The exhibition venue in Songyang is only 9 square meters, and now it is completely unable to adapt to the current scale of the exhibition.However, the Songyang Municipal Government or the Liao Provincial Government did not pay enough attention to this matter, and did not have the idea of ​​expanding or rebuilding a convention and exhibition center.Jiang Yu wanted to move this convention and exhibition center to Donghe, and Zhonghe County applied for a piece of land to build a large convention and exhibition center.But this idea was quickly rejected by him.After all, Donghe is only a county seat, and if you want to build an exhibition hall covering an area of ​​90 square meters, the above will not approve it at all.Even if the county-level city is withdrawn in September this year, it will still be a county-level city.etc!This year, Donghe also has the big event of withdrawing from the county and turning it into a city.For ordinary people, the difference between Donghe County and Donghe City is just a literal difference, and it has no effect on their actual lives.But Jiang Yu knew the difference between a county and a city.After the chemical market, some decisions in sensitive areas that needed to be consulted with superiors can now be made by themselves.For example, in the use of some land, the city has greater decision-making power than the county.For example, to build this convention and exhibition center, the city needs to apply to the higher-level competent government before, so now it can be decided by itself.Jiang Yu thought for a long time, and then called Sun Mingli's office.Sun Mingli is now the deputy county magistrate and director of the Industrial Bureau, the core leadership of Donghe.In a few months he will be the deputy mayor and director of industry. "Magistrate Sun! Are you healthy and delicious now?" Sun Mingli was taken aback for a moment before he recognized who was speaking. "I have something to talk about, I'm very busy now!" "Uncle Sun! I want to build a convention and exhibition center in our county, what do you think?" "Build a convention and exhibition center? Isn't that thing only found in big cities , Why do we build that thing?" "There are many benefits." "What are the benefits?" It stands to reason that as a deputy county magistrate, he should be very clear about the fact that a convention and exhibition center has increased its influence on a city.But in the 200s, the convention and exhibition center was still a new thing, and officials in many big cities didn't understand what was going on, and officials in a small county like Donghe could be forgiven.Jiang Yu chose to forgive him. "The convention and exhibition center can bring benefits in all aspects to a city, of course, the premise is that it is successfully held. First, it can bring the development of the tourism industry to the host city. Every event held by the convention and exhibition will bring a large number of people to the city. Traffic, the exhibitors will go to the tourist attractions of the city to travel and spend in their spare time during exhibitions or conferences, which will drive the development of the tourism economy in the region. Through their word of mouth, a certain reputation will be formed, which will affect the popularity of local tourist attractions. The spread of popularity has a huge role in promoting." "This seems to be very reasonable." "Second, to drive the development of the transportation industry, the holding of a convention and exhibition will attract a large number of outsiders, which will naturally increase the demand for transportation, bringing Here comes the economic income from transportation.” “This makes sense.” “With the tourism industry and the transportation industry, the hotel industry is naturally indispensable. These people must have a place to live and eat when they come, so the local accommodation, catering, entertainment There are improvements in other aspects, and in the end, there are quite a few enterprises in our county, and they hold exhibitions and exhibit products in front of their homes, but it can save a lot of money compared to exhibiting products in other places." "Xiaojiang! Your suggestion is very good, can’t it just be opened in our gymnasium, why build a new one?” Ah!At the county gym?Songyang's 250-square-meter pavilion is too small for him, but Donghe's gymnasium is less than [-] square meters?Isn't this an international joke? "Uncle Sun! I said that the exhibition hall to be built covers an area of ​​[-] square meters. This is only the first phase of the project. Who are you fooling when you build a gymnasium?" Sun Mingli was suddenly silent for more than a minute. "Building [-] square meters? The number you mentioned is a bit scary." "What's so scary? [-] long and [-] wide are enough."

Such a big place, how much money can it be built?Take a step back and say that there are places and money, but can the higher-ups approve it? "" Uncle Sun!Can we solve this problem step by step?I don't believe that you can't find a 5-square-meter piece of land by the East River. This thing doesn't need to be in the county seat, but just on the edge of the city. "Sun Mingli was silent for a long time: "This problem can be solved, where is the money?Seeing such a large convention and exhibition center, it is estimated to cost tens of millions, right? "However, it costs tens of millions, and it's not just one floor. If you want to build it, you can build it at once. At least it will not be outdated for 40 years." If you can give me the land, it’s okay for me to be responsible for the investment and construction, as long as the proceeds of the exhibition hall will belong to me in the future. ""In your dreams!We have given you the land, even if you invest in the establishment of the management, and then all the proceeds will belong to you, then the county will not be the big one? "How can this be taken advantage of?"I can only get the benefits of being in charge, and the three benefits I just mentioned are none of my business. "That's not okay, but you can participate in the shares, or lend us money." "Lend money to you? Didn't I seek a doctor when I was not sick?" There is plenty of money in the bank, so don't worry about my three melons and dates. I have many companies to invest in, but I have no money to lend you. "Let's put the issue of money aside. Even if you have land and money, if the higher-ups don't approve it, isn't it useless?" "" Uncle Sun!If you stay in the government office, you won’t be inferior to me as a commoner, right? I know that our county will be decommissioned and turned into a city this year, but the people in your government organization don’t even know about it?Don't tell me you don't know anything. "The county was withdrawn from the city in September, and now the county leaders don't know about it in April, so they should all go home to farm. "What's the difference between the withdrawal of the county and the city? "Then haven't you studied the benefits of withdrawing counties and turning cities into cities?" "We knew that the administrative level had increased." "This point of energy is all used in researching this." After the withdrawal of counties and cities, you have a considerable amount of autonomy in planning and using the land. Do you think this is good news? ""Ok?Is there anything else?I'll go back and study this. "Cracked, and the phone hung up. It can't be blamed on them. After all, they haven't experienced the withdrawal of counties and cities for many years. They are also confused when they withdraw from counties and cities. What is it called? No matter, just hang up the phone! Jiang Yu shook his head helplessly.

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