"If it wasn't for you, would I have a big belly? If it wasn't for you, would I be able to go to Yangcheng this time?" Isn't this nonsense?Your belly is getting bigger just by myself?Can't two people cooperate! "Okay! After you give birth, I will organize a group of people to accompany you to Yangcheng at the Canton Fair in autumn. What's the point of going to Yangcheng all the time? Go to other places to get enough." "Then you can say what you say." " Of course it counts!" "Then pull the hook!" "Pull the hook, it's not a child! Lie down well and don't move around!" Bai Feng is now five months pregnant, and she is dishonest all day long.April 5rd is the opening day of Heshan National Day.As the youngest of these four guys, Jiang Yu has no reason not to participate.The opening ceremony of Heshan National Day started with the sound of firecrackers at 22:50 am on April 30rd.Jiang Yu stood at position C, with his four boys on the left and right, and they completed the ribbon-cutting ceremony together.Then a team of eight three-wheeled agricultural vehicles, dressed in red and colorful, pulled the products they produced, and drove out of the gate of the factory.These four guys really listened to Jiang Yu's suggestion and sold the two Fengling cars.Because these two Fengling cars have only been in their hands for half a month, they are completely new cars.So I kept my book.It was sold for [-] yuan in exchange for eight Weilai tricycles with the maximum [-] horsepower, which were still a luxury version with a fully enclosed cab and self-unloading.Although the three-wheeled wheels are inconspicuous, they are enough for Zhang Shanbo and his small factory whose transportation route does not exceed [-] kilometers.A single-cylinder engine is more fuel-efficient and economical than a four-cylinder engine.At this time, the eight tricycles were fully loaded with various car seat cushions produced and processed by them, and drove to various units in Fengwobao Village.When the goods are delivered, the receiving unit will issue them a receipt, and at the end of each month, they will go to Weilai Finance Department to exchange cash with this receipt. The only few thousand-ton cargo ships of the Donghe Port Authority were hired by Weilai's shipping company, which was not enough.After all, it takes more than ten days for a cargo ship to turn around once, and this is only on the domestic coast.But even if it takes ten and a half months, because the demand for the products shipped out is too high, the ships of the Donghe Port Authority are simply not enough.The development department of Weilai had no choice but to hire a ship from the port authority in Linxian County to load the goods to the south.The goods transported by ship are mainly vehicles, whether it is two-wheel electric vehicles or three-wheel electric vehicles, as well as agricultural tricycles and agricultural four-wheel vehicles.These cars are assembled at the port of Donghe and then loaded on the ship.You have to have your own fleet, and it's not easy to do anything with a single ship.Right now, it’s easy to deal with domestic and coastal waters. In the future, more products will go abroad. It’s better to use other people’s ships than to ship by yourself, which can save a huge amount of shipping costs.In the future, there may be a fleet of ocean-going ships.If a ship makes ten trips a year, it can earn four to five million yuan in freight.However, according to the current freight rate standard, it will take ten or eight years to recover the cost of building a new ship. It is better to buy a second-hand ship.Jiang Yu decided to buy a few second-hand cargo ships, not for earning freight, but for convenience.On April [-]th, the Canton Fair exhibitors from Fengwobao Village set off.This is a team of at least two people from each enterprise in Fengwobao Village, with nearly [-] members. They happily boarded the plane to Yangcheng in Bohai.About one-third of these people have participated in the Canton Fair, and the rest are going to the Canton Fair for the first time.Nearly half of them are going to the south for the first time.When the Fengwobao people were happily going to Yangcheng to participate in the Canton Fair, on the other side of the world, there was also an exhibition going on.The American International Radio and Television Technology Exhibition also officially opened.It was the largest television technology expo in the world at the time.A group of people from China is particularly eye-catching in this exhibition.These people are from Anhui Modern Electronics Company, and the leader is Jiang Wanming.They came to this exhibition to try their luck, to see if there were any new inventions that could be used.In his last life, he saw the piece here that had just been successfully researched and had not yet caused any problems.

People pay attention to the image decoding chip to create a vcd player.Jiang Wanming is the general manager of Hyundai Group. He took his employees around the exhibition aimlessly, looking here and there.Slowly, I wandered to the booth of a company called Sigaopa.This is a Microsystems digital video compression, transmission, decompression, semiconductor company.The products on display are directly related to these aspects.In a corner of Sigaopa's booth, Jiang Wanming saw a chip.The description of the chip is image decompression technology.After learning about the performance of this chip, Jiang Wanming's intuition told him that this is a very useful technology.Technology can store both images and sound on a small disc.He started to get in touch with the people from SigaoPa, and happily bought several such chips.He is going to go back and study it. If he can succeed, this will be an opportunity with huge commercial benefits.But what Jiang Wanming never dreamed of was that when this idea popped up in his mind, a company in China had already integrated what he wanted to make.On the third day after the Fengwobao Village exhibitors left for Yangcheng, Jiang Yu received a call from Wu Xiao in the Huangling Village office.He said that the integration of the DVD player was completed, so he could go over and have a look.Jiang Yu didn't neglect at all, and rushed to Bohai immediately, and saw this successfully integrated prototype.To be exact, it's not even a prototype yet.It's just electronic components placed on a board without even a case.But it doesn't matter. A shell doesn't take much thought.Just because there are no CDs produced, this machine can only be used as a CD player for the time being, and can only play sound, but cannot see images. "Are you sure that this machine can play images if it has a disc with a matching format?" Jiang Yu asked worriedly.One of the engineers in charge of the integration patted his chest and assured: "As long as the format matches, the image will be released [-] percent." That's it.Jiang Yu brought back the drawings and prototype.Bohai Electronics is now fully engaged in the production of pagers, but they have neither the production capacity nor the strength to produce DVD players.The production of DVD players is the business of Weilai, and what they can do is to supply a sufficient number of decoding chips and movements.The next step that Bohai Electronics needs to do is to simplify the decoding board and the movement, so as to reduce the cost of the DVD player.After Jiang Yu took the prototype machine back to Fengwobao Village, he immediately handed it over to Zhang Chong, and asked the electronics factory to make a few first.The next step is to wait for the CD burner to arrive, and make a CD for verification.

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