I won't fall in love

Chapter 82 In High School

After finishing part-time work in the afternoon, Yuya went home directly. Originally, today was supposed to be the story of his mother making dinner and then continuing to the next process after eating, but Yuya opened the door and walked into the house. When he came to the kitchen, he only saw A note was pressed on the table.

[Mom and Dad’s classmates came to play, everyone went out to eat together, Yuya, you go to Xiaohui’s house to eat by yourself, Mom has already said hello ~ 0v0]

What emoji!And you don't feel like this at all when you talk, okay?This is abnormal! ?

Yu also looked around subconsciously, trying to find the parents lurking at home, but he couldn't find them.They may have really gone away.

Yuya, speechless.

Just saying hello...

Yu also decided to call Takimura Keiya to confirm.

Yuya's phone was connected just a few seconds after he dialed, as if Takimura Kei knew that there would be a call and had been waiting.

"Hello? Yuya, are you back already? Come and eat quickly."

"It's actually true... here it comes."

Yu also hung up the phone, but still didn't understand why a friend suddenly came and wanted to go out for dinner.But now that it has been arranged, Yuya will no longer prepare by himself. After putting down his things, he went directly to Takimura Hui's house next door to grab a meal.

However, when Yu also knocked on the door and Takimura Hui opened the door of her house, Yu also found that Takimura Hui seemed to be the only one in her house.Yu also always felt that this scene seemed a little familiar.

"Where are uncles and aunts?"

"Huh? Yu also doesn't know? Dad and Mom went out with Yuya's parents to reunite with classmates."


Oh, I remembered, aren't my father and Takimura's uncle classmates?It is because they are classmates that the relationship has always been so good.

Yu also pointed at himself: "So we were thrown at home by them again?"

"Probably, is that so?" Megumi Takimura blinked.

This is another ironclad proof that he is not a real child of the Zhenxian family, but it seems to be a strong proof that Kei Takimura is not a child of the Takimura family.This matter is really a bit scary, and Yu doesn't want to continue discussing it.

He waved his hand.

"If that's the case, why don't you go to my house? Anyway, it's just the two of us, and it's more convenient to study after eating."

"It doesn't matter, just go there after dinner."

"I don't think it's necessary, but well, I feel like I haven't had dinner at your house, Sister Hui, for a long time, so it shouldn't be too much."

"Hurry up, come here and wash your hands. Our family eats earlier than Yu Ye's. You can go there after eating."

"Where's the bowl?"

"Of course Yuya came to wash."

Yu also scratched his head, but still couldn't avoid it, but it didn't make much difference.

After washing his hands in the sink, he came to the chair at the table at Takimura's house and sat down, having dinner at Takimura's house after a long absence.

Although the decoration styles are different, the structure of Takimura's house is actually not much different from that of Zhenxian's. It is roughly a feeling that they are mirror images of each other. After all, Takimura Megumi's room is directly opposite to his own room.

If the parents of the Takimura family were there, Yu might have been quieter, but since he wasn't there, Yu just got up casually.

"Speaking of which, sister Hui, what were you doing last night? Why didn't you come so late..."



Yu also glanced at the dining table that was covered with food sprayed by Megumi Takimura, and he was almost dumbfounded.But Takimura Megumi coughed, Yuya still reacted, reached out and patted Takimura Megumi behind him.

"You slow down."

After a while, Megumi Takimura, who had recovered, glared at Yuya who was a little confused.

"No, don't ask that question! I'm going to be mad!"

"Well, don't ask if you don't ask. I'm just curious."

"Don't be curious!"

She pouted, expressing her dissatisfaction.

The difficulty of this requirement was too high, and Yu also became more and more curious about what Megumi Takimura was doing in the room last night.It can't be playing games, right?Although she has indeed started to get in touch with games recently, she always feels that this thing is more attractive to her than keeping her up all night.

This is Megumi Takimura!How could it be possible to stay up all night playing games?

Yuya kept quiet, and continued to eat dinner after Megumin Takimura wiped the rice sprayed out on the table with a paper towel.Disgusting is not enough, I seem to have a much higher psychological tolerance for Megumi Takimura, perhaps thanks to the blessing of growing up together since childhood.

After dinner, Yu also went to wash the dishes. Even if she asked Longcunhu to help, she refused with staring eyes.It was so mysterious that Yu also became more and more curious.

While Yuya was washing the dishes, Takimura Megumi took advantage of this time to go upstairs and change into looser clothes.Perhaps it was because of the sight he saw when chatting through the window last night, which made Yu unconsciously start to notice things that he didn't usually notice.

Although Megumi Takimura put on loose clothes, she still couldn't cover up the astonishing peaks. If it weren't for Yuhuagao being a girls' school, Megumi Takimura might live in a world flooded by love letters every day .

"Sister Hui, have you ever been confessed to by someone before?"

"Eh?" Kei Takimura was taken aback for a moment, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"No, I just think you are so beautiful, but now you are studying in a girls' school, and suddenly I am a little curious if you have ever received a love letter or something."

"Really, if you are serious, there is no..." Takimura Megumi had a weird expression.


"This means that you are not serious. Sure enough." Yuya nodded: "So, when you were in junior high school? We were in the same school at that time, but you are a grade higher than me, and I also not sure."

"In, in high school..."

"Oh, high school..."

Silence spread in the kitchen.

"...Just in case, let me verify first. Yuhuagao...is the female school, right?"

"So, that's why I said I was joking!" Kei Takimura suddenly became frustrated: "I don't want to either...but Yuhuagao's deviation value is very high, and it must be the best choice if you want to go to university... ..."

"It's all right. Isn't it just a high school? It's only three years. Once the three-year period is up, the love letters you receive every day can be piled up and burned for three days and three nights. You don't have to worry about this problem at all, Sister Hui. "

Yu also comforted himself.

Then he saw Takimura Hui's eyes full of resentment looking towards him.


I shouldn't have said anything wrong, right?

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