The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 37 Why Don't Mice Hibernate?

When I walked to the door of Yang Wan's house, I happened to meet Li Jinyou.

"Boy! Where did you go to play?"

"Go to the brigade."

"For the matter of the stone field?"

Jiang Yu nodded.

"How about it?"

"Don't mention it, the second uncle really told you to be right, come to my house, have dinner at my house at noon, and we can talk about something."

"If you have any questions, ask your second uncle, what do you eat?"

"It's eleven o'clock soon, and I'm a bit late to cook now. Why don't we have a drink at night?"

"I won't come tonight either. If you have something to say, you can talk about it now."

It's embarrassing for Li Jinyou to take over Jiang Yu's job.

Twenty years later, people don't take eating seriously, but eating at other people's homes in the 20s is not a trivial matter.

"Don't! That's so boring, how about this? I'll go find the idiot later, kill the pig tomorrow morning, and come to my house to eat meat tomorrow night. Is that okay?"

When slaughtering pigs in the north, there is a habit of treating guests, and invite relatives and friends to have a meal.

"That's fine, then we'll talk tomorrow night."

The five idiots are surnamed Cheng, and they are the fifth eldest. If they are usually in a daze, they become five idiots.

This guy knows how to kill pigs, and the New Year pigs in Huangling Village are basically killed by him.

Kill a pig to give a bottle of wine or a few packs of cigarettes, and have another meal.

In other words, whoever in Huangling Village has the most fat in his belly must be the idiot.

When Jiang Yu found Wu Lengzi, he was sharpening his knife.

As soon as they entered the village of Layue, there were people who started killing pigs, but not many.

The half month from the 25th of the twelfth lunar month to the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month is his busiest time, so he naturally has to grind the butchers well.

"Fifth brother! Do you have work tomorrow?" Jiang Yu threw a pack of flat cigarettes over.

"Tomorrow morning, the Yangsan's family will kill a pig, but there will be no others yet."

"Then count me as one tomorrow morning, kill my family first, I won't let you eat meat at noon, and I won't give you wine or anything, how about I give you three yuan in cash?"

Giving cash is still a new thing for Wu Lianzi. He was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.


Don't look at him butchering pigs, smoking and drinking, but that stuff can't be spent as money, and his wife has a lot of opinions.

After working hard for a twelfth lunar month and earning a lot of cigarettes and alcohol, when she came back, the five-headed wife hated men smoking and drinking very much. She often said that she would be better off doing her own work at home if she had time to kill pigs.

But it's another matter for Jiang Yu to give cash directly. Giving the three dollars to his wife can at least make his wife smile.

Seeing that the stupid man agreed, Jiang Yu directly gave the stupid man three yuan.

"Tomorrow morning you boil a pot of water, so bald pig's head and hooves, I'll be there at seven o'clock in the morning."

Wu Lengzi came to Jiang's house the next day when he was still a little hazy.

The pig was a little small, and it was estimated to be only two hundred and seventy-eight catties at the top. Jiang Yu, his father and son, and the five idiots easily pushed the pig down.

After the pig was killed, Jiang Yu went out on his bicycle.

In the evening, you have to buy a la carte to treat guests. There is no place to buy vegetables in the countryside. They are far away from the county town, and there is no barbecue shed at all.

If you want to buy vegetables, you can only go to the county market.

Throwing the car to the machinery factory, he originally wanted to go there by car, but unexpectedly met An Minghai.

"Our factory's car just happened to go to the mold factory to pull some molds back, so you can take our factory's car."

There is an old Jiefang in the machinery factory, and the exhaust pipe is emitting white smoke from the garage.

In addition to the driver, there is also a person from the design department of the machinery factory, and Jiang Yu can fit three people.

Although the driver was not very familiar with Jiang Yu, the person in the design department knew who Jiang Yu was, so he directly told the driver to send Jiang Yu to the Chengdong Market in Donghe City, and told Jiang Yu that they would come back to pick him up in an hour and a half .

In [-], there was only one farmer's market in the east of the city in Donghe County, and the problem of eating vegetables for the entire county was solved here.

Therefore, even if it is only after eight o'clock in the morning, the market is full of people.

Jiang Yu bought some frozen fish and other seafood as quickly as possible, and bought some beef and donkey meat and beef and donkey offal.

These things can be stored in winter, so he bought a lot, anyway, it only cost more than one yuan per catty.

It cost him more than 200 yuan to buy seafood and these meats, which filled a big bag.

Now that he was out to buy food, Jiang Yu naturally bought the food that can be used for the New Year together, so as to save money and then go out to buy it when the time comes.

The next step is to buy vegetables.

There must be a little green on the table for guests, no.

In [-], there were vegetable greenhouses in the suburbs around Donghe County. Although there were not many varieties of vegetables in the greenhouses, there were still things like celery, cucumbers, garlic sprouts and green onions.

Jiang Yu bought some celery, cucumber, garlic sprouts and garlic, plus the cabbage, sauerkraut and potatoes at home, it should be no problem to make ten or eight dishes.

He only bought enough vegetables for dinner.

Vegetables are delicate things. If they are too hot, they cannot be kept cold. If you buy too much, you will not be able to keep them. Now that the Chinese New Year is more than half a month away, you will not be able to keep them if you buy too many.

After he bought these things, he wrapped the vegetables in two layers with a piece of plastic cloth, stuffed them into a woven bag, carried them one by one, and took them to the appointed place with the car of the machinery factory.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the truck from the machinery factory came over.

It was almost eleven o'clock when the truck returned to the Machinery Factory of Jianshan Commune. An Minghai's eyes twitched when he saw Jiang Yu bought two bags, one big and one small.

"Today my family slaughtered pigs, and I came to my house to eat meat at night, but I can't get these things back with a bicycle."

An Minghai gave Jiang Yu a sideways glance: "Are you planning to hit my truck?"

"Hey hey hey!" Jiang Yu replied with a series of hey words.

"Xiao Wu! You drive to Huangling Village and deliver Xiao Jiang's things home."

When passing the commune supply and marketing cooperative, Jiang Yu went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a few bottles of good wine and a cigarette that cost more than one yuan.

Throw a box to the driver.

So, Jiang Yu returned to Huangling Village with his things and bicycles.

Seeing his son buy a sack of frozen fish, shrimp, beef and donkey meat, Li Qin's eyes stood up.

"I said son! Our house is small, and the pork can't even be hung. Where do you buy so many things? This also attracts mice and wild cats!"

This is indeed a thing.

Why the hell don't rats hibernate?In the winter, they also ran out to harm others.

"Pour water and freeze a layer of ice outside to make it stronger."

"It's useless, the mouse still gnaws."

On a whim, Jiang Yu wanted to make a freezer.

It is absolutely no problem to freeze food at outdoor temperature in the north in winter, but there is no defense against mice, cats and dogs.

If you hang the meat two meters above the ground, dogs will definitely not be able to get up, but mice, house cats and wild cats can still run up to eat.

There is no defense against these things.

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