The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 743 It was photographed on the horse's leg

On March 20th, Jiang Yu and Zheng Dabao were about to leave for the capital.The tickets they booked were on the seventh, and they could wander around in the capital for two days.He made one last tour of the business before departing to see if there was anything he could explain.When he was inspecting the four-wheel agricultural vehicle factory in Nanjianshan, he saw a person unexpectedly.Xie Zhiwei!Didn't this guy leave here more than ten days ago? Why did he come back again?At this moment, I was talking to a salesperson of the four-wheel agricultural vehicle factory.Jiang Yu walked over. "I remember that you seem to be from Guangdong Province. What's your name?" "Xie Zhiwei!" "You seem to have left here on the 13th or 50th of last month. Why did you come back so soon?" "Boss Jiang! I brought back ten Fengling cars last time, and they were all sold out, so I flew here overnight." "Ah! Let me calculate how many days it has been. You should have left on No. 7000 last month, and today is four No, it only takes 55 days to get all the boats, and it will take ten days for the boat to reach your province, right?" In thirteen days, ten wind chimes were sold out.This is a bit too much.The key is that Guangdong Province is not close to here, and it will take nearly a week for the cargo ship to reach Yangcheng.Even if he gets the car to Foshan in a week, it will be sold in six days?Is this the deal? "The boat I joined went straight to Guangdong Province without stopping the ship to unload the cargo. I arrived in Shenzhen in five days. After unloading in Shenzhen, I sub-leased a small boat and pulled the car to Foshan. It took nine days." It took nine days to get home, and it took four days to sell the car." "It took four days. Strictly speaking, my cars were sold in one day, and they were all bought by business people in our town. After they were sold, I would not stop It’s here.” This car is really sold out. "Then how many cars are you going to bring back this time?" "Forty cars!" Jiang Yu remembered that the goods seemed to cost 100 yuan, even if he sold all the ten Fengling at 15 yuan, each car earned 2000 yuan Yuan money, he only has 40 in his hand now.Forty Fenglings cost more than one million yuan. Where did he get so much money? "Did you get a loan from the bank?" "No!" "Then where did you get so much money?" "Hey! I'm taking the opportunity to lay eggs this time." "Let's talk about it." "Our town pays at least Thirty companies want to buy Fengling, but I told them that I can only bring back more than ten cars at a time, and no more than [-] cars, because I don’t have that much money. If you want to buy a car in a hurry, you can pay for it yourself. I'll give you [-] yuan for each car, and some people will pay for it themselves." This kid has all kinds of bad tricks. "Even if you are from this town, you may not have any friendship. They are so relieved to give you the money? If you run away, who will they turn to?" "Hey! You don't have to worry about this, and I don't have to worry about it. , because they sent their own people here, and they sent three, and all their own money is on their own, so what's the use of me running away?" Southerners are really cunning and cunning.Did you pay for the car? "Handed in! I believe that you are discussing the shipment with Fengling's salesperson, and your salesperson is contacting us for the shipment." Fengling's trend is very smooth.Here, Xie Zhiwei set a record of selling ten Fengling in one day, and in a blink of an eye, a strange news came from the capital. "Are you coming to the capital tomorrow?" Xia Yue on the other end of the phone seemed to have not woken up from his afternoon nap.Jiang Yu called and told him that he was going to live with him in the next two days. "Why do I hear your tone as if you don't want to welcome me?" "Aren't you awake, I didn't hear clearly, what are you doing in the capital?" "Go to the Apennine Peninsula, and fly in the capital." "Going to Europe again? Did you get a fair-skinned woman in Europe?" "Haha! I never thought about it! I don't like foreign women." "You came just in time, just send me a hundred Fengling." " Ah! Last time you took a hundred and sold them out?" "How can it be so fast? There are more than [-] more, I guess

When this batch of cars arrives, the previous batch of cars are sold out. Now someone has asked me to wholesale cars. How much do you think I should give them? " "It's none of my business, you can give as much as you like." ""okay then!Send me a hundred cars by boat, and I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow. "Actually, you shouldn't be looking for me for this matter, you should be looking for the sales department of Fengling Depot. If you ask me for everything, I'm too busy." "" Didn't this come out by the way?Just treat it as a burn and let me take care of it, so that I have to call again. If you are fine, I will hang up and I have to sleep for a while. "Jiang Yu hung up the phone and asked the sales staff of Fengling Factory to arrange a hundred Fenglings for Xia Yue, and then came to Bohai Sea with Zheng Dabao the next day, and flew directly to the capital on Bohai Sea. At eleven o'clock at noon, He had already taken Xia Yue's car and came to Weilai Bar. After eating, he chatted with Xia Yue and found the members of Weilai Band. In a blink of an eye, Weilai Band had five It’s been six years. The young man in his twenties at that time is now full of vicissitudes. Since a performance in the Asian Games, the decadent image of the rock circle in Beijing has been changed. Not only did the bands participating in the Asian Games perform I have released my own album, and I can often go to parties, participate in commercial performances and so on... Of course, these guys have also learned from it, and they no longer write those messy songs, but follow Jiang Yu's words and write some fighting spirit No matter if you are sincere or not, at least you have to make a good point on the surface. Weilai Band is also a big brother band in Beijing, and people in this circle almost give them face. After all, the last Asian Games was Weilai The bands I came to look for. There were two bands that did not have Niao Jiangyu back then, but they have long since disappeared without a trace. If they had also participated in the Asian Games, I believe their fate would have changed. Without commercial performance tasks, these bands would basically be there at night. If you hang out at the Weilai Bar, you can make a lot of money by yourself in one night. If you meet a big customer, it is not impossible to make a lot of money by yourself in one night. This will benefit the Weilai Bar. At night, the rich wives and young ladies in the capital will come here to spend a lot of money. Therefore, these guys are still night owls, hiding and sleeping during the day, and only showing up in the afternoon. "You guys think more about being pigs Haven't changed, aren't you afraid of sleeping like an idiot? "Oh, Mr. Jiang is here. I look forward to the stars and the moon, but only to the mountains..." Wu Yao was about to flatter me. "Get lost!" "It was shot on the horse's leg.

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