All the products produced in Fengwobao Village will naturally appear in these CDs.From light bulb sockets, to pressure cookers, air fryers, electric baking pans, to trolley cases and bags.As for the sportswear and shoes, needless to say, I have prepared more than a dozen sets of pairs, and I will change them into battle when the time comes.Electric vehicles and Fengling must not be left behind, and even agricultural tricycles must have a chance to show their faces.Of course, this is a soft advertisement, and it is not directly promoted. It is enough to show the word Weilai or the icon of Weilai on the mtv.As for the heroine that must be in MTV, besides the cameo appearance of the Cobra band, it seems that they also need to find two beautiful appearances.This one is also easy to find, there are so many companies, and there are many literary and artistic activists, just find a few and come over.Jiang Yu talked about the key points of these mtv.These guys are used to staying in the city, and their heads are a little bit screwy. They don't even understand Jiang Yu's concept of advertising placement, and they all look sad, as if they were asked to go to the west to learn scriptures. "What's so difficult about this? Come and let me hold a meeting for you to teach you the connotation of advertising placement. Have you seen this road?" Jiang Yu pointed to the dirt road in front of the school playground.This road will be hardened after the school is completed. "The person in charge of filming stood on the side of the road with a camera to shoot, and a certain band who wanted to film these programs rode our electric bicycles from the front one by one. The car, just show me the car logo again. After the electric car is finished, you can change to an agricultural tricycle and do it again, and finally change to our Fengling. The band members and actresses are standing in the car, wearing sunglasses and long hair flying ...It's a pity that we don't produce sunglasses, is there any sponsorship from a sunglasses manufacturer! This is also an income." The band members are so tired, big brother!You are teaching us about advertising placement, how do you think about generating income? "The clothes and shoes you wear, as well as the pots and pans you use, the bags you carry on your back, the hats you wear on your head, and the socks you wear under your feet can all appear in the camera, and it doesn't take too long , even if it passes by in a flash, the trademark must stand out." Jiang Yu talked for a long time, and finally let these guys understand the concept of advertising placement.Can not be done!This also requires a professional photographer, pointing at these guys to shoot, it is estimated that nothing can be edited in the end.Jiang Yu invited the cameraman from the telephone TV station with just one phone call.Although the opponent's level is not very good, but after so many years in Donghe TV station, he has accumulated some experience.Of course, his task is not only to shoot tv, but also to shoot live concerts, and these materials can be used.Jiang Yu felt that Chu Yuan and his own audio equipment were not good enough.If their equipment is sufficient indoors, it is a bit difficult to use outdoors.But it seems that there is no time to buy a set of audio equipment.Make do with it. On the night of NO.20, this improvised party started.Bai Feng, who was six months pregnant, came resolutely on the pretext that the child wanted to listen to more music.Isn't this bullshit?If you want to listen to music at home, can't he listen to it?Besides, prenatal education also listens to soothing music, what's the matter with you listening to these loud rock music?Do you also want Lao Tzu's son to hold a golden cudgel in his hand as soon as he is born?But Jiang Yu couldn't stop her, so he had to draw a circle in a better position, so that she would not be disturbed in the circle.Zheng Dabao, who came back after half a month of marriage, stood on the right side of Baifeng like an iron tower, and his wife Zhang Ying stood on the left side of Baifeng, providing a human barrier for Baifeng.Jiang Yu stood behind Bai Feng, controlling her to jump around at any time.The five bands sang old songs, and they were all the songs that Jiang Yu carried to them during the Asian Games.Although the song was written a year and a half ago, it still makes the young people's blood boil when they listen to it in Fengwobao Village.The atmosphere at the concert was so lively that everyone didn't know if they heard the stage clearly.

Whatever they sang, they jumped up and down, shouted and shouted.A DVD player with these songs as a bonus is sure to be a hit with the young ones.Is it just that young people have money to buy DVD players?Jiang Yu suddenly remembered that some discs of songs like "The Waves of Honghu Lake" should be released. If they can't attract the middle-aged and elderly people, the sales of this DVD player will definitely be affected.After all, it is these people who hold the financial power of a family.If it doesn't work, take some of the karaoke songs from the video tape, wouldn't it be the same?Although this is just a rural village, the band on stage was really professional and sang very seriously.Of course, they were rewarded with applause and screams.Jiang Yu was very prescient. If he didn't control Bai Feng from behind, this woman might just sit on the sky monkey under her buttocks, and might fly somewhere.She didn't take her stomach seriously at all, she always wanted to jump up and down.It's all because of Jiang Yu's physical restraint on her.The performance of more than three hours ended soon, and the performance ended at eleven o'clock.After the performance, Jiang Yu asked people to take these guys to a restaurant arranged in advance for supper.These guys have developed a whole body of cheap problems in the bars in the capital, and they have to eat something in the middle of the night, otherwise they can't sleep.Jiang Yu will not accompany them anymore, he will go home to accompany his wife. "I want to print them all on my t-shirt." Bai Feng's business brain began to be whimsical again.Jiang Yu concentrated on driving back and didn't respond. "Ask you?" "Ah! What did you ask me?" "I'm going to print them on T-shirts that come out in the summer." "You're asking me? I thought you were talking to yourself."" Tell me, is it okay?" "What's wrong? Just do it if you think it's okay." "If you can't sell what you want and lose money, you have to reimburse me." "Why are you reimbursed?" "I don't care. Anyway, if you lose money, you have to be responsible!" "Okay! If you lose money, it's mine, and if you make money, it's yours." Anyway, it's all my fault.After the concert, the five bands started filming for MTV. They first took some scenes in Yanshui River, took some samples, and then took pictures of Bingyugou.Bingyugou is located in the northwest of Donghe County and is a famous scenic spot in southern Liaoning. .Every summer, there is a lot of traffic here.Although it is not yet the tourist season at the end of May, Bingyugou is already overcrowded.A group of long-haired people suddenly appeared here, which became a new landscape of Bingyugou.Of course, some music lovers recognized who these people were and asked for autographs.Zheng Dabao led a ten-member security team to be responsible for their safety throughout the whole process to ensure the smooth progress of the filming.

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