National Day Heshan Co., Ltd. has been in business for two months.

With the improvement of employee proficiency, National Day Heshan has taken over the production tasks of all vehicle seat cushions of Weilai Group.

Every month they have the task of producing [-] agricultural tricycles, [-] Fengling vehicles and [-] electric vehicle seats.

Fengling cars are divided into single-row and double-row cars. There are three seat cushions for double-row cars and two seat cushions for single-row cars. Therefore, nearly [-] seat cushions for Fengling cars are processed every month.

The seat cushions of 1 sets of agricultural tricycles also have two types of seat cushions: separate and integral. The monthly processing quantity of seat cushions for agricultural tricycles is also about [-].

To sum up, Heshan has to process about 8 cushions every month during the National Day. The average profit of each cushion is calculated as one or five to two yuan. empty words.

There is also an idle yard behind the National Day Heshan, which is temporarily used by Zhang Shanbo and the others to store raw materials.

It's not bad for Han Hanxiang to choose two rooms in this yard for trading.

As long as he is not in Fengwobao Village, Jiang Yu is not concerned about where Han Guoxiang is based.

"I can choose to trade outside Fengwobao Village, but I still have to be at the gate of the electronics factory at the beginning of the contact. It's too far away, and I can't contact them, but I don't enter the gate of the electronics factory. Is this okay? "

"After contacting, you take them to Cuijia Village to trade? Are you afraid that they won't follow you? Maybe you think you're a liar!"

"That's impossible. Being a liar in Fengwobao Village, only an idiot can be so blind."

This point is worthy of admiration, no thieves, liars, stinky eyes really have come to Fengwopu.

It can't be said that no one came, they all came in a well-behaved manner, and no one made trouble in Fengwobao Village.

Han Guoxiang simply bought a Fengling double row in Huangling Village, and planned to drive it to pick up the goods from Jiang Yong.

It is also convenient to have your own car to pull goods back and forth. After all, CDs are a shady business.

"Do you have a driver's license? The traffic police are not used to your problems."

"I took the driver's license test last year, and I have been familiar with the Taiwan 130 for a long time. We are also old drivers now."

"Then you go, old driver, maybe someone will come to pick up the goods in the next two days!"

Han Guoxiang drove a new car to Jiang Yong's house to pick up the goods.

When he arrived at Jiang Yu's house, Mr. Jiang complained: "What are you breaking the law? It's not the time of continuous rain, and when it comes to continuous rain, this road still doesn't look like a sauce jar."

"It can't be like a sauce jar, and it will be filled with sand in Fulitian."

"I'm here to pick up the goods, so give me a thousand sheets and put them in the car."

Jiang Yong immediately frowned: "How can there be so many? I can order [-] sheets in one day and one night by working two shifts. I just produced [-] sheets as a random gift for Weilai, and now I only have [-] sheets at home."

"Five thousand! Is it easy for me to come? The gas costs more than ten dollars..."

"I'll reimburse you for the gas!"

"Hold the grass! How much is the gas money? Hurry up and produce for me. If there is no ten thousand, at least eight thousand."

The CDs produced by Jiang Yong are boxed and packed in cardboard boxes, and one cardboard box holds [-] discs.

There are [-] CDs and [-] boxes, and the Fengling car's compartment is filled with three high and more than half of the truck.

Han Guoxiang took these discs to the backyard of National Day Heshan Company, put them in a small room lent to him by Zhang Shanbo, and then drove to Weilai Electronics Factory.

Manufacturers advertise only after the product has arrived at the retail unit, so that it will be available when someone buys it.

But this time, Weilai's advertisement is an empty plan.

The advertisements were published, but there were no DVD players in the appliance counters of major shopping malls.

This led to the loneliness of people who went to the store to inquire about, observe, or even buy after seeing the advertisement.

even some merchants

Some people who sell home appliances in the market don't know about DVD players.

On the third day after the TV commercial was broadcast, buyers from the home appliance department of large shopping malls in counties and cities in Liao Province gathered at the Fengwobao Village Electronics Factory.

For a time, a small trade fair was formed here.

On the right side of the gate of the electronics factory is the communication room, and on the opposite left is a three-story building. This building is the office building of the electronics factory, but the first floor next to the gate is similar to a store.

This [-]-square-meter floor actually also serves as a store.

For the time being, this is the venue for display and delivery.

There is a 30-inch projector hanging on a wall in the room, and songs are being projected on the projector.

A guy in a suit and tie with a bag under his arm was singing into a microphone.

This guy's singing is still good, at least it sounds like that.

Behind him, a group of people formed a circle, some were looking at the screen on the projector, some were flipping through the product brochures in their hands, and some were looking at the prototype of the DVD player on the counter against the wall.

There are three DVD players on the counter, two black and one silver.

Two of them were single-disc players, and the other, a slightly smaller player, was a two-disc player.

In the last generation, there were three discs played in a row in the video disc player.

Jiang Yu did not support three-disc continuous playback, but made a two-disc continuous playback.

Because a feature film is completely burned on two discs, it is enough to use two discs in succession.

He remembered the VCD era, only the Titanic had three discs.

Therefore, playing three discs in a row is of no use at all.

The people in this room are basically purchasers from the home appliance department of large shopping malls in various counties and cities in Liao Province.

Some came by watching TV commercials, and others were forced to come by customers.

Since vcd is now mainly focused on karaoke, it is natural for these purchasers to appreciate the charm of karaoke.

The power amplifier and speakers that go with the DVD player are all produced by Liu Chuanming's unit.

The power amplifier was collectively designed by Zhang Chong, and the speaker Liu Chuanming also sent the best speakers. The sound quality is already top-notch for home use.

Of course, there is still a clear gap compared with the equipment used for concerts.

After this singing, go up to the next one, choose a song by yourself and sing a song.

After the fun, I started to ask the price.

"The ex-factory price of a single-disc DVD player is 95 yuan, the ex-factory price of a double-disc player is 50 yuan, and the ex-factory price of a home theater set is [-] yuan. Two genuine song CDs and karaoke are given as random gifts. One microphone and one CD-ROM.”

The staff who received these buyers answered them patiently.

"Home theater eight thousand and eight? It's too expensive, who can afford it?"

"Master, is it expensive? How is the sound quality of this home theater?" Jiang Yu is also in this room, sometimes answering some questions.

"The sound quality is of course nothing to say, but can it be sold at such an expensive price?"

"The home theater itself is not prepared for ordinary people. It is mainly prepared for the needy and the rich. Such people don't care about the extra three thousand or four thousand."

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