It's snowing outside, and it's blowing up and down.

When he walked out of the team department, Jiang Yu wrapped himself in the military overcoat, and then walked towards Donggou with his father Jiang Dongsheng.

His family is the first one in the innermost part of Donggou, and further south is the mountain wall.

Huangling Village is located at the foot of Luofeng Mountain, which is more than 300 meters above sea level. The Yanshui River is on the west side of the mountain. Residents live around the ditch on the east side of Luofeng Mountain and Beidi on the north side of the mountain.

There are more than 30 households living in Donggouli, and the remaining [-] households are scattered in Beidi.

"Son! Do you think this captain can do it?" The two chatted as they walked home.

"Dad! It's really not a problem for me to do it, but do you think I can do it?"

Jiang Dongsheng thought for a while: "I think it can be done. At least one year's brigade will give you 200 yuan as wages. It's just for nothing. You don't have a date yet, and our family is poor. The money is considered a fortune for our family. Not a small income."

Jiang Dongsheng's legs and feet are not good. When he was young, he went up the mountain and broke his leg. He was a little bit on tiptoe and couldn't do heavy work. He was a third-class laborer in the team.

Jiang Yu's mother is also sick all year round, and basically takes medicine every day.

Huangling Village is a well-known poor team in the vicinity, and it draws money almost every year. In addition, Jiang Yu has a younger sister and younger brother who are studying, and he has been serving as a soldier outside for the past three years, and his family is considered poor.

200 yuan is already a huge sum of money in Jiang Dongsheng's eyes.

His words are not unreasonable. Jiang Yu will be 21 this year, and he is already a late-married young man in the countryside. Naturally, he should consider lifelong affairs.

As far as his family's current conditions are concerned, he basically uses the same title as a bachelor, so even if there is a little money, he cherishes it.

"Dad! You don't have to worry about my marriage. In the future, I promise to bring a daughter-in-law back without spending a penny."

"Look at what you can, and don't spend money to bring your wife back, unless some girl is blind, dad will be like this in his life, what can he do, even give his son the money to marry a wife..."

Jiang Yu hurriedly took over Lao Tzu's words: "Dad! You really don't have to worry about my marriage. There will be plenty of blind girls in the future. I promise to bring one back. Let's talk about the captain. Since you agree with me, Then I’ll try it for a year, if it’s really not working, I won’t do it next year.”

Jiangyu really didn't pay attention to the two hundred yuan money given by the brigade, but I valued it, so I had the right to earn it for me, in exchange for my happiness.

Although the 200 yuan is not easy to earn, this position is really a hot potato now.

"Jiang Yu! Do you want to come out to play after dinner?" Zhang Shanbo, who also lives in Donggou, chased up from behind and asked, and two girls ran over with him, Bai Feng from the Bai family and Lin from the Lin family. quiet.

"What are you going to do in this snowy day?"

"Let's chat at Yang Wan's house."

Donggou is a valley that goes south. Yang Wan's family lives at the north end of Donggou, that is, at the mouth of Mizoguchi, next to the village-level dirt road that connects the various teams in Fengwopu.

Opposite the dirt road is the lonely team headquarters of Huangcaoling Village.

Yang Wan's house is usually the favorite place for villagers to gather.

"It's so cold, I can't go in the dark."

"Don't! We still want to hear what you said about the army. I'll go find you then."

From the day he returned home from demobilization, these guys have been pestering him about things in the army, listening to them as stories.

"Let's talk later."

Both Zhang Shanbo and Bai Fenglin Jing's family lived in the middle of Donggou. When they arrived at the gate, they went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers. Only their father and father continued to go south.

Jiang Yu's family is the southernmost family in Donggou, and is 20 meters away from the nearest family in Donggou. The four thatched houses built in the 60s are lonely in the south of the ditch.

There was already an inch of snow in the yard.

Jiang Yu looked at the snowflakes in the sky, and gave up the idea of ​​sweeping snow.

Sweeping snow is also for nothing now, let’s do it all at once when the snow stops.

"Brother! It's time to eat!" The eldest sister Jiang Xue pushed open the wooden door, poked her head out and shouted.

"You guys eat first, I'll help mom feed the pigs."

Jiang Yu carried the pig food warmed up by his mother to the pigsty, scooped two scoops of pig food into the pig trough with a broken water ladle.

The pigs were not willing to get up in the cold weather, and it took them a long time to get up and eat.

Jiang Yu roughly estimated the weight of the pigs raised at home, and estimated that it was only more than 200 catties, and definitely not more than 250 catties.

Can't help but sigh, it's too small, it's not easy to do anything.

No matter how the New Year pigs have to be about three hundred catties to make do.

Today is December 22, the eleventh day of the winter month in the lunar calendar, and there is still more than half a month before the slaughter of the pig. It is estimated that it will grow less than three hundred catties.

Pigs don't like to grow when it's cold.

As soon as winter comes next year, the pigsty will be covered with plastic and a simple pig shed will be built, so that the pigs will not be delayed in winter.

After feeding the pigs, Jiang Yu went back to the house.

Because the house was built so long ago, it only has a span of four and a half meters.

A kang with a width of nearly two meters takes up half the space of the room, minus the two floor cabinets of unknown age under the west wall,

There is only one and a half meters of space left in the room to move around, so it looks very narrow.

On the wall above the large cabinet are two framed mirrors filled with black and white photos.

Except for the picture frame, the Jiang family can be described as a bare house.

The walls were covered with yellowed newspapers, and a 25-degree light bulb did not brighten the room at all.

What made Jiang Yu sigh the most was that a piece of glass in his parents' room was still broken, and a piece of plastic was nailed to the window frame outside, and Jiang Yu could feel the cool breeze coming in from two meters away.

It doesn't work either!

It was okay during the day, but at night the room would not be warm at all, no matter how hot the kang was, it would not be able to keep the temperature.

This problem must be resolved as soon as possible.

The food had already been packed on the kang table, and the five members of the family began to eat.

Stewed pickled cabbage with corn flour pancakes, there is not much meat in the dish, and it is salty.

"Why do you eat sauerkraut all the time?" Little brother Jiang Bin was thirteen this year, and when he saw the sauerkraut's little face, he twitched like a bitter gourd.

"If you don't eat sauerkraut, what will you eat? If you don't eat it, you won't be hungry. If you don't eat it, get out!" The mother is absolutely not used to the child's problems.

Jiang Bin pouted an inch high, reluctantly picked up a chopstick of sauerkraut.

"Little brother! Hold on for a few days, and I will buy you delicious food and new clothes during the Chinese New Year."

Jiang Bin gave Jiang Yu a blank look: "I heard you lied to me, what did you buy?"

Being despised by my younger brother is unbearable.

"Of course I have something to buy. How about buying a new set of clothes for the family, delicious food, and firecrackers for the New Year?"

"Really?" Jiang Bin didn't take what he said seriously, but Jiang Xue believed it. She hadn't bought new clothes for two years.

There are still patches on her clothes now, and people wearing patched clothes are rare now.

She will be seventeen during Chinese New Year, and she is also a big girl, and she is a little embarrassed to go out in patched clothes.

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