At this time, many visitors have come to the exhibition hall.Because Weilai occupies the best position, the people here are exceptional, and the Weilai booth is almost surrounded by people.Jiang Yu and Zhao Xiyou hid aside. "Mr. Zhao! It's time for your gold cup to go on the market?" "You know about it?" The annual sales volume is really good, and it’s time to go public.” “You’re so concerned about our Jinbei listing, why don’t you hold your breath?” “Mr. Zhao! What are you talking about? Don’t forget, I am the major shareholder of your Jinbei , I have 5000 million worth of your stocks in my hand. If Jinbei goes public, I am going to cash out these stocks. Otherwise, what is the use of leaving such a large pile of waste paper at home?" Zhao Xiyou immediately regained his energy. : "It's useless if you put it in your hands first, or you can sell your stocks to me at the original purchase price?" "What? Mr. Zhao! You are just dreaming of marrying a wife. It has been in your hand for three or four years, and you want to take it away at the original purchase price? What are you dreaming of? The money is worth a lot of interest in the past few years." "How about I calculate the interest for you." "Hehe Then you have to wait, you are going public in Jinbei this year, and my stocks are worth several hundred million at least, and I will give you the interest? Don’t even think about it." Zhao Xiyou beat his chest and said, "The cheapness has been taken by you again. "This kid was really fooled. If the stocks in his hand were cashed out, he could really take away hundreds of millions.There is no problem with guaranteeing a minimum of 5000 million. "At the beginning, I gave you real money to support you. You must have never realized that Jinbei stock will be so valuable in the future. This is your vision." "It's really enviable. You made hundreds of millions in a blink of an eye. God has no eyes!" Humans are fate, they are so damned better than others, this kid jokingly took out 15 million at the beginning, and now he has made more than ten times the profit.Where does this make sense? "Hahaha! Just be jealous of me." Weilai had two booths, which were arranged in front and back.The front is a booth with a width of 15 meters and a length of 15 meters from front to back.This booth displays all vehicles, with Fengling in the center, several latest agricultural tricycles on the left and right, and two-wheeled and three-wheeled electric vehicles.Behind this booth, there is another booth with a width of 20 meters and a length of [-] meters. The booth products of other companies in Fengwobao are placed in this booth.Except that there is no need for steel pipes to be exhibited, almost all other products are concentrated here.There were many spectators around the booth.Some of these people are tourists and they really join in the fun.Some of them are merchants from the province or other provinces, and they choose some commodities they need here.The commodities sold in Fengwobao Village are mainly cars and bags.Other products have been in operation for so many years, and basically have fixed agents and distributors all over the country. The reason why they come to the exhibition is to show the latest products.Only cars and bags are still without agents or partially without agents.Play for free without an agent.Naturally, the bag counter had the most visitors at the Weilai booth, and they were all looking at the various backpacks and bags produced by the Weilai luggage factory.Of course there are also some to buy.When the bag factory came, they brought a lot of bags, so they could sell them.Song Mei, a woman like Jiang Yu, was convinced too, she even dared to use the exhibition as a market.Gu Delong and Zhao Xiyou were also attracted by Weilai's booth. "What are you selling at this booth? There are so many people around." "Selling bags! I only have this kind of boss bag!" The word "boss" finally appeared in the north shyly after [-].In fact, Nanfang has been the boss for many years.Only then did Gu Delong and Zhao Xiyou notice a black leather bag under Jiang Yu's armpit.Not to mention it's really stylish. "How much is this wave? What kind of material?" "There are all kinds of materials, dozens of dollars for leather, hundreds of dollars for leather and sheepskin!" "Show me your bag, what's in it?" "

What else can it hold, money and some documents. ""No condoms, sanitary napkins or anything like that?" "Gu Delong looked at the problem from a very novel angle. "I'm not a woman, why do I need sanitary napkins?"No toilet paper at all. " "You should send us one each!" "Gu Delong spoke without shame. "Mr. Gu!Just say this in front of me, don't say it in front of others, it's embarrassing!We, a big boss who makes cars, open our mouths to let others ask for a bag worth 80 yuan, what about your face? ""No face!What do you need to do with your face when you can rub it for nothing? "I have convinced you, you are more shameless than me." "Jiang Yu said to an idle employee in the booth who was not a contractor: "Bring two male bosses to wrap them, and they want sheepskins." "..The employee went over and brought two different styles of sheepskin bags. Jiang Yu casually distributed one to Gu Delong and Zhao Xiyou. "This one doesn't look good, give me another one." "Jiang Yu gave Gu Delong a blank look: "The white rubbish is also picky, let's make do with it!" "Gu Delong shamelessly changed another one before giving up. But it's no fun to hold an empty bag. This guy ran back to the booth, not knowing what was in it, and came back with a bulging bag in a short while. Yes, with an expression that I don't know anyone. "Stop talking nonsense with you two, I'm going to walk around the exhibition to see if there is anything I can take advantage of. "Zheng Dabao is still in Bingyugou now, and did not come with Jiang Yu, so Jiang Yu wandered around the exhibition hall alone, and wandered around the home appliances exhibition area after three turns and two turns. Here he saw a display of a combination audio system. Unit. There are two female staff members in the booth, sitting on chairs in a daze, bored. Jiang Yu stretched out his hand and shook it up and down in front of the girl in a daze. According to the manufacturer, it turned out to be an enterprise in Fengcheng County. An enterprise specializing in the production of audio equipment, it used to be a broadcast loudspeaker. Music or something, you don’t move at all, and no one knows what you do. “What material are your speakers made of? "The two little girls were a little shy and didn't answer. The director of this factory must be out of his mind. He participated in the exhibition to do sales promotion, and you actually chose two masters who blush when they speak. Are you making trouble." Really.. . Solid wood. It was easy to hear an answer. "Then how much do you sell for a pair of speakers?" ""two hundred! "A pair of solid wood speakers sells for two hundred? Jiang Yu thought he heard it wrong.

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