The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 48 My wife is a little careless

Although the dishes are very average, the wine is still good. Five bottles of Hulala, a local famous brand of Chenxiang in Donghe, came up.

"Brother Jiang! This girl is..."

"My wife!" Jiang Yu's smooth words made Bai Feng happy and angry. He was happy because he became Jiang Yu's wife, but he was also called by this name when he was angry. What do you call your wife?

"Your wife is so beautiful!"

"Actually, it's superficial, a little careless, come on! Brothers, it's fate that we can get together today. Let's raise our glasses and let's go!"


Bai Feng was so angry that he almost wanted to greet Jiang Yu's family.

But in front of so many outsiders, she was sensible for the first time, and just gave Jiang Yu a big white eye.

All the people at the table raised their glasses except Bai Feng, and drank one.

"Eat the vegetables and eat the vegetables, and hold up the wine glass to be a brother. Don't be polite, everyone."

At the wine table, everyone toasted each other and called each other brothers.

Although Jiang Yu decided not to drink alcohol in this life, but if he drank it, few people could drink him. Anyone from the army, especially his branch, would not be able to drink it. .

After a few rounds of drinking, these little bastards in Hongdao lost their mouths and started bragging.

Liang Hongtao's drinking capacity is also good, at least he is still sober now.

"Brother Tao! Don't you have any news about the construction of Hongdao after the year?"

"No! I haven't heard of any construction news."

Jiang Yu felt a chill in his heart, did something go wrong?

"Isn't there anything about exploration?"


This guy doesn't even know what exploration means, does he?

"It's just someone set up a tripod, and there's something like a camera looking around on the tripod."

"Ah! Yes, there are many people like this by the sea in summer and autumn, looking at the sea as you said, and those idiots don't know what they are looking at."

That's it, and it's proof that some things are still coming.

Jiang Yu was relieved, his layout was not in vain.

"Next year we will have a lot of people and cars working on your Red Island, and I hope Brother Tao can take care of them."

Liang Hongtao blushed and patted his chest: "Brother, don't worry, as long as I, Liang Hongtao, stay on Hongdao for a day, brother, your business will be my business."

You see, people in that era were so innocent, they were honest and honest after a table of worthless food and drinks.

The drink didn't end until after one o'clock.

After Jiang Yu paid the bill, he waved goodbye to Liang Hongtao and the others, and set foot on the way home with Bai Feng.

"Jiang, tell me clearly, how can I become your wife?" As soon as he left the Hongdao Commune, Bai Feng started to attack.

"What's wrong? You still don't want to be my wife? Did you feel wronged?"

"But the word wife is too ugly, it should be called object." Turning her face away, Baifeng replied shyly.

"Don't be smug, that's why I'm afraid those little bastards from Hongdao will pester you. Are you serious?"

"What? It turned out to be a fake! You are ruining my reputation, ruining my reputation, and saying that I am lacking in heart. You have to give me an explanation."

"That's what I said, you bite me!" After speaking, Jiang Yu pedaled and ran away.

"Stop! Stop for me!" Bai Feng chased after him angrily.

Jiang Yu didn't stop until he was about to enter the boundary of Fengwobao Village.

"Damn bastard, you are finally willing to stand still! Tell me clearly!"

"Now this question is not important. What you have to think about now is how to deal with your mother when you go home, ah! You little ghost, where did you die all morning? Don't explain today and see if I don't beat you to death!"

Jiang Yule's thin voice imitated Baifeng's mother.

Bai Feng chuckled: "Don't say it, if you had a softer voice, you would really be exactly like my mother."

"Still thinking about giggling, how do you answer your mother?"

"I said I went to the market."

"It's time to rush to the market? What time is it?"

Usually, most of the people in the last episode went home before noon, but now it's almost two o'clock, and they haven't gone back yet.

"This..." Bai Feng was at a loss for words.

"Then how should I answer?"

"You just said that the car was out of gas, and you brought it to the repair car."

"But it won't take so long to repair the car belt!"

Jiang Yu really wanted to knock Bai Feng's head open to see how much paste was inside.

"Just say that there is only one car repair shop in Hongdao, and the car repairer went home for dinner, and it was already 12:30 when he came back after eating, so the time coincides, why are you so stupid!"

Bai Feng smiled: "Brother Jiang Yu! You are the best!"

"Go, go! Stay away from me!"

"I don't! I don't!"

"It's not a fart, this will be our brigade soon, if you are not afraid of gossip, keep a distance from me."

"Brother Jiang Yu! Will you still sell blessing characters tomorrow?"

"Why don't you sell it? I only sold a thousand copies today, and the money I earned is not enough to buy people drinks and dinner."

"I can see that you let that brother Tao, he can't beat you at all, since they can't beat you, why do you still invite them to dinner? They should treat you to dinner, you still say I Stupid, I think you are stupid!"

Hold the grass!This silly girl can actually see that she is yielding to Liang Hongtao.

"You know what a fart, I have my own reason to invite them to dinner, the brat is hard to deal with!"

When the project starts in the future, his stone and the cart pulling the stone must pass through the boundary of Hongdao. These little bastards are not easy to fool.

Even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't spend every day looking at Hongdao!

How can Bai Feng, a woman, understand the truth of this.

"Then where are you going to sell blessing characters tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is the sand flat commune market, and Bai Feng thought that Jiang Yu would definitely go to the sand flat market.

"I'm going to sell it in the county town tomorrow. The people in the county town have a lot of money, so it's definitely better than the rural market."

A few days ago, Jiang Yu went to the county to buy clothes, and Jiang Yu took a fancy to the light industry market.

A lot of people are a good place to sell things.

As soon as she heard that Jiang Yu was going to sell things in the county, Bai Feng became discouraged, and she couldn't go with her to eat and drink.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when we got home, and Jiang Yu didn't care whether Bai Feng could pass her mother's pass.

When he got home, he first picked out [-] sheets of blessings, and planned to sell them in the county tomorrow.

He is going to go to the county town to sell things by bicycle, so he won't waste the three yuan round-trip travel expenses.

"Brother! When will our family come back from buying firecrackers? Xiao Lin's father has already bought them." Jiang Bin, with the match gun Jiang Yu made for him pinned to his waist, sniffled blindly and leaned over.

"What kind of firecrackers did his family buy?"

"One medium whip, thirty double rings of ten cents, three small whips of [-] rings, five small whips of [-] rings, five small whips of [-] rings, and the sky-swapping monkey, Magic bullet."

I bought a lot, and these firecrackers cost more than ten yuan.

Xiao Lin's father is Lin Jing's father.

Her father didn't like anything all his life, but he only liked setting off firecrackers, which is also a strange thing.

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