The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 790 Fengwobao Development Zone

After the city leader finished his resignation, the next step was to beat gongs and drums, dance yangko and set off fireworks and firecrackers.

Fireworks and firecrackers raged for more than ten minutes. The smoke from the firecrackers made the garden in the city center look like a fairyland, and the air smelled of gunpowder.

When the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, the uncles and aunts in uniform began to sing and dance.

Bai Feng, who had just had a full moon, brought some people from the garment factory to watch the excitement, holding a video camera in his hand, filming things like that.

Zhang Ying followed Bai Feng like a follower, as if to protect Bai Feng.

In fact, she herself is the one who needs to be protected now, and Bai Feng has already let go of the burden on her body.

And she is now three months pregnant. Although her body has not yet shown her original shape, there are always potential risks with so many people here.

Zheng Dabao led a few burly men to protect them all the way, lest they be crowded and trampled.

The morning parade lasted until eleven o'clock.

At noon, the relevant units hosted a lunch, and Jiang Yu and people from all walks of life in Donghe had a light meal at Donghe Hotel.

Jiang Yu sat at a table with people from the Donghe business community, and his table was full of familiar people.

Qiu Xingfu, Wu Delin, Guan Tizhong, and Song Hongkun from the Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory and others.

At the next table to them was a group of women, one took the second and the third served Yunhua...Bai Feng unexpectedly also got in.

What surprised Jiang Yu was that Fang Le and Liu Xiaoyan were among them.

These two women have become entrepreneurs in Donghe City?

Song Hongkun and Jiangyu from the Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory haven't seen him for a long time.

This time is measured in years.

The agricultural machinery repair factory has long since run out of agricultural machinery to repair, but they have not been idle, and have become a supporting factory of Donghe Power, producing some engine parts for Donghe Power, and the annual output value is now calculated in tens of millions.

Now it is also red, with a corrupt look.

Guan Tizhong didn't change much, he still looked like an ordinary worker on the outside.

However, his company is already the largest textile company in Donghe. Last year, it merged the Donghe Silk Factory, and this year it is studying the merger of the loss-making cotton factory.

After integrating all the textile enterprises in Donghe, he will be the boss of a large enterprise with five or six thousand employees.

The products of other companies are basically supplied to Weilai shoe factory and several clothing factories in Donghe.

The products are basically digested without leaving Donghe County.

When we are with these people, we don't have any restrictions, and we can talk when we have something to say.

"Wu Delin! I can't beat you in wrestling, but the drinking old man won't be afraid of you. Let's fix three cups first."

Qiu Xingfu still remembers Wu Delin's words that I promise I won't fall to your death, and I'm here for revenge today.

"You are not an opponent in wrestling, and you may not be an opponent in drinking. I will be afraid of you if I drink more than two catties."

Qiu Xingfu was dumbfounded and turned to Jiang Yu: "Boss Jiang! I don't know, the old man really has a capacity for two catties of alcohol?"

"Two catties of beer, what are you afraid of him doing? Fuck him!"

Qiu Xingfu immediately gained courage: "Small sample! Pretend to me! Come and exchange for a big cup!"

Jiang Yu saw that he really wanted to do it!Hurry up and stop it.

"You can just drink two sips of beer. Today's day is different. If you drink too much, you will lose your old man. I decide to finish with two bottles of beer per person. Drink liquor later. Don't look like you haven't drunk liquor before." Same."

If you drank too much today and went out staggering, it would be really embarrassing.

This does not agree with you drinking too much at home, lying down on the kang and pretending to be dead.

Here you can only lie on the avenue and pretend to be dead, then you will become a celebrity in Donghe City all at once.

"Since Boss Jiang has spoken, I will spare you today, boy, and you will be paralyzed if you drink it another day!" Qiu Xingfu did not fall down.

"Then another day, I have to drink you out of cerebral hemorrhage."

These two goods are still pinched.

Because there was less drinking, the banquet lasted for a short time, and they withdrew at 12:30.

The celebrations in the afternoon were obviously not as lively as in the morning. Although the streets were full of joy, they still felt less lively than in the morning.

Sun Mingli found Jiang Yu a secluded place.

"Last time you said that enterprises from other cities would invest and set up factories in Donghe, is it true or not?"

"Mayor! Did you drink too much at noon? Do you think I will joke with you about this kind of thing?"

Sun Mingli immediately cheered up: "How many companies can invest in Donghe?"

"I can't say that for the time being. If it's possible, it's not a problem to have five families and six families."

"Ah! That's not much."

"It's said that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, so you can be content, Mayor Sun! Let's not talk about investing in factories, I have a plan to report to the city."

"tell me the story."

"We, Fengwobao Village, want to apply for the establishment of an industrial development zone, and we need certain policies from the city."

"You want to set up a development zone?"

"Yes! The land resources of Fengwobao Village can no longer satisfy the development of enterprises in Fengwobao Village. We need to expand the area so as to meet the development needs."

Sun Ming wanted to ask: "How do you want to expand the area?"

"My idea is to put the Bangtoudian Village in the west and Xingshugou Village in the south into the Fengwobao Industrial Development Zone. At that time, enterprises from other places can invest and set up factories in the development zone. enterprises in Fengwobao Village are more or less related to enterprises in Fengwobao Village, which can form a compact industrial chain, reduce losses in logistics transportation and time consumption, and increase enterprise efficiency and profits. River City has added tens of thousands of job opportunities."

"Your suggestion is really good. Go back and make a report. The city will study it carefully. We have just withdrawn the county and turned it into a city. We haven't quite figured out some of the rights that have been delegated. After we figure it out, within the scope allowed by the policy Inside, the Municipal Party Committee will definitely support it.”

"Then thank you, Mayor Sun."

"By the way! If Jianshan is bounded by the national highway, how many villages are there in the south?"

The National Highway basically divides Jianshan Township into two.

Fengwobao Village is located in the southeast of Jianshan Township.

"Mayor Sun! You used to be the mayor's secretary in Jinshan Township, have you forgotten that?"

"Isn't it that I have been away for a long time?"

"There are five villages in the southern part of Jianshan Xian, Fengwobao, Meeting Shop, Xingshugou, Renqiao and two rooms."

"That's right! There are five villages, and the other five villages are in Daobei."

Is not this nonsensical?

"Okay! We will definitely study your suggestion carefully."

"Shouldn't the study last until [-]? If the study reaches that time, forget it."

Sun Mingli smiled: "You kid sometimes has a lot of skin, don't worry! There must be a saying a few years ago."

It would be great if there was a saying a few years ago.

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