"Don't you just eat the radish first and don't worry about it! You don't care how he keeps his capital and makes a profit, can he charge more money?" The women's director Huang Shuqing was impatient with these two sticks, and expressed her thoughts.

5000 yuan can solve the salaries of these village cadres, including the team cadres, and now there is 7000 yuan more, so why bother.

"After all, it's a woman's family, with long hair and short knowledge, but he said that he will pay at the end of this year. If he has no money at that time, wouldn't he not be able to collect a penny!" Liu Changfa, the custodian, finally stopped being dumb.

This is indeed a problem. If Jiang Yu loses at that time, if there is no money, how can the brigade mortgage those small broken houses of Jiang's house?

"So! I don't think this quarry can be contracted to him. If he really wants to contract it, he must pay at least a deposit of no less than 3000 yuan. With this 3000 yuan deposit, he will not be able to lose the brigade at the end of the year. I can’t collect a penny.” Zhao Wencheng expressed his suggestion.

"This suggestion can be considered." Pan Chunqiu made a final decision.

Not far to the west of the brigade headquarters is the brigade supply and marketing cooperative, and Jiang Yu abducted into the supply and marketing cooperative after leaving the village committee.

"Manager Yu! What is the most expensive wine here?"

There are three people in the supply and marketing cooperative. The manager is surnamed Yu and is responsible for selling non-staple food.

"The most expensive one is Zhuyeqing for three yuan, and the others are local wines for one yuan and five to two yuan."

"Give me four bottles, and Daqingshan Tobacco, give me four."

Daqingshan is a filter-tipped cigarette produced by the cigarette factory in this province. The store retails for [-] cents a box, which is already considered a high-end cigarette.

"There is wine! But there are not so many cigarettes. There are only two. If you want it, come back in two days to get it. Next time, buy more."

"Forget it, just two."

Even cigarettes and wine cost Jiang Yu almost 30 yuan.

These cigarettes and alcohol were not bought for Lao Tzu to drink, they were used as favors.

Jiang Yu knew very well that it was basically impossible for those old foxes if he wanted to pay later to contract the quarry, which required some out-of-the-box operations.

Jiang Yu rode his bicycle home, and as soon as he entered the yard, he saw his younger brother running out of the house.

"Brother! Someone named Uncle Yang has come to our house."

Jiang Bin's attitude caught Jiang Yu a little surprised. This guy has always taken his brother seriously. Did the sun come out from the west today?

"Which Uncle Yang?"

"I don't know him either. He said he lived next to our house before. He has been away for many years."

On the side of your own home?

Jiang Yu glanced at the 30-meter-wide open space between his home and other houses in the village.

There used to be two houses in this open space, the front and the back, which were built in the 70s in Youth Point.

Six or seven years ago, that is, around 1980, after the last educated youth left, the house that was built in a muddle-headed way was left unused for two years, and was eventually taken down because of its poor condition.

So it means that an educated youth came, also surnamed Yang.

Could it be Yang Zeming?

He was already old enough to remember the most educated youths. He remembered only one young man surnamed Yang, and that was Yang Zeming.

Yang Zeming used to be in the martial arts team of Fengyang City, the capital city of the province. He is very skilled and loves to fight.

When Jiang Yu was young, he also taught him boxing and kicking, so he was considered half a master.

After he enlisted in the army, he was able to be quickly entered into the predecessor of the Special Forces as a scout, which had a lot to do with the professor Yang Zeming used to.

So he was very impressed with Yang Zeming.

Jiang Yu's guess was correct, the middle-aged man he saw after entering the room was indeed Yang Zeming.

Yang Zeming was about 25 or [-] years old when he left, and he is now in his thirties.

"Master! Why are you here?"

"Xiaoyu! Are you so tall? When I left in [-], you were as old as your brother now."

Jiang Yu was twelve or thirteen years old in [-], but he was not as old as Jiang Bin is now.

"I'm relatively free this winter, so I just want to come back and see my folks. After all, I have spent my youth here. When I stayed here, Brother Jiang and Sister Jiang helped me a lot."

Yang Zeming went to the countryside and left at the age of 24, and stayed in Huangling Village for six years.

In the past six years, almost all of his clothes were sewed, mended, washed and cleaned with the help of Li Qin.

"I heard from your father that within a few months after you came back, you bought a new bicycle for your younger sister and a color TV for your family. All right, kid!"

"Good luck, master, what are you doing now?"

"Oh! Don't mention it. As a workshop director in Fengyang Bicycle Factory, the Dongfang brand bicycle you bought for your sister is produced by our factory."

"Ah! Isn't the benefit of your bicycle factory not good?" From Yang Zeming's sighing tone, Jiang Yu could hear that his work was not going well.

"It was pretty good in the first few years, but the leaders messed around and finished the factory, and the benefits in the past two years are obviously not good. I am going to quit my job and come down to do business."

"When I bought a bicycle for my sister, I knew your factory would be ruined, but I didn't expect it to be ruined so quickly."

It stands to reason that throughout the 80s, the life of bicycle manufacturers was quite prosperous, and they really began to enter the stage of poor profitability, which also started when imported bicycles entered the mainland market.

In the early 90s, some overseas brands began to enter the mainland, and mountain bikes began to appear in the mainland market. This had a huge impact on the original bicycle industry in the mainland.

But Dongfang Bicycle Factory failed in [-], which was really beyond Jiang Yu's expectations.

"Ah! How did you find out that our factory is going to fail?" Yang Zeming was a little puzzled.

"Hehe! Look at the outdated style, unreasonable design, and old-fashioned color matching of the bicycles you produce. It has been changed for many years, and the style of your bicycles has not changed. It is still the same. How can this adapt to social development? ? It won’t be too long before the end of the day.”

Yang Zeming was a little puzzled: "Aren't all bicycles like this?"

"Ah! You guys who build bicycles think that all bicycles are like this? Bicycles can have various styles. Have you heard of mountain bikes? Do you know geared bikes? You don't even know about racing cars? If Dongfang Bicycle Factory is not going to We will be overwhelmed by foreign brands in the next few years, and we need to carry out product reforms from now on.”

"What you said is also reasonable, but if the leader is not good enough to be a good family member, no matter how good your product reform is, it is useless."

"Master! I remember that you are very capable of leadership. Since your current leader is not good, why don't you replace him?"

When Yang Zeming was an educated youth here, he was the leader of the entire Fengwopu brigade of educated youths. He was the one who took the lead in fighting with people from other villages, and his leadership skills were quite outstanding.

"Me? Isn't this nonsense? I'm just a workshop director now, and it will take at least five years to be promoted to the middle of the factory director. This is the case when everything goes well, otherwise there is no hope in this life."

"I'm not talking about natural promotion. What do you think is the fastest way to get the factory now?"

Yang Zeming thought for a while: "Contract?"

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