Han Hanxiang's brain is blank now, and his face is ashen. He thought he had killed someone, and felt that the sky was falling.

He is still in the stage of a probationary driver's license. If there is a major accident such as his life, his driver's license will basically be invalidated.

His probationary driver's license has five days to become full.

"What can I do? What can I do? I killed someone, why did I drive so fast? Master, why didn't I listen to you..."

"Cheer up, it was just an ordinary traffic accident, and no one was killed. Look at the bear that scared you."

Han Guoxiang's eyes became alive in an instant, and he asked tremblingly, "Did no one die?"

"He's fine, but his bicycle was crashed by you. I won't get involved in whether you report this to the traffic team or solve it privately."

Hearing that no one was killed, Han Guoxiang felt relieved, and a stone fell to the ground.

But at the same time, his legs felt weak and he sat down on the ground.

Jiang Yu looked at the front of the truck.

The damage to the truck was not major, and the left front end of the bumper was slightly bent, which was the result of the collision with the wall.

Elsewhere intact.

But the damage to that bicycle was a bit serious. The big frame was bent, the front and rear rims were broken, and the spokes were broken. It should be scrapped.

Seeing that the person was really fine, Han Guoxiang went to the traffic team to report the crime. This place is just one street away from the traffic team, and he can run back and forth in more than ten minutes.

Jiang Yu was not responsible for how the other party handled it, so he returned to his stall.

At this time, Ye Chaoyang also fully recovered his mind, and was grateful to Jiang Yu.

"Little comrade! Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would be finished. How can I thank you?"

"Uncle! It's better that you have nothing to do. As for me, don't take it seriously and don't worry about it. It's just a matter of little effort."

"How can this be done? How can you not take your life-saving grace seriously? Where does your family live? My family and I will come to thank you soon!"

"Uncle! I've said it all, a trivial matter is nothing to worry about, so let's skip the thank you!"

"Then tell me your name!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Yu told the other party his name, and he didn't make up a pseudonym. It is estimated that the chance of meeting again in the future is not great, so there is no need to use a pseudonym.

He did not tell the other party his home address, but only said that he lived in the countryside.

Just as he was chatting, Han Guoxiang came with the traffic team.

Ye Chaoyang went to the truck to deal with the accident.

This accident was caused by slippery roads and excessive speed. Although a bicycle was scrapped, no one was lost, so the accident was not serious.

After making records, the traffic team closed the case by verbally warning Han Guoxiang that his team should compensate Ye Chaoyang for a new bicycle.

Han Guoxiang kept his driver's license.

After the accident was dealt with, Ye Chaoyang and Han Guoxiang went back to Jiang Yu's stall to thank Jiang Yu again, and insisted on inviting Jiang Yu to the restaurant at noon.

This made Jiang Yu very embarrassed and resolutely refused.

Since Jiang Yu didn't agree to eat, Ye Chaoyang looked at Jiang Yu's "Fu" characters and simply rounded up the rest of his "Fu" characters.

"Our unit also has to post blessings during the Chinese New Year. Buying someone's is not buying. I will take care of the rest of you. If the company can't fit in the post, it can be distributed to employees."

At this time, Jiang Yu had about 30 pieces of blessings left, and Ye Chaoyang threw down [-] yuan and took them all away.

What is he still doing here when the things are sold out? He just packed up and went to the local miscellaneous company.

The purpose is to see what new fireworks and firecrackers the soil miscellaneous company has this year.

He knew that the fireworks and firecrackers market was very monotonous before [-], but he was even more disappointed after seeing the fireworks and firecrackers display counters of Tuza Company.

Gangtou whip with hundreds of heads and thousands of heads, middle whip, sky monkey, magic bullet, colorful bead tube, double sound, double light...

It's just so monotonous.

Transferred from the fireworks group, he bought another five bundles of red paper in the daily necessities group.

He has sold [-] copies of his blessing, and he is going to add another [-] copies.

After returning home for lunch at twelve o'clock, he took out the screen printing machine and started cutting and printing new blessing characters.

Jiang Xue saw that her elder brother started printing blessings again, so she asked Bai Xue to help.

With the help of two helpers and experience, by the time the meal was over, another [-] sheets of blessings had been printed.

The seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month was the commune's market, and Jiang Yu brought two thousand copies of the first set of blessings.

However, he handed over the characters of blessing to Jiang Xue and Bai Feng to sell, and started to stroll around the market by himself.

He was going to look for some more business opportunities, and take advantage of the period when cold water was three cents more expensive a year ago, to make some more money.

As he was walking around, a car stopped next to him with a thud, which startled him.

Turning around, I saw Han Guoxiang's hippie smiling face.

"Brother Jiang! It's really you, I look like you."

"Yesterday had an accident and you ran out again today? And judging from the sound of your brakes just now, you don't seem to have learned much from yesterday's accident!"

"Brother Jiang! So you live in Jianshan Commune." Han Guoxiang did not follow Jiang Yu's words, but found another way.

"Where are you going by car?" The conversation between the two people was a bit out of place.

"Send something to Gaoling Town."

"Brother Han! Didn't your team change cars? Why do you still drive this old Jiefang?"

"I've changed a few. Don't we have to change them one by one? We have just got a driver's license, and it's my turn to have a driver's license at the end of the year."

"Then where are the old Jiefang you replaced?"

"When the scrapping date is reached, our fleet has a special parking lot for scrapped cars and accident cars. Those cars that have not reached the scrapping date are also thrown there."

"Isn't your place where you put scrapped cars not small?"

"Boss, the scrapped cars and tractors inside are almost full."

Ok!And a tractor! ?

"Why do you still have tractors in your convoy?"

"Yes! It's all from the past. Didn't FAW make cars in the past and didn't rush there? The fleet has some tractors such as Dongfanghong 28, Tieniu 55, 22 60, 50 [-], and Shanghai [-]."

Hold the grass!There are so many varieties of tractors!Treasure!

And Shanghai 50!

The Shanghai 50 tractor first appeared around seven or eight years ago, and it is still in a good time.

"Then do you handle this tractor outside?"

"I'm not quite sure about that."

"How is your relationship with the leaders of your family?"

"It's okay!"

"Then you go back and ask when you have nothing to do. Do you deal with your tractors? If you do, what price will you deal with?"

"Just inquire?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "Yes! It's just a simple question."

Han Hanxiang patted his chest: "This matter is on me, but if I find out, how will I tell you? Where can I find you?"

"You don't need to look for me. I'll just look for you when the time comes. I still know which way the doors of your team are going to open."

"Okay then, let's do it."

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