"Is no one occupying the pit? If you really don't occupy it, I will rent out the remaining stone pits. Don't let the stones set off to make money for you one or the other."

"Nephew Jiang! Do you mean that stones will be worth money in the future?"

The person who asked the question was Lu Guangquan, Lu Changhe's father.

Lu Guangquan used to work as a mason, but he quit a few years ago because he felt that there was no need to rush to stone.

Yesterday afternoon, when he saw Jiang Yu coming back with a tractor, he began to think about it.

This kid has contracted a quarry and bought a tractor, so is there any project development going on recently?Need a lot of stone?

"Uncle Lu! Stones will definitely be valuable in the future. I don't think it will take long, that is, this summer, and the stones will rise quickly. By then, I will outsource all the stone pits, and you will have no place to do it even if you want to do it." gone."

Jiang Yu's words made Lu Guangquan believe in his guess even more. It seems that there is really a big project going on.

"I'll take a hole, don't think there will be no room for it."

Lu Guangquan not only occupied a hole for himself, but also occupied a hole for Qin's Ma Zhanhai, who was messing with him.

Lu Guangquan was well-known as an old fox in Huangling Village. Not only did this guy take up a trap in a hurry, but he also dragged his old in-laws into the trap.

Those who pay attention agree that there are ghosts in the middle.

But even if they think there are ghosts in it, no one proposes to occupy the pit.

They don't have the brains of Lu Guangquan, so they can't see the business opportunities in front of them.

Jiang Yu was a little disappointed. Only nine of the more than 30 stone pits in the quarry have been used, and the two pits reported by Lu Guangquan just now are only eleven, only one third of which have been used.

"I really don't want any more? I've said it all, why don't you believe it? This summer, the demand for stones will suddenly increase. People will sell one meter of stones for every meter of stones. Not at all. When there are no pits to occupy, you should regret that the stone pits have been occupied by people, and there is no place to fight."

"The third master counts as one." At this moment, a voice rang out, and a young guy signed up.

Then a few more people signed up, and a total of nine pits were reported.

Adding the nine pits that have been working all the time, there are only eighteen pits, and there are twelve unowned pits.

These 12 unowned pits may only be rented to people from other villages in the future.

"That's the thing about the stone pit. If anyone wants to occupy the pit to dig stones in the future, you can contact me at any time. The following question is still closely related to the stone. When the stone is hit in the quarry, there must be a means of transportation to take it away." Pull it out, so I judge that on the day when the stone starts to travel, tractors will follow and become an important means of transportation. Tractors are popular, and tractor drivers are even more popular. I suggest that there are eighteen or nineteen years old. The child's family spends [-] yuan to give the child a tractor ticket, which is a valuable investment. If you get a driver's license, even if you don't own a tractor, you can also drive it for someone else. Do you understand?"

Jiang Yu started talking about this matter years ago, and several young people have already signed up, so there is no question of whether they understand or not, only whether they accept it or not.

"If your family's economic conditions are relatively good, it is best to learn bus tickets directly. Having a bus ticket in your hand is equivalent to having a stable job. In less than ten years, our country will be a world of cars. Yes. The demand for car drivers is huge. At that time, it might cost 5000 yuan to learn a car driver’s license. If you learn it now, you will get a huge bargain.”

In the 80s, there were very few levels of bus tickets. Except for passenger cars and a small number of special engineering vehicles, one driver's license could drive all cars.


In the beginning, you only relied on a B-class driver's license. If you want to drive a large tractor truck, you have to study again and then take the A-class license. It's always troublesome.

The old driver's license does not have this trouble, and it is automatically upgraded to a class A license, so it is better to learn now if you have money, and it is better to do it in one step.

"Now it costs only 700 yuan to learn a driver's license. I dare to say responsibly that it will cost more than [-] yuan to learn a driver's license next year."

Although Jiang Yu was eloquent, there was still no one who signed up for a car driving license, but there were quite a few people who signed up to learn a tractor. A total of fifteen guys from Huangling Village signed up, including Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian. , Lu Changhe, Ma Guoguang and others.

"With a tractor driver's license, it's better to drive for others than to drive yourself. This summer, there are big projects that need a lot of stones. Naturally, a lot of tractors are needed for transportation. I contacted 17 tractors, including Shanghai 50, Big 60 and Dongfanghong 28, these tractors are now undergoing engine overhaul in the overhaul factory. If you need a tractor, please contact me. After buying a tractor, my own children drive and pull stones to earn freight. The gross profit can reach about 60 yuan a day , even if the burning oil wear is removed, there will be [-] yuan left.”

This is not Jiang Yu drawing big cakes for them, but a real existence. In the north in the mid-to-late 80s, any business can earn tens of yuan a day, and only transportation can do it.

This time, the people in Huangling Village were a little restless.

You can earn dozens of yuan a day!This is something they dare not even think about.

"If no one buys tractors, I will keep all these tractors for myself and hire you people who have obtained a driver's license to drive them. I will pay each driver 120 yuan a month."

Last year, the per capita income of Huangling Village was only [-] yuan, but Jiang Yu now pays [-] yuan a month for hiring a tractor driver.

Those who have young people of the right age but have not signed up for a driver's license can't help but regret it.

"Brother Jiang! I also want to learn a driver's license, can I?" someone of Jiang Yu's generation asked.

"Why not? The money is your own, and no one else has the right to interfere with how you want to spend it."

"Then I have finished my driver's license, can I still drive?"

"Yes! If there are no good ones, there are bad ones. I have already entrusted someone to buy tractors for me outside. In the end, it is estimated that there will be 25 or six units. I guarantee that there will be your tractors."

This is not a fake, Han Guoxiang is the executor of this task, Jiang Yu gave him the task to see if other transportation companies in Donghe County still have such tractors?

But this time his acquisition focus is on Shanghai 50 and JAC 50, other cars are just for reference.

Hearing that Jiang Yu was still buying tractors, people in Huangling Village were stunned.

What is this kid doing?

"Nephew Jiang, where did you get so much money to buy so many tractors?"

"I got a loan from a credit union! I got a loan of hundreds of thousands, otherwise where would I get the money to buy a tractor?"

Hundreds of thousands of loans!This kid from the Jiang family is going to heaven, why is he so bold?

Almost all the men, women and children in Huangling Village gasped, and there was a faint sound in the room of the team headquarters.

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