village pigwoman

437 Consider 1

And here, Zhao Yuanle was watched by his aunt in turn.

Tang Siwen: "It's fine."

Zhao Dacheng didn't care about it.

"What can happen to her body?"

He felt that his niece was so powerful that she could even single out a tiger.

Zhao Yuanle patted his chest.

"What can I do?"

Tang Siwen nodded: "Then the aunt went to see Miss Yi."

She was injured by a pig that went out of her house, she should go and see.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Yi Li who was on the side.

"Your sister is injured, why don't you go and see?"

Yi Li shrugged.

"Isn't it a skin trauma? It's just a pig hair pricking it. It's okay."

Zhao Yuanle's eyes fell on the gun at Yi Li's waist again.

"You have to watch your gun."

Yi Li snorted coldly.

"If someone hadn't punched me yesterday, I wouldn't have involved the wound and reacted so slowly."

Zhao Yuanle gave Yi Li a blank look.

"Just talk nonsense, can my two hits hurt you? Are you made of mud?"

Just as Yi Li was about to speak, Zhao Yuanle snorted coldly again: "You deserve it if you get hurt, why don't you pay me back!"

Yi Li: "Hey! I said you can really remember grudges, you, just that, how long have you remembered?"

Zhao Yuan laughed happily: "If you don't pay me back, I will see you and beat you once in the future."

Yi Li: "..."

This woman is getting more and more arrogant.

Chen Moying looked at the scene in front of her with a little curiosity in her eyes.

He actually didn't know that Yi Li and Zhao Yuanle were quite familiar?

Ming Hongyan knew that Yi Li and Zhao Yuanle were quite close, but he always thought that the relationship between Zhao Yuanle and Yi Li was not very good.

Looking at it this way today, it may not be so bad.

Zhao Yuankang felt that it was not good for Zhao Yuanle to speak like this, so he coughed a little.

"Lele, don't talk like that, we are not bullies."

Yi Li tsk tsk.

"Bully Zhao, I won't return the money to you, you'd better do what you say."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey!"

She strode over and waved her fist.

Yi Li was prepared this time and hid in time.

"Tsk, that's slow as your pig."

Zhao Yuanle stomped his feet and threw two fists, Yi Li dodged left and right, mocking.

After a while, Zhao Yuanle looked at the neutral position and grabbed Yi Li.

She smiled.

"Hide again."

Yi Li sneered: "Be gentle, don't slap your face..."

Suddenly, Chen Moying coughed.

"Okay, stop making trouble, how much does he owe you?"

Zhao Yuanle pushed Yi Li away and clapped his hands: "Not much, I just can't swallow this breath."

Yi Li interjected from the side.

"I won't pay you back even if I'm angry. I'll punish you with my ability. I've confiscated it long ago. Why should I spit it out?"

Zhao Yuanle glared at Yi Li: "Just wait for me."

When she develops her reaction speed, she will definitely hit Yi Li until she cries for her father and mother.

Chen Moying smiled: "Forget it."

Zhao Yuanle suddenly looked at him.

"You also charged me a high price, five silver dollars! Huh, how much I trust you, you actually lied to me that you have no money, and you are even worse!"

Chen Moying: "..."

It's really vengeful.

Ming Hongyan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he didn't ask her for any money.

Zhao Yuankang couldn't believe it.


How come the richer the more picky... This is also true for the Chen family.

Chen Moying's father was listening at the side, looked at his son in surprise and disgust, and then greeted his servants.

After a while, the servant brought a purse embroidered with gold into Zhao Yuanle's hand.

Master Chen laughed.

"Little girl, keep it, I will pay you back for him."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Chen Moying with even more disgust, and said in a low voice: "Be a man, don't be so stingy, it's only five silver dollars, it makes people laugh if you say it, and you lie to other girls, I'm ashamed of you Panic.

Our family can't afford to lose these five silver dollars. "

Chen Moying: "..."

Zhao Yuanle took the purse, felt the weight of the purse, and couldn't help but smile.

Now, looking at this old master Chen is really pleasing to the eye.

Here she collected the purse, and Mrs. Xi brought Tang Siwen and others over there.

Tang Siwen felt that his family could leave, so he directly raised it with Mrs. Xi.

Mrs. Xi: "Oh, today's incident was also an accident. I wanted to keep you for a while, but who knew there would be such an accident.

You wait, bring some snacks and tea back to try. "

Then, Mrs. Xi stuffed a lot of things enthusiastically, and sent the Zhao family away at the door.

After Mrs. Xi returned to the house, she learned from her husband that Chen Moying owed Zhao Yuanle five silver dollars, so she couldn't help but scold Chen Moying again, and directly sent Chen Moying to Ming Hongyan's home.

In Qingye Hall, Ming Yanyan and Chen Moying were sitting in the four-corner gazebo, with bamboo leaves stretched out beside them, covering up their movements and expressions.

Ming Hongyan raised his hand and poured Chen Moying a cup of tea.

"You say you, why charge her more money if you have nothing to do?"

Listening to the rustling of bamboo leaves in the wind, Chen Moying sighed softly.

"She gave it herself, and now she's thinking about it again."

Ming Hong said with a low smile: "At least she was polite to you and didn't do anything."

Chen Moying's eyes drooped for a moment.


Seeing this, Ming Hong said that he didn't want to be around anymore, he put down the folding fan in his hand, and looked at Chen Moying seriously.

"I didn't want to talk about your private affairs, but now, I can't help being curious."

Chen Moying: "Huh?"

Ming Hong said: "In the past, your health was not good, but now your health has recovered. Whether it is your mother's doctor or my doctor, you can be sure that you are no different from ordinary people.

Now, still have no ideas? "

Chen Moying was silent for a while, and glanced at the rhythm of the layers of bamboo leaves not far away when the wind blew up.

A layer of misty green, deep turquoise, flipping and changing with the wind.

His mood is also very tangled.

The moment he knew he was in good health, he was happy, or ecstatic.

But after the joy, he fell into deep confusion.

In the past, I would die without knowing when, and I had no scruples about what to do, it was all based on my preferences, I never thought about everything, and I didn't care about the result at all.

But now that he is in good health, he can't help but think about the future, and think about it for a long time.

Thinking of this, he just felt that he suddenly had to worry about a lot of things, as if he had a burden all of a sudden.

After the silence, Chen Moying spoke.

"What kind of thinking are you referring to?"

Ming Hongyan spoke decisively.

"You can continue to do things about the newspaper office, and you can also contribute more to things about the new school.

If you have a lot of free time, or are particularly willing to help me, I will not refuse.

Therefore, what I want to ask is not the ideal future career, because

For these things, it will not change much because of the length of your life.

What affects you the most, you know. "

Chen Moying smiled lightly: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Ming Hongyan said it directly.

"I have inquired about the Zhao family, and his family members seem to have some special strengths, such as strength and excellent memory.

But this thing is not certain, that is to say, the descendants of the Zhao family have a certain probability of being born extraordinary. "

Chen Moying: "That's great."

Where is it like his family, who is born sick.

Ming Hong said: "Zhao Yuanle is one of the best. You should understand her difference. Of course, I mean the difference in her brain."

Chen Moying nodded.

"This is true."

Ming Hong said, "So, are you interested?"

Chen Moying was silent again.

He didn't think about it before, so it can be said that he is quite frank.

Ming Hong said: "A lot of times, silence is an answer.

But hesitation often leads to missed opportunities.

I think she is a good choice, her family background is clean, she is simple, not stupid, you are familiar with her, your parents, especially your mother, like her.

If you are interested, you can ask her directly. "

Chen Moying took a long mouthful of tea in silence.

After putting down the teacup, his eyebrows were a little tangled.

"Actually, I only thought of her as an interesting kid before."

Ming Hongyan couldn't help laughing.

"Which family's child has this child, she is not a child, but a young girl."

Chen Moying sighed.

"Why do you say that too?"

Originally, he was frank, but people around him always said so, and now he himself is a bit embarrassed.

Ming Hongyan seemed to see what Chen Moying meant.

"Others are just excuses, others have said a lot before, but now you are the one who hesitates to say anything.

In fact, in my opinion, this is not a difficult thing to say, unless you really don't care about the future, you really don't care about childlessness. "

Chen Moying shook her head.

"I thought about it last night, and then I realized that I didn't care that much."

In the past, he was out of conscience and responsibility, but now he doesn't have to worry about the child getting sick, so he doesn't resist having his own wife and children.

He even looks forward to a family of three, or a family of four and five living happily in the future.

He didn't really want to be alone.

But this candidate, he is not sure.

In these years, he has not had much contact with women other than children and elders, and he is also business-like with the students in the newspaper office.

Probably, because he only got along with Zhao Yuanle and the hints from the people around him, his first reaction was to think of her?

Chen Moying suddenly felt that she lacked experience in this kind of relationship.

Seeing Chen Moying thinking about it for a long time, Ming Hongyan couldn't help but say, "Have you thought about it?"

Chen Moying shook her head: "I didn't think about it, but I'm curious."

Ming Hong said, "Oh?"

Chen Moying slowly revealed a smile, and quietly looked at the person in front of him.

"Why does the son care so much about this issue? Do you care about me or others?"

Ming Hong said, "Of course I care about you."

Chen Moying poured Ming Hongyan a cup of tea and asked her own question.

"If it's because of my body, there is no way.

how about you?You are about the same age as me, and you have no physical problems. These years, you seem to be very lonely. "

Ming Hongyan laughed lightly.

"I've already had both sons and daughters."

Chen Moying

Laugh without saying a word.

Ming Hongyan chuckled and asked, "When did you know?"

Chen Moying picked up a falling bamboo leaf on the table, looked at it, and said slowly: "A long time ago, I deduced it according to the time, but it's actually not certain. I just lied to you just now."

Ming Hongyan didn't care.

"It's enough for you alone to know."

Chen Moying asked back: "Your life is more adventurous than mine, with more accidents, are you not worried?

Do your parents know?

When are you going to wait? "

Ming Hong said: "You like a harmonious and happy family, and by the way, busy with your ideals, I care more about unfinished business, everyone has to be in front of Xiaojia."

Hearing Ming Hongyan's words, Chen Moying suddenly let out a long sigh.

"If it wasn't for that accident, Wanhe would not have sat in that position. He is really good at taking advantage of this loophole."

Ming Hongyan smiled softly and didn't care about it.

"It doesn't matter whether you sit or not, my father cares about the relationship between brothers and doesn't want to fight. As a son, how can I disobey my parents.

Furthermore, that seat may not be a good place to sit. "

Chen Moying: "Wanhe didn't do what he said."

It didn't take long before those people's hearts began to agitate again.

Ming Hong said: "It doesn't matter when you talk about deeds, and there is no perfect person in the world, just look at what he does."

Chen Moying smiled.

"Then how long are you going to stay here?"

Ming Hong said: "About a year. According to the current speed of railway construction, my health should be about the same after the railway is completed."

Chen Moying nodded.

"I will consider what you said today."

Ming Hongyan smiled, but did not speak.

He felt that Chen Moying's reaction had already given him the answer.

At this time, Zhao Yuanle, who was happily returning home, was counting the money with great joy.

Zhao Yuanxi and Tang Siwen were also watching, their mouths never closed.

Zhao Yuanle took one of the small silver flowers and looked at it, then pinched it again.

"It must be pure silver."

Tang Siwen: "Such a big bag is worth more than twenty silver dollars."

Zhao Yuanle laughed out loud.

"Chen Moying's parents are really generous. I didn't expect to get this extra money today. I'm so happy."

Tang Siwen: "Mrs. Xi is really generous."

Zhao Yuanle: "It seems that Chen Moying is the most picky in his family."

Listening to Zhao Yuanle's words, Tang Siwen couldn't help reminding her.

"Don't always call people names like this, it's not good."

Zhao Yuanle waved his hand.

"I just yell in front of my own family, but I don't yell like that in front of outsiders."

At this time, Zhao Yuanxi suddenly spoke.

"Lele, do you really not think about it? I think the Chen family is very good, and Young Master Chen also cares about you."

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised.


Zhao Yuanxi looked serious.

"Really, I saw that when you were arguing with that guard, his face was not right, and his eyes were not right."

Zhao Yuanle was even more puzzled.

"What? Did you read it wrong?"

Zhao Yuanxi was very persistent, insisting that he read it correctly.

Tang Siwen didn't say a word, the balance in his heart was still shaking.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanxi argued for a while, and then spoke out.

"Let's just say, can you stop being so narcissistic, Chen Moying has to like me?

Well, if you insist on saying that, let's see if there is any movement in the Chen family after that. "

Zhao Yuanxi: "If there is any movement in his house, will you agree?"

Zhao Yuanle: "There can be no movement."

Zhao Yuanxi: "Then let's make a bet, if it's really interesting over there, don't prevaricate people with non-marriage talk, think about it yourself."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, let's go."

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