The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 820 There is still a spare tire

The situation here at Xingtai was an accident, Jiang Yu really didn't intend to settle here.

But the conditions here are really good, if you can get in touch, it will really save a lot of things.

And the other party still has qualifications. If he takes over, he can get on a high-speed truck, and there is no problem in making a pickup.

The three companies of Xingtai can negotiate if they can, and it’s best if they can buy it. If they can’t buy it, they must set strict conditions on the contract. The other party has to pay a sky-high compensation amount.

This is what Jiang Yu explained to Xu Minghai.

Originally, Jiang Yu asked Xu Minghai to send two people over, but he didn't want Xu Minghai to come in person.

"If the other party's conditions are too harsh, just give up. There is a chassis factory here in Xingtai. If it doesn't work, let's contact the chassis factory. If the chassis factory doesn't work, we will contact the chassis factory and start a stove."

There are so many automobile-related enterprises here in Xingtai, so there must be no shortage of skilled workers.

If we can’t get the factory going, we’ll recruit people. You can’t be laid off and sit at home.

"Mr. Jiang! At present, many car companies are playing joint ventures. If it's really not possible, why don't you form a joint venture with them? Isn't Weilai and Xingtai tractor a good cooperation?"

Jiang Yu shook his head: "There is actually no way to do a joint venture. If the two parties cooperate well, it will be fine. If the cooperation is not good, it will become infighting all day long. Then the enterprise is still good? Especially for these large enterprises, the joint venture is really not as good as me You have the final say, you talk first, I still have to go to Yu Province, if the negotiation here doesn’t work out, you still have to go to Yu Province to talk.”

Jiang Yu actually had a goal in mind when he went to the Central Plains, and that was Zhengzhou Qingqi.

If the negotiation fails here, there is a spare tire, and if the two sides agree, then the two will go together. Anyway, the light truck market is very huge, and no matter how much it produces, it can be sold.

"Then Mr. Jiang! These three car companies must have something important in your heart, right? Which one do you want to talk about the most?"

Jiang Yu thought for a while: "Well, it's the smallest of the three companies, so it should be easier to talk about. Long March is the last company I want. Not to mention the large number of people, they used to make heavy trucks. This will not help us. Big."

Even though Weilai is now making light trucks, he has no intention of making heavy trucks at all.

He may get involved in medium trucks when they are booming in the future, but he will definitely not get involved in heavy trucks.

He doesn't need so many people if he doesn't build heavy trucks.

The Long March itself has three to four thousand employees, which in itself is a heavy burden.

The reason why he is optimistic about the factory is that more than 1000 people are suitable, and they have also built pickup trucks.

And he feels that he is the most hopeful to negotiate.

Xu Minghai left, and went back to record and prepare to contact the three car companies, Xingtai. He had to spend a period of time to find out the situation of each other, and then find out the corresponding countermeasures.

It may take a long time for things here to come to fruition.

Jiang Yu and Zheng Dabao couldn't just wait here foolishly.

The two set off for Zhengzhou and arrived in Zhengzhou the next day.

At this time, the Zhengzhou Light Truck Factory had just experienced a major event.

Turning on the car, Yu Province is almost transparent on the territory of Huaguo.

In the early 90s, Yutong was still buying chassis and assembling buses, which was far less brilliant than later.

If nothing happens to Jinlong, it may not be able to become the industry leader.

And Shaolin Motors is also assembling small passenger cars. They were well-known in the province in [-], but no one knew who they were outside the province.

Then there is Zhengzhou light truck.

There are only three car manufacturers in Henan province.

Speaking of the history of Zhengqing Factory, it is long. Its predecessor was the auto repair factory of the army before liberation.

In the year of liberation, it merged with Kaifeng Auto Repair Factory to manufacture auto parts while repairing cars.

They began to manufacture cars in the 70s. Due to the rough production process of the 130 trucks they built, the result was

Structural flaws were large, and production was discontinued shortly after sales.

Then, like many domestic automobile manufacturers at that time, they began to produce bj130 sober trucks, and finally came alive.

Because of the support of the Ministry of Machinery, the automobile factories at that time could almost get 130 drawings when they went to Beijing Second Automobile Co., Ltd. as long as they had a letter of introduction.

Zheng Qingchang was also relieved by this blueprint.

At least in the province, the supply exceeds the demand.

As of 470, a total of [-] vehicles were produced.

Less than [-] cars were produced in four years, which shows how slow it is to build cars by hand.

But the good times are not long.

In the second half of 1980, their car and chassis sales took a sharp turn for the worse, and things that were clearly in short supply suddenly became unavailable.

Zhengqing Factory fell into a backlog of products, stagnated production, and was unable to make ends meet.

In the next two years, there were consecutive losses, with a cumulative loss of nearly 600 million yuan.

Became the number one loss-maker in ZZ city.

The reason is easy to understand.

It is precisely because the drawings of bj130 can be obtained by anyone. Under the condition of external procurement of the engine, as long as the drawings are available, this kind of backward car with a simple manufacturing process is really not difficult to produce.

Many enterprises in Yu Province obtained the blueprints in the late 70s, and with the loosening of the automobile manufacturing unified purchase and sales system in the 80s.

These small enterprises that were not originally within the planning system have become more active.

As a result, companies that manufacture light trucks have sprung up one after another.

There are dozens of them in Zhengzhou area alone.

The low-priced models and chassis of these small companies are a fatal blow to Zheng Qingchang's high-priced models.

Zheng Qingchang had to make changes.

They axed six of the nine branch factories, diverting more than 2000 workers.

A new factory director was elected, and more than a dozen auto repair factories that were robbing jobs were recruited.

Then based on the original model, it launched a double-cab passenger and cargo vehicle, and then cooperated with Dongfeng to launch a three-ton light truck, and finally stabilized its position.

By [-], the Zhengqing factory had a production capacity of [-] units per shift.

However, although the sales of this Dongfeng 1060 produced by them are good, the overall technical content is still not high, and there will still be a huge crisis after it is sold well.

Zheng Qingchang, which already has experience in this area, takes precautions before they happen, and actively seeks countermeasures for the company before encountering a crisis.

It's just that their way is split.

Under normal circumstances, they should develop new models to meet the needs of the domestic market.

However, they followed the upsurge of domestic joint ventures at that time, and in the spring of [-], they established a joint venture with Nissan Pig Club to establish Zhengzhou Nissan.

They have just undergone the renovation and expansion of the factory area, and they still owe the bank loan, so there is no funds to form a joint venture with the other party.

So if you want to build a factory, you have to borrow money.

Therefore, Zheng Qingchang mortgaged himself to Huaxin Group and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Nissan did not have sufficient funds when it was in the joint venture, so it brought in the Thai kid Sanyou Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Thus, this company with a complicated background was established in this chaotic state.

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