The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 747 The purpose is the production line

Gani did not understand the thinking of this Chinese man.He actually has other conditions. "What conditions do you have?" "Give us a full set of technology that you eliminated passenger models last year." "Huh? You are a sportswear manufacturer, what do you want car technology for?" "We are a comprehensive group company. In addition to producing clothing, we also produce vehicles." "Do you also produce cars?" Gani became interested. "Now we only produce three-wheeled agricultural vehicles." "Three-wheeled agricultural vehicles?" European vehicles have basically entered the era of four-wheeled vehicles directly from two-wheeled or four-wheeled carriages.I have never played a tricycle in the middle, and their tricycle is relatively unfamiliar. "It is a very low-end rural vehicle, which is not considered a car in the eyes of you Europeans." "Are you planning to make a miniature car?" "Have this idea." "But this is definitely not possible, even if it is a product we eliminated , and I can’t give it to you for nothing.” “Mr. Gani! How can this be given for nothing? Juventus’s original chest sponsorship was only 150 yuan. In fact, I even offered 400 million yuan, and you will cooperate happily , then the extra 400 million is naturally for other cooperation, and the extra money is tantamount to buying your outdated technology.” The idea of ​​this Chinese man is a bit interesting. .. "Although it is a model we have eliminated, it cannot be sold to you for 400 million." You see, this is the always arrogant virtue of Europeans.You have eliminated the models, but you still think you have less money!Jiang Yu thought of Nanjing Fiat, which was jointly established by Fiat in Nanjing seven years later.Fiat wanted to use outdated and old models to fool the Chinese people, and finally got a lot of chicken feathers.Therefore, the decline of the West cannot be saved even if the gods come. "Mr. Gani! Since passenger cars are not good, then commercial vehicles are okay, right? I think the Eurostar you produced last year is pretty good." The Eurostar is a medium-sized car launched by Iveco, a subsidiary of the Fiat Group, last year. truck.The car won the industry's coveted International Truck of the Year award this year.So far, based on this model, Iveco has successively developed him and heavy-duty trucks, becoming a series with a long history. "Mr. Jiang! Your idea is a bit ridiculous. You want to buy the commercial model we only produced last year for two dollars." "Mr. Gani! Why do you call it two dollars? If I sign three In 400, an extra 1200 million yuan a year, which is 126 million, at this price to buy a medium-card technology in Europe, I think many manufacturers will come to me with high jumps." "Maybe there is such a possibility, but we are sure I won’t sell you the technology that was launched last year.” “Mr. Gani! This is not okay, that’s not okay, it seems that you Italians are not sincere in doing business, so how about this, sell me two complete vehicle production lines It’s okay? If you can’t meet this condition, then we can only find other clubs to cooperate.” The production line and vehicle technology are two different things. "This can be considered. What kind of auto insurance production line do you want? The other is your 126 production line." Gani is also the specific helm of the Fiat Group. Although he cannot make decisions alone, he has a great say on the board of directors .While sponsoring teams and buying production lines, it's not a systemic problem.But this is not Jiang Yu's concern. If it is settled, it will be settled by Gani. "One is the Eurostar production line I just mentioned, and the other is your [-] production line, and I want the latest fully automatic production line." This is Jiang Yu's real purpose.He wanted to buy Fiat's fully automated production line because Fiat was one of the first companies to use robotic systems to assemble vehicles.They began to use robotic vehicle assembly lines in [-], and a new robot system, robogate, that can automatically and flexibly assemble the body shell has been put into many years

Afterwards, Fiat has also made great progress in the robot assembly system, and now basically more than half of a complete vehicle is assembled by robots. "Mr. Jiang! Our fully automatic assembly line is very expensive." "Mr. Gani! I know this, so I will spend 800 million yuan to sponsor Juventus's chest advertisement. If Juventus Tuss can also give us the sponsorship of the jersey to Weilai, and the sponsorship price will increase, and we will sponsor 200 million a year for three years." In 200, 1300 million sponsored one The team's jersey, which is already a sky-high price.In 1250, AC Milan's jersey sponsorship is [-] million yuan, and Inter Milan's jersey sponsorship is [-] million yuan.In comparison, even Gani was terrified at the price Jiang Yu offered. "Mr. Jiang! I have to say that we really can't refuse the price you offered. It's just football sponsorship and the complete vehicle production line you want. This is not a systematic matter and it is not easy to solve." "Mr. Gani! As you The president of the Fiat Group and the chairman of the Juventus club, I think this issue is a trivial matter for you." "I'm going to discuss this with the board of directors." "This is normal, but Mr. Gani should give me some advice. Time, you know that I don't care about Dalineng for a long time, I can't wait here forever." "Three days! We will definitely give you a message." "Mr. Gani! I still want to ask You have another question, as Italy is a leader in European construction, I would like to know if your domestic construction company has any advanced processing equipment in terms of construction materials processing?" This question is relatively general, and Gani didn't understand it for a while. . "Mr. Jiang! I don't know which aspect you are talking about?" "Now there is a new type of building material in the construction field, plastic steel! I don't know if you have an equipment factory for processing this material? I want to buy a Go back with this kind of equipment." "Ah! Mr. Jiang! What are you doing when you buy this thing?" "Processing doors and windows." "Your company still does this?" "Hey! My company produces a lot of things, Gani Sir, if you have the opportunity to go to Huaguo and visit our company, you will find that we produce all kinds of things.” “Mr. Jiang! I think the products are too much and too complicated, which is not conducive to the development of a company. It is the right choice to make the same product." "Mr. Gani! I know what you say is very reasonable, but our Huaguo is a country that has just opened up. Now is an era when we have no clue, and we can earn money by doing anything. In the period of money, when everything is stable in the future, we will focus on making the same product.” “It also makes sense, I will ask our company’s distribution department to contact you.” “Thank you, Mr. Gani .”

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