"Then go back and prepare for production. When the Canton Fair is held this spring, you will go to the Canton Fair and give these bags to foreigners."

Song Mei has dealt with foreigners and is no stranger to these procedures.

"Okay! I just don't know how big the production scale is going to be now?"

"You make some of the same package first, sell it domestically through channels first, and then make a production plan after seeing the reaction of the domestic market. Naturally, you have to wait until the Canton Fair is over and there are orders before making a decision."

"How much does it cost in the domestic market?"

"From 35 ten to one hundred and two hundred, the leather ones are more expensive, and the high leather ones are cheaper. Can I teach you this?"

Song Mei packed them up and went back to make a production plan.

Song Mei left, and Zhang Shanbo, Li Qingxian, and Lu Changhe, the three birds, came in from nowhere.

"When the three of you get together, usually nothing good will happen."

"Don't look at people with old eyes, okay? We are also fathers now."

"Hehe! Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs..."

"Stop us, and describe us as dogs, don't you feel bad?"

"Hey! Tell me! What are you three doing?"

"What you said to me and Qingxian on the [-]th day touched us a lot. We went back and talked to Guoguang and Changhe, and they agreed."

"Huh? Then why are you three here? Where is Guoguang?"

"He has something to do today. His mother-in-law is not feeling well. He went to see if he should go to the hospital. There are only three of us left."

"Then you are not going to lie flat, what are you going to do?"

"What we want to do is up to you."

Jiang Yu smiled: "What you said is very problematic, I am your elders, why should I have the final say on your affairs?"

"You kid is too much! You still want to be our father? We asked you to advise us on what to do."

Jiang Yu put away his smile: "Then tell me what you are going to do, is it a separate operation or a joint operation?"

"That's good?"

"Joint work has the advantages of joint work. At least the personnel on the site don't need to be one by one, they can be gathered together. If you work alone, you have to prepare a factory site by yourself. I told you in advance, so don't expect to be in Fenghuang. Wopu Village is getting its place, and Fengwopu will be involved in many large enterprises in the future, but there is not so much space for you to make troubles, you small troublemakers should go out and play!"

"We have already found a place for this in advance."

So the place has been found, so it seems that they really want to do something.

"The most feared thing in joint business is conflicts. This is a problem that no one can solve. It's okay if all four of you are Ma Daha. Sometimes more or less will pass in a blink of an eye, but the four of you It’s not madness, so I suggest you do it alone. We all grew up with bare buttocks. We haven’t had any unresolved conflicts for so many years. It’s meaningless if you don’t talk.”

"Is this unlikely?" Li Qingxian was dubious.

"Not likely? It's too possible, and when they join forces, they will share less profits."

"It doesn't matter to us, as long as we don't lie down, we can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year."

"That's easy. You can't do any high-tech things if you want to do it. I'll give you two small projects. You can do it first. One is the seat of an electric tricycle, and the other is the rear windshield of an electric car. "

"Ah! Let's make seats? Who are you looking down on?"

"I look down on you! What do you think you can do? Don't look down on the seats and windshield, I'm still worried that you can't do it well! Let's go! Follow me to Dongshan to see what the products you are going to make look like!"

Jiang Yu drove the three guys to Dongshan Electric Vehicle Factory.

In the yard of the electric vehicle factory, I randomly found an electric tricycle.

This is an electric tricycle that just left the factory.

Jiang Yu lifted the front end of the small three-wheeled vehicle body, and stuck it to the rear of the vehicle body to make it a seat, so that the front driver's seat was exposed alone.

It is precisely because this is a structure that the bucket can be folded into a seat, and the driver's seat is separate, unlike many tricycles with fixed buckets, the driver's seat is connected with the bucket.

"See, this car seat is what you are going to do."

Because the battery is under the seat, the driver's seat is also movable and can be opened or taken down.

Jiang Yu lifted the driver's seat and asked Zhang Shanbo and others to carefully observe the structure of the seat.

In fact, it is very simple, there is no gold content.

It is a metal frame with a layer of shock absorbers under the buttocks and backrest.

This shock absorbing device is a sponge wrapped in a piece of leather.

"It's just a piece of sponge covered with a layer of artificial leather?"

"Yes! Simple! An idiot can do it."

"Who made these car seats before?"

"The cushions are made by the luggage factory, and the seat frame is made by ourselves."

"How much processing fee can you earn for making such a seat?"

"Maybe I can earn two yuan, forty-five cents, I can only make an estimate, and I'm sure it won't be three yuan."

"Less than three yuan? This is too boring!"

"Small sample! This is pure profit, that is, the money you have left after excluding factory rent, labor, profits, taxes and expenses. How much do you still earn?"

"Isn't there a hood?" Li Qingxian asked.

Jiang Yu pointed at the handlebar: "This is the handlebar."

"I know it's a handlebar. What are we doing alive if we don't even know the handlebar?"

"Hehe! You've taught me the paralyzed one! The part with the headlight in front of the handlebar is called the front windshield, and the part behind the handlebar that only plays an aesthetic role is called the rear windshield."

"Just a piece of plastic?"

"It can also be explained in this way, it is a special piece of plastic."

"Then how much money can a windshield make?"

"Five or six cents!"

"Hold the grass! This one is less!"

"It's just such a big piece of plastic, you can squeeze it out with a blow molding machine, how little is fifty cents?"

"Then tell me how big the amount is?"

"I don't have an exact figure for this now, because electric tricycles have just started to officially enter the market, and I don't know how much they can sell in a year, so I'm not sure how much this seat can make. But I'm somewhat accurate about this windshield Numbers, a minimum of [-] to [-] a year is no problem."

Two-wheeled electric vehicles also have windshields. According to the sales momentum of electric motorcycles last year, it is no problem to reach a minimum of [-] vehicles this year.

Forty to fifty thousand, one earns 2 cents, and earns [-] yuan a year. What does this mean?

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