"Third Uncle! At your age, riding a bicycle in winter is too much trouble. Buy a motorcycle!"

An Minghai shook his head like a rattle: "I really can't afford a motorcycle, seven to eight thousand yuan!"

"You contracted the factory next year, and you will be riding a motorcycle by this time next year, really! Maybe you will be able to drive a car by this time next year."

"Shit! You kid is fooling me again!"

The two talked and laughed, and arrived at the Commune Machinery Factory 10 minutes before seven o'clock.

"Uncle San! I put my bicycle here at your factory, and I'll go to the street." Jiang Yu locked the bicycle in the parking shed of the machinery factory, and then came to the station.

It's the Chinese New Year, and there are many people who go to the county to buy new year's goods. When Jiang Yu arrived at the station, there were already more than a dozen people gathered here.

Although there were individual passenger cars called professional household cars at that time, there were very few people on them.

An individual car costs two yuan to reach the county seat forty miles, but the bus of a passenger transport company costs only seventy cents. Many people choose to wait for the public car in order to save one yuan and thirty cents.

But Jiang Yu didn't care about this, and got into the car directly when a small car came.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the individual short-distance passenger cars in [-] as hard to describe.

The car is very small, there is no problem when sitting, even ordinary people have to bow their waists when standing, and there is a serious gasoline smell inside, people with motion sickness probably will have to vomit in this car if they can't walk very far Diarrhea.

But there is also an advantage, that is, the individual cars do not stop at the passenger station, but directly in front of joint ventures and department stores, which saves a section of road from the passenger station to here.

At [-]:[-], Jiang Yu got off the passenger car.

In the 90s, every city had several particularly chaotic places. Shops, stations, and movie theaters were the three most chaotic places in every city at that time.

As soon as Jiang Yu got out of the car, a few young people rushed up, trying to wrap him in it and get their hands on him.

This is no longer a pocket, but a clear grab.

Jiang Yu didn't want to get entangled with them, broke away from them like an eel, and went straight to the store.

The best and largest department store in Donghe County at present is the Donghe County Associate Company that Jiang Yu just put into use last year and the Donghe County Department Store that was also put into operation last year.

The two shopping malls are next to each other, both of which are seven-story buildings, of which there are five floors for commercial use.

At this time, the two shopping malls had just opened, and there were still few people inside.

Jiang Yu wanted to buy a TV, so after entering the mall, he went straight to the area where TVs were sold.

The TV sets that were sampled were not all turned on yet, some were on and some were not.

There is no TV program during the day, just a big circle on the TV screen.

There are three types of black and white TV sets: twelve inches, fourteen inches, and seventeen inches.

The prices are 380 yuan, 440 yuan and [-] yuan respectively.

There are also three types of color TV sets ranging from 21 inches to [-] inches to [-] inches.

Fourteen inches is 790 nine, 380 inches is 21 nine, and 890 inches is [-] nine.

But even if the price of the color TV is so expensive, it still says out of stock underneath.

"Master! When will the color TV be available?"

"There was no possibility a year ago, let's talk about it next spring." The salesperson replied blankly.

Jiang Yu turned around and left, what are you doing here when there is no stock here?

After leaving the joint venture, I turned around and entered the department store.

The situation of department stores and affiliated companies is the same, there is a price but no market.

Jiang Yu frowned and wondered which mall sold TV sets.

There should not be Erbaihuo. It is a system with the department store. There is no department store here, and it is impossible for it to miss.

There is another place that sells TV sets, Wujinjiaodian Chemical Company!

Jiang Yu immediately left the department store, ready to go to Wujiaohua Company to try his luck.

As soon as he came out of the entrance of the department store, a young man bumped into him from the opposite side.

Jiang Yu didn't pay attention at first, and his attention was now focused on Wujiaohua Company, but after walking two steps, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Stretching out his hand to touch his chest, his coat was cut open, and the money wrapped in a plastic bag in the pocket inside was gone.

Jiang Yu turned around abruptly, and with a sweep of his eyes, he aimed at a young man who was walking out in a hurry.

It was himself that he just hit.

"Don't run! Stop!" Jiang Yu yelled, and he rushed towards the young man like an arrow leaving the string.

The young man looked back and ran away.

"Dude! What's going on? What's going on?" Two young men blocked Jiang Yu's way.

Without saying a word, Jiang Yu raised his hand and slapped a young man about two meters away, and kicked another young man to the ground with a flying kick.

These two young men were obviously in the same group as the young man who paid out of his own pocket, and wanted to block his way to let his accomplice escape.

Jiang Yu cleared the obstacle in a moment, and continued to rush towards the bag taker like a whirlwind.

"Hey! Why are you beating people casually?" The two passers-by left behind shouted in despair.

Hit people casually?If I hadn't chased that thief, I would have sent you to the police station.

Jiang Yu kept his eyes on the bagger in front of him, not giving him a chance to drop his bag.

The young man bypassed the department store and ran to the back of the department store.

Behind the department store is an old town with low brick houses and alleys.

The young man ran into an alley, and Jiang Yu chased him in the blink of an eye.

This alley is relatively deep, and the walls on both sides are also much higher. This should be the gap between two factories. The walls of ordinary people are definitely not so high.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, while running, Jiang Yu bent down and picked up a stone. With a flick of his wrist, the stone flew out more than ten meters like a meteor, and hit the thief's calf accurately.

The thief let out a scream, and the vicious dog threw his body on the ground.

In the next second, Jiang Yu had already come to the opponent's side and stepped on the opponent's head.

Without saying a word, he reached out and took out his wallet from the other party's arms.

Jiang Yu didn't count how much money was in the wallet, but just opened it and glanced at it before putting it into his arms.

"Come on, you dare to steal my wallet? Do you know what I do..."

Jiang Yu's words stopped here suddenly, because he found that the environment here was not right, it seemed a bit harsh.

This is a dead end, and the walls on both sides are three meters high. This is indeed a gap between two factories, and you can still hear the noise of machinery inside the two high walls on the left and right.

Why did Mao leave such an alley when the factory was first built?Besides, even if the factory is to guard against theft, there is no need to build such a high wall, right?

If a factory builds such a high wall, what do you think the prison thinks?

Why is there a dead end here? Building such high walls on both sides is obviously not what Jiang Yu should consider now.

The poor environment here is not because of these factors, nor is it because of the garbage at the end of the alley, but because of people.

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