After Liu Chuanming returned to Fengcheng, he invested 7 yuan in exchange for the 20 microphones into the production of new power amplifiers.The drawings are ready-made, he just needs to buy the raw materials and produce them according to the drawings.On Jiang Yu's side, everything that goes with the DVD player is complete, and now we are waiting for Jiang Yong's CD.It happened that Jiang Yong called. "Jiang Yong! Where did you call me?" Jiang Yong's factory has applied for the installation of a telephone, but it is hard to say when it will be installed. "In our commune, isn't our township a market today? I'm here to buy some vegetables to feed those devils." This word "feeding" has a charm. "What's the situation with you? It will take a few days before we can see the CD?" "It won't take a few days, and it's being debugged now. The disk press can already make a light-plate CD, but the burner still needs a few days. "The CD-ROM whiteboard can be produced, and now it is necessary to burn the content on these whiteboard disks. "Don't you have a DVD player somewhere? Try burning it and see if it works. If it works, give me a call." From this point of view, waiting a few more days will be enough.On June 20th, the TV shooting team in Bingyugou finally returned.They stayed in Bingyugou for more than 18 days and shot a lot of material.According to Zheng Dabao, these bands were warmly welcomed by people in Bingyugou, and they were treated as monsters wherever they went.In order to repay the love of the people of Bingyugou, they performed a relatively casual impromptu performance in Bingyugou, which fascinated a large number of village girls.It's no use fascinating a village girl.However, after inquiring about the situation, the person in charge of Bingyugou thought it was a promotion for Bingyugou, exempted them from the tickets for the later period, and even managed a meal for them.This is also income.The material they shot will be synthesized in the next step, and finally made into a TV master disc for burning and pressing.This work has to be done by professionals. Jiang Yu hired people from Bohai Audio-Visual Agency in advance to carry out post-production of these materials, and the people from these bands also participated in it.Zheng Dabao is very worthless, isn't it because he hasn't seen his wife for more than 80 days, and why is he rushing home?When I didn’t have a daughter-in-law before, didn’t I starve to death if I didn’t eat meat for a year!Zheng Dabao originally wanted to tell Jiang Yu that you are full and you don't know that you are hungry, but when you think about Baifeng's big belly, he hasn't eaten meat for a long time, so he is not as good as him.Jiang Yu placed an order for 48 sets of red clothes at Baifeng's clothing factory, and then asked the purchasing department to purchase 31 pairs of red dance shoes.[-] sets of clothing were packed and shipped from the garment factory in a week, and [-] pairs of red shoes also arrived.Now there are only twenty Fengling cars left.June NO.[-].At the Nanjianshan Agricultural Four-wheel Vehicle Factory, with the beating of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers, the single-row Fengling vehicles finally rolled off the assembly line.The single-row Fengling canceled the rear seat of the driver's cab and shortened the area of ​​the driver's cab, so that the cabin grew by [-] centimeters, reaching a length of three meters and three meters.That makes it a wagon through and through.The first batch of single-row trucks produced [-] vehicles.These [-] vehicles were specially prepared as a gift for the county's withdrawal from the county.Those prepared things, together with these twenty Fengling single-row trucks and [-] cash.Jiang Yu sent Zheng Dabao to lead the team, all of which were handed over to the county government.So far, the congratulatory gifts prepared by Fengwobao Village for the withdrawal of counties and cities have also been delivered.After Jiang Yu sent Zheng Dabao to the county to deliver the goods, he drove to Liujiawa Village in the southeast corner of Fengwobao Village.There were originally [-] households in Liujiawa Village, but now there are still [-] households.The other seventeen families all went to Wolong Village to build new houses.The seventeen houses that were dumped out have all been demolished, leaving an open space of about seven or eight mu of land.These clearings belong to the collective now, and grass grows there.This is true for Liujiawa, and it is also true for Dongguachuan.Dongguachuan has a larger population than Liujiawa, with [-] households.This year, [-] families applied to build new houses, and their new houses were all approved in Qianyang Village.In both villages, one-third or nearly one-third of the population moved out

After three years at this rate, the two villages will be almost empty.Houxiao Village is the least disturbed village.There are 65 households in Houxiao Village, and only 18 households applied to build houses this year. Their houses were approved in Lingqian Village, just to the left of the new school.The new school sits west to east, backed by Xiaoling, and extends south to the edge of Jianhong Highway.To the north of it is the relocated residence of Houxiao Village, and borders Lingqian Village to the north.The number of new houses built in Houxiao Village is small this year, and it will surely double next year.However, Jiang Yu didn't expect that there would be no households left in these three villages, there would always be a few old and stubborn households left.He hasn't considered how to solve these old stubbornness.The new school has been built to the third floor frame, and it is estimated that the teaching building will be completed in August, and the office building will definitely be opened before the school starts on September [-].Yan Hongqiu patted his chest to promise.When the second half of the semester starts, the school will be transferred here, so the dumped school can be used for other purposes.Today is NO.[-]. Last time Jiang Yong called and said that the disc will be ready in a few days. It has been ten days, why hasn't he heard anything?no!This has to go and see.When Zheng Dabao comes back, go and have a look.But before Zheng Dabao came back, his pager rang.It's an unfamiliar phone number.Jiang Yu found a card phone nearby and returned the call.After the call was connected, Jiang Yong's excited voice came from over there. "Mr. Jiang! It's a success! The film has been recorded." "Jiang Yong! Don't get excited! Speak carefully!" Playing on the DVD player, the effect was not good after recording a few times at first. Either there was sound but no picture, or there was picture but no sound. The Japanese people continued to debug and finally carved a good disc. The sound is much better than the video tape." "Although this is good news, don't get too excited, have your people learned how to debug these devices?" It is not necessary to learn how to repair, but you must learn how to debug , What should you do if you don't know how to debug if something goes wrong with the equipment? "I should have learned it, and there should be no problem with debugging." "I'll check it out tomorrow. If there is no problem with the disc compression, I will start advertising and promoting DVD players." Naturally, mass production of DVD players should begin if there are discs.First push [-] units for those manufacturers to buy back and disassemble, and then officially launch the mass version.It's time to make the CD master disk on the Bohai side.

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