The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 808 Establishment of the Industrial Zone

It was Jiang Bin's first visit to the house, and the gifts were not expensive, but they were not out of the ordinary either.

Four bottles of Wuliangye, four Shilin cigarettes, and eight bottles of various cans.

Liang Xin's younger brother happily ran into the house with four cigarettes in his arms, and looked back at his future brother-in-law after two steps.

The kid ran out after taking the cigarettes back to the house, and soon made the whole village know about his elder sister's finding a mate.

So, his relatives found various excuses and went to Liang Xin's house to see what Liang Xin was looking for.

Jiang Bin, who has a double-faced personality, has nothing to do with it. He said hello and handed cigarettes to these relatives of Liang Xin's family.

The daughter of the Liang family found a daughter-in-law, so she naturally wanted to ask about such topics as where she lived and where she was, and someone raised this question.

"The place where Liang Xin works is called Fengwobao Village. I am a member of Huangling Team in Fengwobao Village. My job is to drive in the Weilai company fleet."

90s, although driving is not as popular as 80s and [-]s, it is not bad.

"Isn't the richest person in your Fengwobao Village also surnamed Jiang? Aren't you a Jiang?"

"It's Jiang! We're a family, the kind that didn't make it to the fifth server." Jiang Bin didn't even blink when he lied.

Liang Xin smiled and said nothing.

This bastard will cheat whoever he catches.

When she and Jiang Bin were looking for a partner, they didn't know the details of this guy. He never said who he was.

She herself was stupid, the two had been together in secret for several months before she knew that Jiang Bin was actually Jiang Yu's younger brother.

Because of this, she even had a breakup, on the grounds that this guy was dishonest.

Now this guy is staring and talking nonsense again.

After Jiang Bin had dinner at Liang Xin's house, he and Liang Xin took a car back to Huangling Village.

Jiang Yu and Bai Feng came back after having lunch at Bai Feng's house.

When Jiang Bin and Liang Xin got home, they had just come back not too long ago.

"Director Bai! Happy New Year!" Liang Xin saw Bai Feng smiling and wishing Bai Feng a happy new year.

"So it was you! Jiang Bin said I don't know you, why don't I know you?"

"Sister-in-law, do you know Liang Xin?"

"Look at what you said, I may not have any impression of the talkative and laughable people in our factory, but if you say that you don't like to talk or laugh, then I won't be sleepy. People in the factory who don't talk and laugh like Liang Xin , there are no more than five in total, of course I have the impression."

"I thought you would not be impressed by her being silent."

"Liang Xin did a good job, but it's not good if you don't like to talk. If you don't go to work, I will arrange a team leader for you to work hard and practice speaking."

Liang Xin immediately became anxious: "Director! No way, I can't do it."

"Why can't you do it? Do it! That's it. If you do it well, I will let you be the manager in the future."

"Stop making noises. My brother is going to start his own business this year. How can Liang Xin work for you? What do you think?"

"Ah! That's it! Then it's better to be the proprietress, Liang Xin! Don't be like me, you have to work hard on your own when you're already a child's mother."

Why does this sound wrong?What do you mean?

"Baifeng! What do you mean by that? Did I ask you to do it? Then why do you want to do it yourself? I told you to stay at home and you quit. Why is it all my fault?"

"Did I blame you?"

Liang Xin couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Bai live like ordinary people!

Jiang Bin has opinions on accepting ready-made companies, thinking that he is eating off-the-shelf and has no sense of accomplishment.

This is what deserves a beating!He still wants a sense of accomplishment?

Since he wants to start from scratch, he needs a sense of accomplishment, and he just needs to be satisfied as a brother.

"Then let me see how you can achieve your sense of accomplishment. I'll give you the work and the money, and you can handle the rest yourself. How about it? You're satisfied this time!"

Except for Jiang Yu's work for him, Jiang Yu is not responsible for the others.

He has to arrange the venue and equipment by himself.

"I owe you the money, and I will pay you back in the future."

It's over!This kid's head is showing off.

The sixth day, the day when employees report.

Fengwobao Village, which had been quiet for more than ten days, became lively again.

The happiest thing today is the taxi by the station in Jianshan Township. Whether it is the Xingfu 250 or Fengling, none of them is idle, and they basically run one after another.

And it can run from more than eight o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon.

Can run a dozen back and forth.

It costs five yuan to go from Jianshan to Fengwobao Village by motorcycle, and ten yuan to go to Fengling.

Motorcycles are cheap but cold.

Therefore, there are still many people who hire Fengling cars.

A double-row Fengling car can seat four people in the cab, and ten yuan per person is 40 yuan.

They can earn 500 yuan a day.

Jiang Yu also started his own work.

There are only nine days from the sixth to the fifteenth day of the lunar new year, and he has to work hard.

His job layout and karaoke related work.

Since the Karaoke Grand Prix is ​​going to be held, how can you not let those registered contestants practice?

Although there are many karaoke singing stalls on the roadside of Fengwobao Village.

But doesn't that cost money, and there is a time limit.

Of course, he only needs to order it down, and the regiment branch will solve it.

Every enterprise has meeting rooms of different sizes, and basically there are TVs in the meeting rooms.

Just set up a set of karaoke equipment in the meeting room.

Those who sign up for the karaoke competition can come here to practice in their spare time.

My own company has a DVD player, and the Shuguang factory has a ready-made complete set of stereos, and the job is done after installation.

The enterprises here started to go to work, and the trucks that came to pull goods and deliver raw materials over there entered Fengwopu one by one.

Then several small cars also mixed among these trucks and came to Fengwobao Village.

Sun Mingli came to Fengwobao Village again.

He came as the director of Fengwobao Industrial Development Zone.

One is to announce the official establishment of the Fengwobao Village Industrial Development Zone, and then communicate some preferential policies that the industrial development zone should receive.

Including land use, tax relief and other measures.

Another is that they have to see for themselves how much this piece of terrain can do.

Jiang Yu received these officials from the city as the party secretary of Fengwobao Village.

In the meeting room of the team headquarters, Jiang Yu read the documents about the development zone issued by the city and listened to Sun Mingli's speech.

He also reported his thoughts.

His idea is to develop the meeting store village first, and then develop the xingshugou village in two years.

Through the preferential policies given by the city, some enterprises from other places were introduced to invest and set up factories in the development zone.

In the end, the Fengwobao Industrial Zone was built into an important industrial town in Donghe and even southern Liaoning.

The people of Jiang Yu's proposal were very satisfied with the municipal party committee and agreed to his proposal on the spot.

Then Jiang Yu took them all over the mountains and rivers of Fengwobao Village, Baotoudian Village and Xingshugou Village.

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