"Strawberry planting has low input costs and a short profit cycle. It can be used as the investment focus of our early development. Within three to four years, it will become a strawberry planting base in Donghe County. If it continues to develop, it will form a brand effect. When e-commerce becomes popular, Fengwobao strawberries will be sold nationwide through the Internet."

Jiang Yu spoke excitedly, and popped out a few words that made the members of the Fengwobao Village Committee stare.

What is e-commerce?What is the network?

"But who are you going to sell so many strawberries to? Can the rural people afford them?" Zhang Ju, the new women's director of Fengwobao Village, asked worriedly.

"These strawberries are all sold to the cities. It is unrealistic to expect the countryside. They can be sold to Bohai City in the west, Andong in the east, and Songyang in Anshan in the north. We only need to win one of these cities. It is enough for the villagers to have enough food and money, and we have taken the initiative, the right to speak and the right to set prices by first forming a scale, and we can still make profits in this regard.”

Li Jinyou slapped the table: "That's it. Our focus this year is to promote strawberry planting in each team. At the same time, we will contract out the barren hills and encourage the planting of fruit trees. In three or four years, our Fengwobao will become Huaguo Mountain. The life of the villagers There will definitely be changes, I will go to the commune tomorrow to ask for support, and the meeting will end!"

"Don't adjourn the meeting! Since I'm here, I'll sign the quarry contract by the way, and study the contracting of the beach at the same time."

The quarry is a project that was decided years ago, and there is nothing to discuss. The two parties sign the contract and it's over.

But the battlefield did not exist before, so it needs to be discussed again.

"How much are you going to contract for that battlefield?" Li Jinyou didn't know how much the contract fee for this battlefield should be, so he could only ask Jiang Yu tentatively.

"What do you think about 1000 yuan a year? If it is okay, I will sign for ten years first, and I will pay off my loan immediately."

In 32, when the infrastructure projects were not open, the demand for sand was not great. Most of it was needed by individuals to build houses, and a house needed [-] square meters.

Paying 1000 yuan a year is not too small.

Assuming that 1000 yuan is contracted for a year, he plans to pay the ten-year contract fee in one lump sum, so no matter what he does, he won't lose money.

"You want to take away such a large piece of sand with 1000 yuan? You can go to hell with me, don't even think about losing [-] yuan."

You see, Li Jinyou can also move around in the range of five years old.

"One thousand and five! No more." Jiang Yu bargained.

"Don't beep with me, it's only two thousand, you can do it or not!"

Judging from Jiang Yu's quotation, he also had to settle the 3000 yuan a year for this battlefield, so Li Jinyou held on to the [-] yuan price tag. After all, he is not the only one who has the final say on the village committee, so there are three more people who need to be accounted for.

"Two thousand is two thousand, the contract is to be signed!"

An hour later, Jiang Yu had two contracts in his pocket, plus a bunch of mining licenses, blasting licenses, river mining licenses, etc., a big bag full of stuff.

"One more thing, party secretary! If you get money from the commune, you should take care of our team first."

How can I say that I am the captain of Huangling Village now, so if I have money, of course I have to go to my own house first.

"We'll talk about it later, the meeting is over!"

Li Jinyou was now in high spirits and seemed to be full of vitality. He went to the commune early the next morning to ask for money.

Jiang Yu went with him. He went to the credit union to get a loan.

It's a pity that he came early, he just went to work during the Chinese New Year, and the credit union didn't have that much money at all, so the credit union told Jiang Yu to come back in two days.

The sixth day of the sixth day is also the day when the machinery factory goes to work after the new year.

After Jiang Yu came out of the credit union, he ran to the machinery factory to join in the fun.

The machinery factory opened at 08:30, and the crackling was very lively.

"Congratulations to Director An for a successful opening, a prosperous future, prosperous business, and a lot of money!"

After Jiang Yu's set of New Year's greetings, Anming Haile's forehead lines bloomed, and he waved his hand: "Start work!"

In the next second, the machine in the machinery factory was running, and the sound of the machine was booming.

After more than 40 days of continuous adjustment, the product is basically in the mature stage, and now the machinery factory has started trial production.

The first batch of products must go through evaluation and review, and after obtaining the certificate of conformity, they can be mass-produced.

"When the product comes out, you can go to the county TV station and radio station to advertise. Don't worry about the advertising fee."

An Minghai has always been hesitant about spending money on advertising, and he always thinks it is a waste of money.

Anyway, Jiang Yu has made it clear to you, and he doesn't care if he sticks to it or not.

If you want your product to sell well, you really need advertising.

After Jiang Yu stayed in the machinery factory for more than an hour, Li Jinyou came back from the township government.

Li Jinyou didn't know what method to use to fool Sun Mingli, but unfortunately he failed.

Money is not fooled.

But it is not nothing. Sun Mingli promised to provide Fengwobao Village with high-quality strawberry seedlings and contact Fengwobao Village with new varieties of apple tree seedlings.

He said that he has already contacted the agricultural scientific research unit, and it will not take long to get results.

The two had a meal at the machinery factory at noon.

Li Jinyou and Jiang Yu were here, and An Minghai was bleeding naturally, so he ate at Laoxiao Restaurant, the first private restaurant in Jianshan.

Since Sun Mingli promised to help solve the problem of strawberry seedlings, Huangling Village certainly cannot lag behind.

I still need to organize myself as the captain.

When he got home, Jiang Yu went door-to-door to count the farmers who grow strawberries.

Strawberry was still a new species in the countryside in [-]. Although a few families started planting it last year, they didn't take it seriously.

Therefore, many families are not so active in planting strawberries. Even if some families agree to plant, it is because of the free seedlings provided by the higher authorities.

Even if there are families who sign up to plant seedlings, they don't plan to plant much. Basically, they plan to plant one and two parts of the land.

Even Jiang Yu's earnest persuasion had little effect.

What is this good for?

It seems that a model needs to be supported. If this model makes an unexpected income from strawberries this year, no one else will need him to mobilize.

Northland, Nian Wancang's family.

Nian Wancang is one of the poorest families in Huangling Village. The family situation has many similarities with the Jiang family when Jiang Yu didn't come back. Both the host and the hostess of the family are in poor health and lack strong labor.

Nian Wancang's physical condition is not as good as Jiang Dongsheng's.

In addition to the two married daughters, there is also a daughter who is one year younger than Jiang Xue, and a son who is as old as Jiang Bin.

Living on the income of a few acres of land a year, life is so tight that it is not decent.

Jiang Yu is going to fool Nian Wancang into this example.

Nian Wancang's house is located in the westernmost part of Beidi, further west is the river embankment.

In order to take care of his old couple's poor health, his family's land was allocated at the door of the house.

The ugly wife is close to the family treasure, so Jiang Yu has taken a fancy to the fact that his home is close to home.

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