultural vehicles, sports equipment, and even steel pipe factories.

But when it comes to mold factories, few people know about them.

Not to mention outsiders, except for the people in Fengwobao Village who work in the mold factory, few other people know about it.

Even the villagers of Qianyang Village, where it is located, know that there is such a company in their village, but they don't know what the factory does.

Sometimes I tell them, they may not understand.

Jiang Yu rarely came to this company.

But now, the status of the mold factory is obviously important.

Some of the employees in the mold factory are recruited by themselves, and some are from the original Donghe Mold Factory.

After the Donghe Mold Factory failed to manage the yellow booth last year, most of the technical employees were recruited by Weilai Mold Factory as temporary workers.

Although it is in the form of temporary workers, because they are state employees, Weilai Group pays them pension insurance.

It is precisely because the original Donghe Mold Factory employees joined that Weilai Mold Factory now has more than 600 employees.

Many of Weilai Group's machining molds are produced here.

When Jiang Yu came, Xiong Zhao, the director of the mold factory, poured bitter water on Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Jiang! You should repair and repair Luo Xian. This guy doesn't treat the workers of our mold factory as human beings, ah! He wants us to produce four production lines at the same time, Mr. Jiang! He is going to take your place, you You can't get used to him, just mess with him!"

"Hahaha! Bra..."

"Boss Jiang! You are such a big cadre and you call me this? This is too much!"

When his father named him, he happened to be watching "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness".

The name of Nanxia Zhanzhao went deep into his heart, so he named his son Xiong Zhao.

At that time, it was probably the late 50s, and bras were not well-known in rural areas.

How did he know that this name would have another layer of meaning in the 90s, and it had reached the level of universal knowledge.

Therefore, it is logical for Xiong Zhao to become a bra.

"Then what's my name?"

"Xiong Zhao!"

"Aren't they all the same!"

"Then you should still call me Old Bear!"

"Accompany! You want to be called Old Bear at the age of 34? Who else are you going to be a generation older than?"

"Forget it! Call it whatever you want."

"Director Xiong! Tell me, what production line did Luo Xianlai tell you to produce?"

"It turned out to be an electric car production line and Fengyun's production line. After the Fengyun production line was finished, we felt that it was time to relax. My good guy, this shameless push came to three production lines. We are just two and a half people. I can’t catch up with the progress at all.”Error-free update@

Chapter 840 Six Bad Names

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