village pigwoman

439 Donkey Selling Couple

Under the grapefruit tree, Wu Lin took a look at the picture Zhao Yuanle gave, and listened to her description of what she wanted, and thought for a while.

Soon, he picked up the tools that Zhao Yuanle had prepared, and within a short while produced a toothbrush that fully met Zhao Yuanle's requirements.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Wu Lin's unstoppable movements, was silent for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Can you slow down? I didn't see clearly."

Wu Lin took new materials again, slowed down a little bit, and gave an explanation.

"That's it, and then this, and then this, so that it is filled all the way, and the knot is tucked in at the back thread, and it is finished, isn't it enough?"

After a while, another perfect finished product appeared in his hands.

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle had been silent, Wu Lin sighed.


After speaking, he took his things back to the room directly.

Zhao Yuanle stood up from under the grapefruit tree, changed his smile, and followed behind Wu Lin.

"The weather is so hot now, do you need me to fan you? Do you want to prepare some fruit frozen in the well water for you?

There seems to be ice cream for sale in the county, do you want to eat it?I'll bring you some back someday. "

Wu Lin raised his chin slightly and hummed softly.

"Things outside are not clean."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then I'll buy the materials and make them at home."

Wu Lin: "I won't eat if I'm ugly."

Zhao Yuanle smiled flatteringly: "Don't worry, don't worry, it will definitely make you look pretty."

After sending Wulin to the house like this, Zhao Yuanle took out the money on his body to look at it, then looked outside to wait for the sun, and decided to go out to buy things now.

Yao'er who was doing homework on the side raised his head.

"Sister, I want to eat watermelon."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay."

After answering, she hurriedly approached the room again and asked He Ju who was resting from the cool.

"San Niang, is there anything you want to eat?"

He Ju thought for a while and said, "I want some sour plum juice."

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan got out of nowhere and shouted for milk tea.

Zhao Yuanle wrote down these one by one, took the good things, and went out with the bag on his back.

At this time, the sun is very hot, and everything under the sun is dead, and there are basically no people on the road.

Zhao Yuanle walked on the sun-baked road, and took out a cattail fan from his back to fan himself all the way.

She thought, that is to say, she was not afraid of being exposed to the sun with her pigskin. If she really had the skin of an ordinary person, she wouldn't be able to travel under such a strong sun.

Walking and walking, I came to a bamboo forest on the uphill, and a cool wind blew in the bamboo forest.

When Zhao Yuanle approached the route covered by the shadow of the bamboo forest, he suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

"If only there were trees along the way."

The heat at this time is purely from the sun, and it is cool in the shade where the sun cannot reach it. Every morning and evening, it is also cool when there is no sun.

And when Zhao Yuanle walked out of this section, he saw two people and a donkey in front of him.

A little curious in his heart, Zhao Yuanle speeded up and took a closer look. After taking a closer look, he realized that these two people were actually acquaintances.

It was the kind couple she met when she rescued Jinfeng before.

She vaguely remembered the names, it seemed they were Liu Xiaohong and Tie Zi?

She hurried forward to say hello.

When Liu Xiaohong and Tie Zi saw Zhao Yuanle, they also remembered it.

Liu Xiaohong: "This is from the Zhao family, right? Go to the county alone?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

Liu Xiaohong touched the donkey next to her, with a look of reluctance on her face: "Sell the donkey."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh? This donkey

what's wrong? "

Liu Xiaohong patted the donkey's fur, and shook her head: "This donkey is fine, it's very good, but the family needs money, so we have to sell it."

Zhao Yuanle: "Lack of money?"

She saw that Liu Xiaohong and Tie Zi didn't look like they were short of money.

Liu Xiaohong smiled: "Collect money to see a miracle doctor."

Zhao Yuanle was even more puzzled.

"Miraculous doctor? What miracle doctor?"

Liu Xiaohong was also a little surprised.

"Why, you don't know? Many people around me know that the genius doctor can cure all kinds of diseases, and there is also a set of health-preserving methods. As long as you pay enough money and become a disciple, you can learn from him."

Hearing Liu Xiaohong's description, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help frowning.

Why... She smelled like a charlatan.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's reaction, Liu Xiaohong hurriedly explained: "It's not a liar, it's really not, he went to school with books, he's a scholar, he's educated, he's an expert, you know?

Our relative has been suffering from brain pain for 30 to [-] years, and he was healed by this miracle doctor. Those who did not have children were seen by the miracle doctor, took a few medicines, and soon became pregnant. "

Zhao Yuanle nodded awkwardly.


Why did she sound more and more like a liar.

At this time, Liu Xiaohong opened up the chatter box, and talked to Zhao Yuanle a lot about the miracle doctor, especially the most about the miracle doctor's sermons.

"Do you know what God is? It's the same as our previous God, but it's different. This one went to the west to gain enlightenment.

This God is to persuade people to be good and do good deeds, and everyone in it is good, as long as they enter, everyone is the same. "

Zhao Yuanle endured the doubts in his heart, and just listened to Liu Xiaohong's talk about the miracle doctor and God.

At the gate of the county, when the two parties were about to part, Zhao Yuanle suddenly spoke.

"Where is this miracle doctor? My third mother is pregnant, and I also want to ask her to be safe."

Liu Xiaohong smiled and said, "The genius doctor sees patients everywhere, but every fifteenth day of every month, he has to show the body of new acquaintances in the same room. If you want, just come to me on the fifteenth day."

Zhao Yuanle smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to the two.

As soon as she turned her back, her face darkened immediately.

What kind of shit genius doctor, return God?

Zhao Yuanle's face was dark, he didn't even enter his uncle's house, and went directly to Qingye hall.

The little boy who opened the door for her obviously knew her, and soon came and led her inside.

On the way, Chibu couldn't help but look at Zhao Yuanle more.

He had never seen Zhao Yuanle so serious and quiet.

Before going to the living room, he coughed with a bare belly: "You can put down the things you are carrying first."

Zhao Yuanle: "No need."

As she said that, she went in directly and saw someone who was reading a book leisurely there.

Ming Hongyan was a little surprised by Zhao Yuanle's sudden visit.

"Anything urgent?"

Zhao Yuanle asked directly: "Do you know what God is?"

Ming Hong said: "Are you referring to the God of Haotian, or the Jesus in the West? If I remember correctly, the missionaries in the West confuse the two for the convenience of preaching. Now many people say God, It's actually their god."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's the latter."

Ming Hongyan nodded, and stretched out his hand calmly.

"Why don't you sit down and talk?"

Zhao Yuanle sat down directly, with a serious face, and directly said everything he saw when he came here.

Ming Hongyan looked at Zhao Yuanle's excited look, and poured her a cup of tea.

"Have a sip of tea, let's talk later, don't worry."

Zhao Yuanle frowned: "Aren't you in a hurry?

These people have preached under your nose, and this is not the opening for doing business with Westerners. These people have come here, are you not in a hurry?don't you care "

Ming Hongyan was a little puzzled by Zhao Yuanle's excitement.

"Is it that serious?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes!"

She only listened to what Liu Xiaohong said, and she knew that this kind of religion was not a serious religion, and most of them were deceitful religions after reformation. They were gentle at the beginning when they pulled people, but they changed their face once they gained power later on.

Ming Hongyan laughed lightly.

"If there is a need, there is a demand. I think they should give these people what they want temporarily, so as to gain believers.

But the false ones can't be true. The further they go, the harder it is to maintain their lies. When most people find that they can't find what they want, they won't believe them anymore, and they won't be able to achieve anything. "

Zhao Yuanle didn't think so.

"But there are always those who are so stupid that they believe in them. If there are more people, these people will have more minions, and then use excessive methods to intimidate those who want to leave? How about forcing these people?"

Ming Hongyan put down the book in his hand and opened his mouth slowly.

"In the seventh year of Wanyi, in a province along the southeast coast, there was a Western sect called the Three Redemptions, which advocated the theory of original sin.

In their eyes, people are born with sins, and only by believing in the teachings all their lives can they wash away their sins, and after death, their souls ascend to the bliss of the Western Paradise. "

Zhao Yuanle frowned upon hearing this.

Ming Hong said: "In the beginning, the teaching distributed rice and oil, and the congregation helped each other, which attracted many ordinary people.

The number of believers increased, and the leader appeared, and the priests and congregations had different positions of responsibility.

Helping each other... seems like empty talk.

Those who were first to teach began to oppress those who came later, asking for money and giving orders.

Later, the leader of the Three Redeemers led hundreds of congregants to demand privileges at the door of the local parents' officials. "

Having said that, Ming Yan stopped and took a sip of tea.

Zhao Yuanle: "And then?"

Ming Hongyan raised his eyebrows: "Then, the government mobilized people to join forces with those who were no longer convinced, wiped out this group of people, and seized countless gold and silver properties."

Zhao Yuanle's expression did not ease after hearing this.

Seeing this, Ming Hongyan explained.

"This kind of people, collectively referred to as the mob, can only use small tricks to deceive the people at the bottom, or they will reveal their true colors in a short time.

So, you don't have to worry, it's still peaceful now, they can't make a difference, they're just making trouble.

In fact, it’s not that I despise the Western missionaries’ methods, but that their methods are indeed no match for our local culture. Once they are ineffective and can’t give benefits, no one will be convinced anymore.

In other words, unless they are really effective, there will be believers.

Then, there is no need to be on guard. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Then don't care?"

Ming Hong said: "Blocking is useless, blindly prohibiting it will not last for a while.

After the Sanshou incident, people over there naturally stopped believing in any foreign sects, and learned a lesson.

Now, because of the construction of railways and coal mines in Bailing County, the influx of people will be more and more mixed in the future, so let them learn a lesson now.

Most people will only believe what they want to believe, and they will only feel deeply about the losses they have really suffered.

So, it's not that I don't care, it's just that it's not the time to take care of it. "

Zhao Yuanle listened to what Ming Hong said, frowned and thought a lot, and then said sadly: "That's what I said, but ordinary people, how can they stand such a loss? In your opinion, it may not cause much harm, or even catch them all at once. Sometimes you can collect a lot of money.

But it is not impossible for them to suffer this loss, and their families will be ruined. "

Hearing Zhao Yuanle's worries, Ming Hongyan's expression was exceptionally calm, it could be said to be indifferent.


Mother officials are not real parents, even if they are parents, there will be a day when they let go.

Those people are now abiding by the law and have not committed any crimes. Even if they want to be arrested, there is no legitimate reason, but they are talking about it.

What's more, most of them use lures to lure them. If they didn't have the mentality of taking advantage, these people would not be fooled.

Being an official is not being a parent, these people are not children, and they have to pay the price for their own choices. "

Looking at Ming Hongyan's calm expression, Zhao Yuanle was silent for a while, and then sighed slowly.

"Then you know, don't you know? Since you know, you can send out a newspaper and give an order to spread the story of the three redemptions. It must serve as a warning."

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's resentment, Ming Hongyan chuckled.

"You really are dedicated to serving the people."

Zhao Yuanle: "Aren't you?"

Ming Hongyan paused and smiled.

"Maybe I see it from a different angle than you, and I don't think it's a big deal."

He was actually a little puzzled by Zhao Yuanle's excited and worried attitude.

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while, propped up one side of his face with one hand, and said quietly: "Indeed, I see it from a different angle from yours."

Ming Yan was a little curious: "Tell me, in your previous life... how were the officials there? How about missionaries?"

Zhao Yuanle: "At that time, everyone had to go to school at the age of six, not only to study, but also to learn arithmetic and foreign language. Six years of elementary school, three years of junior high school, and then high school, three years of high school, and then university entrance.

After elementary school, not only do you have to learn foreign language and arithmetic, but also physics, chemistry, biogeography, and political history.

High school is divided into arts and sciences, and colleges choose majors, and they graduate in four years.

If you want to study again, you will be a graduate student. There are masters and doctors, so you can study in depth. "

Ming Hongyan listened to this talk with great interest.

"This school system sounds good, and it's amazing that all the people can be educated.

Then why do you have such a big reaction about sects? "

As soon as Zhao Yuanle heard this, he told Ming Hongyan everything he knew about the cult.

After Ming Hongyan finished listening, he was silent for a long time.

He thought, is there really such a stupid person?Burn yourself?And beating people to death openly?

How can it be?

Zhao Yuanle: "It's all true, we've known it since childhood."

After the silence, Ming Hongyan spoke.

"In that case, then make up a story like this and publish it in the newspaper."

Zhao Yuanle: "Country people don't read newspapers, and those who read newspapers don't believe it either."

Ming Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then distribute it to the village chiefs and security chiefs in various places, and let them publicize it.".

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "This is feasible."

The speed at which people in the village gossip is incredible.

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