The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 784 The supply problem of CD-ROM software

The conditions for authorization are still relatively harsh for Jiang Wanming.

The other party must have sufficient plant area and equipment.

They have a factory building, the area is not a problem, and the equipment can be purchased. This is not a problem.

Weilai grants all technology to the other party free of charge, and can use Weilai's trademark, but it has to share [-]% of the product profits.

If the other party uses its own trademark and does not use the Weilai trademark, the profit will be divided into [-]%.

This Jiang Wanming thinks Wei Lai's request is a little too big.

If you just provide the technology, you will divide the profits of the three tiers?

"Mr. Jiang! There's no room for bargaining, and we don't force it. You go back and discuss it with the people in your unit. If you can't negotiate, you have nothing to lose."

"Then what if you buy that kind of technology all at once?"

"It's okay, but are you sure you want to pay us a patent fee of hundreds of millions of yuan at one time? I don't think the leaders of your unit will agree."

If it can sell hundreds of millions of yuan at one time, it is not impossible.

Once Jiang Wanming heard about the technology transfer worth hundreds of millions of dollars, it was impossible for the unit leaders to agree.

"Then I'll go back and report these two plans to our leaders."

"Mr. Jiang! We are also planning to open a branch factory in the south. It is impossible to wait for your news without a time limit. I will give you a month. If you do not make a decision within a month, then we will look for the next partner. , or we go to the south to set up factories by ourselves.”

"I will definitely give you an answer within a month."

Jiang Wanming didn't procrastinate at all, and was ready to return.

Before leaving, Jiang Yu presented him with a VCD and a few CDs. With these things, he will have the confidence to negotiate with their leaders when he goes back.

It was just a DVD player. Even if Jiang Wanming failed to negotiate this aspect, it would only be a loss of 2000 yuan.

However, because it was too late, Jiang Wanming stayed overnight in Fengwobao Village.

Jiang Yu arranged the residence for him, and took him to browse the night view of Fengwobao after dinner.

July is the hottest time of the year in southern Liaoning. If it is not rainy, you can see shirtless people wearing big pants and holding cattail fans everywhere on the street.

Jiang Yu is also dressed in this way, with big pants on his lower body and drag boards on his feet.

But not shirtless, but wearing a vest.

It doesn't look like a boss at all, but at first glance, it looks like a farmer.

When the two came out of Aunt Cui's restaurant, they were surrounded by the sound of music.

The open space in front of Aunt Cui's house has been surrounded by hundreds of people.

Aunt Cui's future daughter-in-law presided over the event in a pretty way, and the disheveled Aunt Cui's son, who was cleaned up by her, changed discs next to the DVD player.

The vcd in his house is played in two consecutive discs, and two discs are played at once.

"Next, Ms. Gu will be invited to sing "When I Wake Up from a Dream". Everyone is welcome."

Jiang Yu took a good look at the girl who killed Aunt Cui's house, this girl is really not simple.

After introducing the next track of the song to be sung, lead the applause.

Although the applause was sparse, at least there was some atmosphere.

After she finished her introduction here, the TV screen jumped out of the screen of "When I Wake Up".

A girl took the microphone and stood in front of the TV, but she looked a little nervous.

"Mr. Jiang! There is another question, where did you get this disc from?"

"Discs? We only produce machines, regardless of discs, these discs are naturally produced by someone."

"Then what if we produce DVD players, but there are no CDs to use?"

"You don't have to worry about this issue, just leave it to the market."

Those who play pirated copies have very sensitive eyesight and sense of smell. When they think that a consumer electronics product has huge market potential, they will naturally try to develop it.

The Weilai DVD player does not set any obstacles in the image and audio decoding, and they will be able to crack it with a little research.

When the time comes, there will be an overwhelming number of CDs covering the market. Do you still have to worry about this?

Take Jiang Yong's small pirate factory as an example. His business has started working in three shifts, producing [-] CDs a day, which is basically in short supply.

After those who sold DVD players discovered that selling CDs could make a lot of money, the order volume of CDs increased greatly.

He is now producing [-] CDs a day and night, which can no longer meet the market demand.

Jiang Yong is ready to burn the disc with ten speed.

The ten-speed is better than the eight-speed CD burning, and it can download 20 more CDs in an hour, and more than 400 CDs in a day.

Four hundred discs is a profit of more than 2000 yuan.

But he thought about it for a while and finally didn't do it. His partner grabbed his ears and told him that he was right to listen to Boss Jiang, and don't look for trouble for nothing.

In addition to pirates, even authentic audio-visual publishing houses have begun to study the emerging thing of DVD players.

The first to react was naturally the Blue Star Company that Wei Lai and other bands had signed in Beijing.

The top management of Blue Star did not pay attention to this new thing at first.

But after getting in touch, they found that the CD that was randomly given by this kind of DVD player turned out to be their band, and it was a version that their company didn't even have.

That's okay, after all, Blue Star Company is their contracted company, this kind of behavior of taking jobs behind the company's back can be tolerated by my uncle, but not by my aunt.

So, talk to these signed bands.

But after talking about it, Bluestar lost its temper.

They naturally know who Jiang Yu is, and the CD is a random gift, at least on the surface, it does not have commercial interests.

Besides, as compensation to Blue Star, they gave [-] songs.

These songs can be used as the title song of the album.

Only then did Bluestar notice this kind of thing called vcd, and felt that this thing was destined to become a mainstream product within the next ten years.

Therefore, Blue Star started to release VCD albums.

But considering that there are only tens of thousands of vcd players in stock, they did not produce the new song albums given by Jiang Yu, but sorted out the old songs of these bands and prepared a collection.

First organize and publish the collections of old songs to earn the final profit value of these works.

Wait until the distribution volume of vcd players reaches a scale of hundreds of thousands of units before releasing a new song album.

It is said that the album of old songs they compiled may be released next month.

Moreover, Hei Province Audio-Visual Publishing House and Liao Province Audio-Visual Publishing House are also preparing to produce albums.

According to this trend, in the future, major domestic audiovisual publishing houses will publish genuine music CD products.

By the end of the year, there will be a batch of genuine audio-visual disc products on the market.

Does Jiang Wanming still need to worry about software?

This is much easier than buying the copyright to make audio-visual CD products in his previous life.

Hearing these news, Jiang Wanming's worries disappeared.

The idea of ​​making a DVD player was further strengthened.

If the unit does not allow it, he is ready to borrow money to set up a business by himself.

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