It's a pity that Jiang Yong is not from Fengwopu Village, otherwise it would be perfect for him to do it.

But Jiang Yu was going to let him do something else.

Years later, Jet Li went home to enjoy his happiness. It is said that he has all his fishing rods ready.

Shang Yi will succeed him as the accountant of Fengwopu Village. As for Shang Yi's original security director, Jiang Yu has not yet found him.

I have to taste a fresh Baifeng for everything, and I also got an electric tricycle to ride, and her electric bicycle is idle at home.

After riding it once, she also thinks this thing is much more stable than a two-wheeled electric car.

Baifeng's small garment factory achieved a net profit of 9000 million yuan in [-].

This made Jiang Yu feel that so many enterprises in Fengwopu Village were in vain.

A clothing factory has created a profit of nearly 1000 million yuan, and a bag factory has created a profit of [-] million yuan.

This doesn't work.

Luggage factories now mainly produce trolley cases, but the sales and prices of these things abroad have been declining year after year.

It's time to change the product for the luggage factory.

Jiang Yu just lay on the bed and drew and painted for half the night.

At this time, the light boat that Bai Feng had already slept in had passed Ten Thousand Mountains.

On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Yu sent these drawings to the technical department of the luggage factory.

Give them samples by next March.

Then he found Song Mei, the director of the luggage factory.

"The profits of luggage factories have decreased year by year in the past two years. In addition to the competition from domestic manufacturers, it is also related to the decrease in demand for foreign trolley cases. Luggage factories should also change their production environment and make new products."

"Mr. Jiang! It's time to introduce some new products to our luggage factory. You have forgotten about the luggage factory. You have no conscience! The luggage factory is the first enterprise you started."

Song Mei's mouth didn't change after giving birth, it was still the same.

"I have already sent the style of the new product to the technical department of your factory. How to make ingredients and how to make it is their business. I will go to the Canton Fair next year and go to the foreigners again."

Jiang Yu left quickly after explaining, talking too much with Song Mei, he was worried about his hearing loss.

I don't know if her man's ears are working well now?

The performance of the electric tricycle after its launch is also tepid, which is exactly the same as Weilai's other vehicles when they came out.

After all, the emergence of a new product is to give people time to adapt.

Jiang Yu is not in a hurry, let's talk about it after a year.

Although years ago was a good time to sell goods, electric tricycles were launched too late, too close to the Chinese New Year.

The products that come out at this time can't even be delivered to the dealers, so there is no way to sell them.

If you can sell it nearby, you can sell two, and if you can’t sell it, you can save it for the new year.

However, some strange things may happen during the Chinese New Year this year, because Song Changhui, the director of the electric car factory, revealed to Jiang Yu that many employees of the company are asking if the employees of the company will have the best price when they buy.

After Song Changhui completed his task in Xingtai and handed over the position of factory director to Lu Shengyong, he returned to Fengwopu Village and was appointed as the factory director of the electric vehicle factory.

"What are they buying this thing for?"

"They said that electric tricycles are a convenient means of transportation for the elderly, and they are going to buy one for their parents. It is also convenient for them to catch a market at home and visit relatives."

Unexpectedly, there are so many dutiful sons.

This is difficult for Jiang Yu, because the price of the electric tricycle in Fengwopu Village has been set at [-] yuan.

This can no longer be adjusted.

"Director Song! This can't be changed. In our Fengwopu Village alone, we sold more than a hundred and dozens of cars, all at a price of [-]. How can you give a discount? There is no discount, so let me disclose it properly. They can buy it again in April and May next year, and then we can give the employees a little discount."

The micro-car factory has now completely shut down, and all the equipment inside has been moved out to the low-speed truck factory.

Many of these equipment are used by low-speed truck factories.

Because the area of ​​the low-speed truck factory is large enough, a processing workshop will be set aside for mini-cars to produce parts for mini-cars.

A total of [-] or hundreds of minicars were sold, but production was discontinued, which was a blow to these car owners.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect the after-sales interests of others.

At the very least, let people have spare parts if their car breaks down.

The original miniature car factory has become an electronics factory.

On the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the equipment ordered by the electronics factory was delivered, and the personnel of the other manufacturer began to install these scientific research and production equipment according to Zhang Chong's design.

These installers were eager to go home for the New Year, so they worked day and night. By the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, they had completed the installation and commissioning of these devices in just six days.

Jiang Yu couldn't bear to look at the installers whose eyes were red from staying up late.

Each person was given an extra reward of [-] yuan.

This touched more than a dozen foreign factory workers, and it was the first time I met such a boss.

Zhang Chong and other seven Jiang Yu also gave them a holiday, and asked Zheng Dabao, who sent them to Bohai Sea, to buy air tickets for each of them.

Years ago the trains were very crowded, it would be better to let them fly back.

They can come before the tenth day.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, all enterprises in Weili and Fengwopu Village will be on holiday.

This year, because there is no holiday on New Year's Day, the Spring Festival holiday has been extended to the eighth day of the first month.

After the wages were paid to the employees, a year-end bonus of [-] yuan was distributed to each of them.

This year's year-end bonus for ordinary employees has increased by [-] yuan.

Fengwopu Village was still bustling in the morning, but it was deserted in the afternoon.

The commercial street of Lingdong Village has also closed down. Most of the businesses have closed their doors to go home for the New Year. Only the grocery stores are still open.

After Yang Wan closed the small shop, people in Huangling Village discovered that there was no small shop in Huangling Village.

To buy a pack of cigarettes, you have to go to Lingdong Village Commercial Street to buy them, so Yang Wan scolded him bloody.

Yang Wan was also unambiguous: "Then you are opening it! Let me tell you clearly, opening a small shop can earn about [-] yuan a year."

Nobody does.

These people have learned badly, and no one has done business that earns more than 1 yuan a year.

The 27th of the twelfth lunar month is, as usual, the day when Fengwopu Village pays dividends.

The dividends that should be distributed in Fengwopu Village are 1000 million.

560 four households, and each household was almost divided into 20 yuan.

However, moving 1000 million yuan in cash is too strenuous, so we simply issued a current passbook to each household, and let them compete with the bank.

This year's dividend was almost 20 yuan, which made the people of Fengwopu Village have no complaints about the two extra families this year.

Luo Xianlai and Zhao Qingshan are the two families who settled down in Fengwopu Village this year.

They have been here for more than two years and can now settle down.

Luo Xianlai and Zhao Qingshan have rural household registrations themselves, so there is no problem in settling here, they are both agricultural registrations.

They also got a dividend this year.

Yang Jianyong's family has an urban registered permanent residence and has never settled in Fengwopu.

However, as the vice president of Weilai Group, his bonus is enough to even out the dividends in the village.

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