Jiang Yu didn't give them all these bonuses, but gave them half of them.

One person sent [-] yuan.

The remaining half told them that it would not be sent to them until the next year.

Not for anything else, I'm afraid these guys will run away.

These guys probably saw so much money for the first time in their lives. They were all young people with unstable temperaments.

Maybe she was fascinated by ghosts for a while, and Sa Yazi teased her.

Although money is nothing to Jiang Yu, it is too difficult to find such talents.

So why is half of the hair not afraid of the other party running away?

Half hook them here, idiots will run away.

Once there are people, it is natural to arrange where they work.

Years ago, Jiang Yu planned to provide them with a workplace and purchase the necessary equipment.

The specific work will be a matter of the next year.

Although a certain number of factories have been built in Fengwopu this year, there are many independent enterprises that cannot support themselves.

Stamping, transmission axle...

Now there is not a single vacant factory building at all.

The production of DVD players was Jiang Yu's temporary idea, and there was no such project in the plan.

But this doesn't seem to be a big problem. There is no new factory allocation, so there are still old factories that can be used!

Jiang Yu immediately made the decision to dismount the mini-car.

Since this project is out of date, why keep it, just leave some capacity to produce accessories.

After all, one or two thousand mini cars have been sold, and we have to be responsible for the owners of these cars, at least to let them have spare parts when there is a problem with their car.

The place where it is poured out like this is temporarily enough for an electronics factory.

In this way, half of the miniature car factory was turned into an electronics factory.

Because the other half of the mini car is producing agricultural tricycles.

Zhang Chong listed the testing and production equipment needed for electronic products.

What will be mainly completed here in the future is the assembly of DVD players, so there is no need for any expensive equipment.

It is enough to be able to produce a small karaoke module. At that time, connect this small module with the two main boards of Bohai Electronics and install it in the casing.

It also takes time to purchase these devices, and it would be nice to be able to install and adjust them a year ago.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Zhang Chong and the others felt that they could not just be idle, so they began to design the assembly procedure of the future DVD player production according to the drawn drawings, and planned to design a DVD player installation assembly line.

The time has come to January [-], [-], and all the financial statements of the enterprises in Fengwopu Village for the previous year have finally been released.

Jiang Yun first looked at the data of village-run enterprises.

The biggest profit maker is still the pressure cooker factory. Although the export sales volume of pressure cookers is only 70 pieces, and the price is [-]% lower than last year, the appearance of electric baking pans can be regarded as making up for the decline in pressure cooker sales.

Coupled with domestic sales data.

The pressure cooker factory still achieved a profit of more than 100 million yuan, and finally realized a profit of more than [-] million yuan.

The second most profitable is seamed steel pipes, which realized a profit of 8000 million yuan when the price of steel products rose.

However, compared with Jiang Yu's seamless steel pipes, it is a bit insignificant.

After all, seamed steel pipes are not as tall as seamless steel pipes, and seamless steel pipes not only sell more than it, but also have higher prices than seamed steel pipes.

Ranked third is the energy-saving lamp factory, which realized a profit of 5000 million yuan.

The fourth place is the electric appliance factory, with a profit of 3000 million.

The profit of the luggage factory has dropped sharply this year, and it only earned a profit of more than 1000 million.

The total profit of the enterprises in the village is 7000 million. Although this figure has increased a lot compared with the previous year, there are still some problems that are emerging.

For example, a luggage factory, a company with thousands of people and hundreds of people, only created a profit of more than 1000 million yuan, which is a bit unsatisfactory.

The bag factory is going to make some changes.

According to this profit amount, the villagers of Fengwopu can use as much as [-] million yuan for dividends this year.

Each household can be allocated 20.

After reading the reports of the village enterprises, Jiang Yu looked at the data of Weilai.

Weilai still ranks first in terms of profit in shoe factories and clothing. These two projects have created a profit of [-] billion this year.

Jiang Yu rubbed his eyes, and took a good look at the value, for fear that he might be wrong.

Hold the grass!This year, these two projects alone created more profits than the entire Weilai Group last year.

It seems that the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on sports advertising and sponsorship in the past two years have not been in vain, and it has brought him more than ten times the return.

Next year, we will still increase sponsorship and advertising in this area, the rewards are too generous.

Except for sports products, Weilai's other industries are lackluster.

Because they are all domestic products, the profit is very limited.

For example, an ordinary tricycle that costs more than 3000 yuan leaves the factory and can only earn 1000 yuan. Even if the main factory and the platform sold a total of [-] tricycles this year, the profit is only more than [-] million yuan.

Fortunately, there are other luxury tricycles that can earn a little more, and the profit of the tricycle barely reached 5000 million.

The profit of the seamless steel pipe is not cheap, about 2 million yuan. That's because he can purchase cheap raw materials from Maozi and catch up with the price increase of steel. Otherwise, let alone 5000 million yuan, he can Earning [-] million is not bad.

Because electric vehicles have been on the market for a short time and the number of sales is limited, it can only be regarded as a recovery of investment for the time being, and it is not counted.

Minicars are quite profitable, selling one can earn two to three thousand yuan, but the sales volume is limited and negligible.

And the project ceased to exist immediately.

On the contrary, the chemical factory, which has already experienced alone, quietly delivered a surprise, and quietly realized a profit of 5000 million yuan.

In addition to supplying materials to shoe factories and Weilai other enterprises, the chemical factory's main source of income is to supply raw materials to the township p pipe factory.

They supply materials to their own enterprises and only record the cost but not the profit, and the profits they earn come from the p pipe factory.

I go!The chemical plant alone has earned a profit of 5000 million yuan from the p pipe factory, and this p pipe factory has achieved a profit of at least [-] million yuan this year.

When did this money start to be calculated in billions?

The group's net income this year is [-] billion, which doesn't seem like a lot.

It is hoped that the group's revenue will reach [-] billion next year.

Jiang Yu set a small goal.

Don't look at the income is a lot, but the money spent is also amazing.

He now spends more than 5000 million in sponsorship money a year, and it may be even more next year.

This is just the sponsorship money, not the investment money.

It is estimated that the low-speed truck factory that has already started investing will cost nearly 3000 million yuan, and the electronics factory will also spend [-] to [-] million yuan.

There are also the remaining twelve residential buildings in Nangang that will continue to be developed next year. Those things will lose money for the time being.

It must be several million.

Calculated in this way, the money going out next year will be almost [-] million.

The more you earn, the more you spend.

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