Jiang Yu made more than a dozen phone calls, and finally attracted five investors.

This is in line with what he bragged about last year.

He can attract investment from four or five companies.

Jiang Yu is not discouraged at all, this is just the beginning.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, but after the beginning, everything will be easy.

Fengwobao also has some basic industrial facilities here. Some basic chemical and steel processing can be realized here, which will definitely attract manufacturers.

Jiang Yu brought Yan Hongqiu to the southern slope of Luofeng Mountain, and stretched out his hand to draw a circle.

"Just build a factory for me in this area."

Yan Hongqiu was dumbfounded: "Boss Jiang! How big is the circle you drew?"

"On the southern slope of Luofeng Mountain, including the lower slope, 300 meters away from the village, there is a piece of land that counts as a piece of land."

"Is this about Mogai? There is no need for specific planning. How long and wide do you need?"

Isn't this bullshit?What kind of project do you do for a company, and the factory building is built without a detailed plan?

"One for [-] square meters, which is basically enough for most enterprises. They can build as much as they can according to the previous structure. Anyway, there are not enough left."

There are so many things to pay attention to. In the past, when you run a business, you need to find a place to nest. Woba does not produce the same thing.

With a ready-made delivery room, he charged a part of the rent at a low price, and some companies that wanted to save trouble naturally came here.

This is conducive to the rapid formation of a larger industrial chain.

"This is what you said, then I will build one after another according to your request."

I'll do whatever you say, and it's none of his business except the problem.

"I said, just do it!"

Yan Hongqiu has a headache. This year's projects seem to be too many.

The audition for the first Fengwobao Village Karaoke Grand Prix ended, and the [-] contestants who were shortlisted for the rematch began to compete for the rematch on the [-]th day of the first lunar month.

Compared with the work intensity during the audition, the rematch is much easier.

There are more than 200 contestants in five judge groups, and only 40 people in one group.

The two-day rematch was over.

After a one-day break in the middle, the last 32 players selected started the final.

In the end, the top two will go to the city for selection.

For Jiang Yu, this is just an activity to activate the cultural life of employees, or an advertisement.

Whoever wins doesn't matter to him, so he didn't go to the scene of these games to watch the preliminaries.

It was only in the second half of the final that he came to the scene and watched the performances of some contestants.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the final ranking of this karaoke competition was announced.

The contestant who won No.1 received a bonus of 1 yuan, and the contestant who won No.2 received a bonus of 8000 yuan. These two obtained the qualifications to represent Fengwobao Village to participate in the selection of Donghe.

The competition still caused a great sensation in Donghe City. Donghe TV station used the form of recording and broadcasting from the preliminaries to make a comprehensive report on the Fengwopu Village Karaoke Grand Prix.

It has been widely welcomed by the public, and the ratings have even surpassed that of popular TV series.

Of course, the advertising benefits will naturally come up.

The people from the TV station saw that the gameplay was good, so they decided to host the Karaoke Grand Prix.

But this has nothing to do with Jiang Yu.

He was attracted to Dongshan Research Institute by a piece of news.

Zhao Qingshan and Lai Baogui have developed a permanent magnet motor with a power of [-] kilowatts for vehicles.

this is a good news.

The last time they successfully researched a [-]kW motor, it will appear on a large electric tricycle this year.

It’s just that a 60kw motor can reach a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour, which is a bit dangerous to use on a tricycle, and a speed limit must be set.

From two kilowatts to five kilowatts motors, the

The progress has been very fast.

Encouragement is inevitable, and the bonus will not be less.

Jiang Yu now issued a 5 yuan bonus approval slip with a stroke of a pen.

Of course, the next task will be arranged soon.

Start with [-] watts of automotive motors, and develop towards [-] watts, [-] watts, and [-] watts with [-] watts.

A million watts seems to be too big a step. Before he was reborn, it seemed that the largest motor was only [-] kilowatts.

Let's develop to [-] watts first.

"Mr. Jiang! What are you going to use this [-]kW motor for? It seems that a tricycle cannot use such a big motor." Zhao Qingshan asked.

"Maybe you'll see it next year."

Jiang Yu returned to the office and drew a sketch, and when he was about to find someone, Luo Xianlai ran over.

"Boss Jiang! I understand the production line of that car after researching it."

"Ah! Did you research and understand it in such a short time?"

This line came in May, and it will be October after the installation and commissioning.

Luo first came to understand this line after three months of research?

Although this line is a production line that Fiat has eliminated, it is much more advanced than Weilai's own mechanic production line.

"This line is not difficult. On the contrary, the truck line is confusing. There are many problems in the middle that I haven't figured out yet. I think it needs to be dismantled."

"You came to me just to request that this production line be dismantled?"

"That's what it means, no one else can be the master."

"Then can you put it back together after dismantling it?"

"This...it should be able to touch it!"

This is not good, you can't touch it roughly, you have to be sure that you can put it back.

You can't put it back after dismantling it, isn't it a waste product?

"Let's not talk about dismantling the production line first, let's talk about this small car production line first. According to our current technical level, can this production line be imitated?"

"Why do you want to imitate it?"

Jiang Yu handed the sketch he drew to Luo Xianlai.

"I want to make such a car. This production line will definitely not be able to make it. I need you to imitate this line and change it until you can make this car."

Luo Xianlai was stunned when he saw Jiang Yu's drawings.

"Mr. Jiang! Didn't you say that you don't want to make a car? Isn't this just one... What is the size of this car? You didn't mark it."

"The length is three meters six, the width is 1.5 meters eight, and the height is 1.5 meters two."

Luo Xianlai demonstrated the size of the car in his head.

"It can only be regarded as a small car. It looks really beautiful. I didn't expect a car to be so beautifully designed. It's just Mr. Jiang! We want to produce this car, what kind of engine will we use? We can't get a diesel engine for it?"

"Who said you need to use an engine? Isn't it okay to use an electric motor?"

"You want to make an electric car? Mr. Jiang! Is this exaggerating?"

"Why is it so big? Aren't our electric tricycles selling well?"

Hold the grass!Mr. Jiang has gone mad.Agricultural tricycles sold well, so he figured out agricultural four-wheel vehicles.

According to this idea, electric tricycles are selling well, and it would be good to make another electric four-wheeler.

"Such a large car is driven by electricity, which requires a motor of five or six kilowatts...Zhao Qingshan and Lai Baogui have made the motor?"

Luo Xianlai suddenly came to his senses.

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