After dinner, Jiang Yu took Zhang Fugui around the village. Originally, Zhang Fugui wanted to gamble a few times at Yang Wan's house, but he lost interest when he saw that the game was too small.

There was really no other entertainment in Huangling Village, so before eight o'clock, Jiang Yu took Zhang Fugui home, and the two of them lay in bed, talking nonsense.

Zhang Fugui told their stories in the south, and Jiang Yu talked about life in the army. The two kept chatting until after 11 o'clock, when they turned off the lights and went to sleep.

On the morning of the eighth day of the lunar new year, Jiang Yu carried Zhang Fugui to Jianshan Commune Station and put him on the bus to the county seat.

Originally, Jiang Yu wanted to keep Zhang Fugui to live in Huangling Village for two days, but Zhang Fugui felt that Huangling Village was really meaningless, so he gave Jiang Yu's mother 200 yuan and insisted on going to the county seat.

After seeing off Zhang Fugui, Jiang Yu came to the Rural Credit Cooperative. Today is a special day, and the credit union will grant him an interest-free loan. Of course, he must be active.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, he walked into the Rural Credit Cooperative of Jianshan Commune. Of course, he did not carry a sack as the director of the credit union said.

In the era when there were no hundred-yuan bills, if it was cash, the 50 yuan was really packed in sacks.

What Jiang Yu received was a money order, and the 50 money order didn't feel heavy at all, nor did it make him feel rich.

After all, it's not your own money.

After checking the numbers on the money order, he split the money order.

Most of the money was turned into a current passbook and deposited in the credit union, another part of the money was turned into a small amount of money order, and a small part was turned into cash.

After dealing with these, he drove non-stop to the first county transportation team.

It was already past ten o'clock when he arrived at the first transportation team.

"If you come a little later, we'll be off work."

"It's not even 10:30 and you get off work? Bureaucracy kills people!"

Secretary Liu smiled: "Time is tight, so let's get things done quickly. Our party branch held a meeting yesterday afternoon and conducted a discussion. You have to pack and buy all those tractors. We will also try to clean it up. Finally, we decided to pay 3000 yuan a piece." Taiwan, if you want to go to the finance department to pay, after paying the money for those tractors, as for the transfer of those tractors, you can deal with it in a few days."

3000 yuan is a bit beyond Jiang Yu's expectation, but it's okay.

"Is there any other fleet in the county with such a tractor?"

"You still think it's too little?" Secretary Liu was surprised.

"I estimate that 25 tractors are needed, which is still seven or eight tractors short."

"The second transportation team still has a few, maybe not seven or eight, if I remember correctly, there seem to be six, you can go and have a look."

This must be five to see.

Eighteen tractors cost 4000 yuan. Han Guoxiang took Jiang Yu to the finance department of the fleet to pay the money, using a small money order.

Here, Jiang Yu paid the money, and Han Guoxiang went to the vehicle management department to take out all the files of these tractors.

After finishing these things, it's noon again.

Jiang Yu invited Secretary Liu and others to have lunch again, and asked for some things at the dinner table.

Since I didn't take advantage of money, I had to look for things.

Such as wrenches, jacks, spare tires, oil barrels, and wire ropes, Jiang Yu can use these things for tractors in a row.

When the meal was almost finished, Jiang Yu made another request, that is, the convoy had to drive these tractors to the Donghe County Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory. How could he drive so many tractors by himself?

Secretary Liu handed over the matter to Han Guoxiang and asked him to find the driver who was fine at home to help drive the tractor.

Han Guoxiang was still very happy to do things. He found [-] drivers within half an hour. After all the drivers arrived, Jiang Yu took out two big green mountains and asked Han Guoxiang to divide them.

These drivers have rich experience, and immediately started to fiddle with these tractors when they arrived at the parking lot, refueling and pumping up the wheels, and started the engine after all these tasks were completed.

Jiang Yu thought that these tractors would be idle here, and it might be very difficult to start them up for three to four years or six or seven years.

But what I didn't expect was that these drivers were three times, five times and two times apart. Except for the two tractors that were not started, all the others were started.

When it comes to cars, Jiang Yu is not a layman at all. Whether in this life or the last life, he has played with many cars.

So when these tractors smoked, he made a turn around each tractor, and he got some understanding in his heart.

Among these tractors, the engines of the six Shanghai 50 tractors basically do not require maintenance, but the driving wheels are severely worn.

The Shanghai 50 tractor is the most successful model of domestic tractors. The design of the vehicle is reasonable and the structure is advanced. The 495 diesel engine used is very fuel-efficient and has enough horsepower. In the late 80s, most of the tractors in rural areas were it and Changchun 40.

The only regret is that the front of the car is too light, and it is easy to jump when pulling a heavy load uphill.

The drive wheels of Shanghai 50 are not as big as those of other tractors, and a pair costs about 800 yuan.

In this way, these Shanghai 50s can save him a lot of money.

That Tieniu 55 was one of the two tractors that didn't start. Its small starter was broken. Other drivers suggested towing it with a car, but Jiang Yu stopped it.

He didn't plan to repair this Tie Niu 55. Its fuel consumption is astonishing, and it's not a big deal to use it for transportation.

No one would use it for transportation. This car was packaged anyway, and he was going to throw it away at home for a few years. When the price of steel rose in a few years, he would sell scraps for more than 3000 yuan.

The worst vehicles are a few 518-60 tractors.

This tractor has not been approved by the state, so it belongs to the eliminated model.

Its biggest disadvantage is that the engine does not match the rear axle. It is said to be 60 horsepower, but in fact it is not as powerful as Tienu 55 horsepower, and it is not much stronger than Shanghai 50, and the engine is easy to break.

The engines of these five or six Da60 tractors will definitely need to be overhauled.

There are also several Dongfanghong 28s that also need to be overhauled, and one of them cannot be started.

The two unstarted tractors were towed by other tractors to the agricultural machinery repair factory.

The people in the agricultural machinery repair factory were all dumbfounded when they saw so many tractors.

Meng Xianggui, the director of the maintenance workshop of the agricultural machinery repair factory, threw away his hat: "Brothers! It's time for a big job."

After shouting, he ran to these tractors in a second, and then saw a young man asking him.

"Which of you is in charge?"

"I'm Meng Xianggui, director of the maintenance workshop of the Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory."

"Director Meng! These tractors of mine, among them, those Big 60 and 28 need to be inspected and repaired in terms of engines."

Meng Xianggui patted his chest: "Just leave it to us. Our tractor maintenance level in Donghe County is the strongest."

The big 60 tractors and 28 tractors were all left here, and Han Guoxiang took a few drivers to send the six Shanghai 50s to Jianshan Tractor Station.

The 55 was temporarily thrown in the repair shop, and it couldn't be driven back if it couldn't start.

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