Of these ten sets of speakers, he kept one at his own house, one at his parents' house, and one at Baifeng's house.The remaining Jiang Yu is going to be distributed as prizes to people or groups that have achieved scientific research achievements this year.Liu Chuanming got an order of more than 20 yuan from Jiang Yu. For the time being, at least this exhibition was not in vain.It was already noon when Jiang Yu returned to the Weilai booth.He felt that his work efficiency was quite high today. He chatted with Gu Delong and Zhao Xiyou this morning, and found a cooperative factory by the way, and placed some orders for vcd gifts.Now it's time to eat.Ok?Where did Sun Mingli go?Those people from the government were not with him this morning. They eat public meals. Jiang Yu and him are not in the same way, so naturally they are not prepared to mix with them.Therefore, he really didn't know what Sun Mingli and the others were doing this morning.You can't mix with them at work, but you should still mix with them when eating.You can't let them eat out of their own pockets.But the strange thing is that when Jiang Yu returned to his booth, he didn't see this group of people either.Forget it, since you can't find them, let them go.When Jiang Yu was about to take his people to sacrifice to the god of the five internal organs, Yang Zeming came out from nowhere.There is a gold cup between Dongfang Bicycle's booth and Weilai's booth, but Yang Zeming was not there in the morning rain.This guy didn't know why he didn't come because he was busy in the morning. It was almost noon today, and he came running here.Jiang Yu decided that he was here for dinner, and was going to pretend he didn't know him.He doesn't know Yang Zeming now, and he is ready to get away with it without squinting.Unfortunately, Yang Zeming knew him, and instead of pretending not to know him, Yang Zeming ran over on purpose. "Bastard boy! What does it mean to see the master come and turn your head that way?" "Oh! Master, you are here, didn't I see a beautiful woman!" "Beauty? Where is the beauty? I think your eyes have grown The glass is broken, so is that also called a beauty?" "Master! It's already noon, you hurried over, you must not be discussing beauty with me, what's the matter with you?" "Go! Go to eat first." You see !Let's just say he's here for dinner. "Don't roll your eyes there, I'm treating you!" This is still good! "Master! How dare you treat me?" "Stop talking nonsense! Do you need a meal?" After Jiang Yu arranged for the company's people to have dinner, he followed Yang Zeming to a restaurant far from the exhibition hall. .The restaurants near your exhibition hall are full of people.Two people can't eat many dishes, and four dishes are considered extravagant and wasteful.Jiang Yu ordered a shredded potato and a shredded pork with Beijing sauce.He likes tofu skin rolls with shredded pork very much.Yang Zeming ordered a braised pork and a fried sausage.This guy loves to eat intestines. "Master! I don't think this factory has been cleaned properly." "Don't talk too much and it disgusts me." "Really! Look at this piece, does it look like a lump..." Yang Zeming raised his palm: "I'm still your master. Believe it or not, I made you forget your last name?" "Hey! I'm dazzled, and this intestine is quite clean after washing." The two of them each had a bottle of beer, and they didn't need a bowl. He breathed a sigh of relief for half a bottle, and then ate the vegetables. "Master! How are your electric bicycles selling?" "Don't mention it! It's definitely not as good as your electric motorcycles. They don't sell as much as yours." "Master! Although you are my master, you can't just talk nonsense. I don’t know the specific quantity of things sold, but we can probably estimate it. From the time it was offline to the present, you have too many electric bicycles. I can’t say that you must have sold [-] to [-].” It’s cheap. !Even if the price of electric bicycles has increased once, they are only sold for [-] yuan now, which is cheaper than electric motorcycles.Therefore, the sales of Dongfang brand electric bicycles are quite good.Although it has not been distributed to the southwestern provinces like Weilai Dianmo, it has also been sold from the northeast to North China.

.In terms of quantity, it is less than 80 to 90, and there are also 150.Weilai's electric motorcycles have been sold for this amount. "There are so many, it's just nonsense, and 70 cars haven't been sold." "Just install it! Then why are you rushing here?" "We have also developed the small engine you gave us last time. Are you saying that we sell it directly on the bicycle, or sell the engine exclusively?" "You directly sell it on the bicycle? I'm afraid this country won't allow it." "I've already produced a batch, no matter what Whether the country allows it or not, I am ready to promote the market. Only by installing this engine on the bicycle can the benefits be maximized. People who sell the engine only have to install it when they buy it back. It’s not a motorcycle. You can use the license plate to get a motorcycle, but the bicycle itself does not have a license plate, so what are you getting stuck for?” “Who said that a bicycle has no license plate? Now you have to put the card number on the big shelf to issue a bicycle license.” "This thing is just nonsense, and it will have to be canceled in a few years. It's a muddled thing." In the late 90s and early [-]s, bicycles were really certified, and there were people blocking the road to check.But it only died down in three or four years.Yang Zeming understood this point. "If you think it's okay, you can sell it. Anyway, it's not my business. Of course, you have to sell the engine. After all, there are tens of millions of bicycles in the country that can be modified. If your engine is mass-produced, how much will it cost?" "If it is mass-produced, the cost will be more than [-] yuan." "You add [-] yuan to the factory, and it will cost [-] yuan to the user. There is still a big market. If you sell hundreds of thousands of units a year, you should No problem." From the mid-[-]s to the mid-[-]s, this kind of e-donkeys modified from bicycles were everywhere, giving the traffic police a headache.Not sure how to deal with this kind of thing. "In addition to these things, you should have other things, right?" "I'm going to invest in your Donghe branch factory. Sending cars from you to the south can save a lot of transportation capacity than sending cars from Songyang." Yang Zeming also began to prepare to develop in the south. "Then why don't you go to the south to build a factory? Isn't it good to choose a factory site in Jiangsu and Zhejiang?" Yang Zeming shook his head: "It's too far away, I can't take care of it, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, that's not for people to support their wives and children Have you?" This thought...Yang Zeming is going to set up a factory in Donghe, which is a good thing for Donghe. In addition to achieving employment for the population, it can also create millions of profits and taxes a year.There is no reason to refuse.

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