The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 46 Red Island I Stepped Under Foot

What kind of a disadvantaged person is Bai Feng, the other party dared to kick her and scold her, this is absolutely unbearable.

In the next second, Baifeng rushed towards the young man who kicked him like a female leopard. A fierce tiger went down the mountain and threw the opponent to the ground in one fell swoop, scratching the opponent's face with one hand.

Originally, Jiang Yu was still smiling and sitting on the side watching the fun, but when he saw Bai Feng throwing her to the ground, he quickly stood up.

What kind of decent is it for a big girl to throw a young man to the ground?

Besides, there are four people in the family, how can you alone be their opponent?

Here Jiang Yu just stood up.A young man over there grabbed Bai Feng by the collar of the back of her neck and picked her up.

"Stinky bitch, you want to die." As he spoke, he swung his hands, which meant that he was going to slap Bai Feng with five fingers.

Jiang Yu strode forward and grabbed the young man who was about to be slapped.

"This big brother? It's too ugly to do something to a little girl, isn't it?"

After all, they were all young men of eighteen or nineteen years old, and it was unreasonable to do something to a little girl.

"I'll count to three, let go of my hand!" The young man said to Jiang Yu with a cold expression.

"Brothers, we are all from the village, so please speak up if you have something to say."

"Who is from the same village as you? I ask you to let go of my hand, do you hear? If you don't let go of my hand again, I will let you crawl home."

Jiang Yu let go of the opponent's hand: "Brother, you see my hand is loose, can you calm down?"

"Calm down! This bitch scratched my brother's face, what do you think?"

Isn't this nonsense? Although Bai Feng wanted to scratch the other party's face, didn't he not? This is a typical touch.

"Brother! You're a little joking. Isn't your brother's face really good? It's smoother than a mirror."

"Do you think smoothness is useful? I say what he is, and he is what he is."

Jiang Yu understood that the other party was planning to blackmail someone.

"Brother, what do you think we should do?"

"What should I do? Let this little bitch apologize to my brother, kneel down and apologize."

"Brother! Your request is a bit too much. It's a bit unreasonable for a little girl to kneel down and apologize in public. Why don't you let her stand like this to apologize and apologize?"

"No! You must kneel down and apologize."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, his face turned cold, what a f*cking shame.

"I said, brothers, you can't kill with your head. Don't go too far when you do things."

"We just overdid it, what can you do to us? Tell you, we have the final say on Hongdao."

Today it seems that this matter is not going to be good.Jiang Yu's expression changed.

"Hongdao, you have the final say, and I will tell you, Hongdao is under my feet."

Several young people looked at each other, and then burst into laughter: "Hahahaha! Just because you want to make a name for yourself in Hongdao, tell me, where are you from?"

"Tell you where I am? You bastards really don't have the qualifications. Go and tell the people who have the final say on Hongdao. Just say that I stepped on Hongdao today, and those little bastards want to turn the world upside down."

"This kid may have drunk too much, San'er, go and show him some color and let him know whether the trumpet is copper pot or iron."

The young man who snatched Jiang Yu's blessing just now came to Jiang Yu with his arms crossed.

"Just like you, you want to step on Hongdao and let me see how much you weigh."

Before the words fell, the guy reached out and grabbed Jiang Yu's neck.

As soon as the other party reached out his hand, Jiang Yu could tell that the other party was an ordinary person, not a concubine at all.

Just when that hand was about to touch his neck, Jiang Yu put his left hand on the other's wrist on one side of his upper body, and gently pulled it in front of him. The opponent was thrown flat in the middle of the road.

Just when the young man was struggling to stand up, Jiang Yu stepped on his face with one foot.

"If you don't have the ability, just stay at home honestly. Even at your level, you want to go out into the rivers and lakes. It's not that I look down on you. If you lift my shoes, I think you are clumsy. Tell me, who is the boss of your Red Island?" ?”

No one answered Jiang Yu's words.

"Don't tell me, do you? Then I'll rub your head on this road thirty times, and finally see what's left on your head. You can rest assured that you won't die."

"It's...Brother Tao." The young man who was stepped on was probably worried that his head would really be turned into a gourd by rubbing his head 30 times, so he hurriedly said a name.

"Brother Tao, tell me your full name."

"Liang Hongtao! We all call him Brother Tao."

"Can you get in touch with him? Go and get in touch with him right away."

"We don't know if he's here today..."

Jiang Yu interrupted the other party's words: "I don't need your explanations. Before the gathering at noon, I want to see the shadow of this man named Tao. This man stays here, and the three of you will go find it immediately."

The three bastards looked at the head named San'er under Jiang Yu's feet, turned around and rushed into the market.

Bai Feng looked at Jiang Yu with adoration. "Brother Jiang Yu! You are really amazing!"

Jiang Yu looked at Bai Feng displeased, this bitch really deserves to be beaten up, why can she cause trouble for him every time she goes out?

"Fortunately, you are not my daughter-in-law. If you were my fiancee, I would hit you at least eight times a day. Can we pretend to be a lady honestly and act like a female man all day long? Is it interesting?"

Brother Baifeng giggled: "Actually, I don't want to either. My mother calls me a bobcat and a beast all day long, but I can't control myself. Whenever I see injustice, I get hotheaded, but I don't blame me for what happened today. Who told him to steal our blessing?"

Bai Feng really didn't like what happened today, but Jiang Yu didn't respond, so what if you just pretend to be a pussy on the side.

Women are really not enough for success and more than failure.

"Brother Jiang Yu. If they find that brother Tao, will you fight him?"

"What are you doing? You want to watch the excitement on the sidelines. Some old woman rubs her little feet in her ears when she hears about the war."

Bai Feng was not happy to listen. : "Who do you call an old woman? Believe it or not, I will bite you?"

"From now on, you stand by me and pretend to be a lady, do you hear me? You are not allowed to say a word. If you want to talk again, I will spank your ass."

"Do you dare? If you dare to spank my ass, I will go to your house and lie down."

Who is this? It's up to you.

The guy whose head was stepped on by Jiang Yu just now also stood up and stood aside without saying a word.

ps: Give a reward of [-] coins to Sao Sao Pig Brothers!

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