village pigwoman

432 no sickness

She did have something to say.

"Lele, here I am. He hasn't checked the pulse for a while. He just came back today. You can persuade him later."

Zhao Yuanle was a little puzzled.

"There's nothing you can't see, he probably won't refuse."

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Xi pulled Zhao Yuanle over, still talking.

"If you don't believe me, look."

She came in front of Chen Moying, waved her hand, and found an old doctor with white hair but seldom frowning.

"Doctor Lin is here to show you the Ping An pulse, okay?"

Chen Moying hesitated.

He felt that his body seemed to be much better, so he wanted to see if he was much better.

But he was also worried that if his body got better, this mother would force him even more to do things he didn't want to do.

Without hesitating for long, Chen Moying nodded and stretched out her arms.

As long as the body is in good health, there is nothing to worry about. Before death, the constant companions can be taken lightly. If they are safe and healthy, then this day is not more hopeful. What I want to do, I can do more and for a longer time. longer term.

Dr. Lin sat opposite Chen Moying, and slowly stretched out his hand.

The air was silent for a moment, Madam Xi was visibly nervous.

Although Chen Moying looked normal, the other hand was trembling slightly nervously.

He couldn't say why, it was obviously just a normal pulse signal, but it seemed to be to judge something.

Doctor Lin's complexion became complicated with the passage of time, he had some surprise in his eyes, after he was surprised, he withdrew his hand for calling the pulse, but his eyes fell on Chen Moying again.

After careful observation, he approached Chen Moying, and put his ear against Chen Moying's chest to listen to the sound.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xi squeezed the silk handkerchief tightly in her hand.

After Dr. Lin stood up and everything was over, Mrs. Xi and Chen Moying breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Zhao Yuanle was the calmest on the side, with a relaxed expression, which was incompatible with the overall atmosphere.

Seeing the waiting gazes of the two, Dr. Lin himself couldn't quite believe it.

He let out a breath slowly, still choosing to believe what he saw, heard and felt.

"There is no abnormal sound in the chest cavity and ventricle, the pulse condition is stable and normal, the complexion is rosy, and the not seriously ill."


Mrs. Xi's exclamation broke the silence in the air, her eyes turned red instantly, she looked left and right excitedly, she stretched out her hand and didn't know where to put it.

Chen Moying wasn't much better either, he just didn't move, but the excitement in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Zhao Yuanle looked at him with a smile.


Chen Moying let out a breath that he held back for a long time, and couldn't help covering his chest with one hand.

He looked at Dr. Lin and asked for confirmation again.

"Is it all right?"

Madam Lin also had a smile of relief and joy in her eyes.

"This is the only thing I can do, and I can't see anything wrong with it."

"No problem, just nothing wrong!"

Mrs. Xi excitedly recruited the maid.

"Go and call the master, quickly."

She looked at Doctor Lin again.

"Doctor Lin, the housekeeper will pay the consultation fee later, and there will be some small gifts."

Doctor Lin smiled and cupped his hands.

"Congratulations madam, congratulations young master."

Just when Dr. Lin was about to retreat, Mrs. Xi suddenly realized that she hurried after Dr. Lin and asked a very important question.

"Won't this disease be passed on to future generations?"

Doctor Lin paused.

In fact, he didn't know either.

After thinking about it, he replied like this: "It stands to reason that if this disease can heal itself, it will no longer be a serious disease."

There is a high probability that the disease will not be passed on to future generations. Taking a step back, even if it is passed on, it can heal itself if you think about it, and it is not as worrying as before. "

Mrs. Xi nodded with a smile, and kept saying thank you to Dr. Lin.

Chen Moying was still in joy, her eyes were a little dazed, and she didn't come back to herself.

Zhao Yuanle stood aside, and what he cared most about now was the western flower girl.

For such a big happy event, she can't say too much, right?

Alas, anyway, Heizi doesn't have a little dick, and it's useless to ask for a daughter-in-law, so she just wants them all, and she can play a greater role.

After Mrs. Xi was happy, she looked at Chen Moying, unable to hide her excitement.

Chen Moying's expression was serious, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Mrs. Xi: "Let's have a good meal today. Mother must tell your grandparents and uncles about this great event.

No, I have to hold a ten-day running banquet, set up a porridge shed, go to the temple to fulfill my vows, and I have a lot of work to do. "

Chen Moying finally had a reaction.

"With this money, it is better to use it to do other things."

If one's health is really good, wouldn't there be more things to do, and the lack of money would be even worse.

Mrs. Xi smiled from ear to ear.

"It's indispensable for you. If you give me your money, these things will still be bought."

Chen Moying quietly looked at her mother's excited expression, feeling complicated in her heart.

But he was also really happy.

To have a good body, to live to old age like ordinary people, you don't need to deliberately control your emotions, you can laugh when you want to, and get angry when you want to be angry.

He can finally have these things.

Feeling neglected, Zhao Yuanle stood aside and couldn't help but take a look at Hei Zizi who was lying at the door with a pig's head looking in.

Chen Moying noticed it and couldn't help but look over.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle smiled at Chen Moying.


Chen Moying smiled sincerely this time, and the curvature of the corners of her eyes was different from before.

"Thank you."

Mrs. Xi also reacted at this time.

She happily took Zhao Yuanle's hand.

"Oh, Bailing County is really a blessed land, you are really a lucky star!"

Zhao Yuanle hastily denied it.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Mrs. Xi suddenly had a suggestion.

"Or, invite your family to have a meal together and celebrate together."

Zhao Yuanle: "Forget it, I think this kind of good thing is still suitable for your family of three to celebrate, and save other celebrations for later."

She just wanted to take the western flower girl home.

Seeing this, Chen Moying also opened her mouth.

"Mother, let's invite my uncle's family to celebrate with Brother Ming today.

We can't get along well with the Zhao family, so if we ask rashly, what if it delays other people's affairs. "

Mrs. Xi is in a good mood now, and now Chen Moying says she is good.

Zhao Yuanle took the opportunity to speak.

"Then I'll go back first."

Mrs. Xi: "Then don't go back tomorrow."

Zhao Yuanle nodded, and then brought up the matter of the Western Little Huazhu.

Mrs. Xi smiled: "Okay, here you are."

When Zhao Yuanle walked out of Chen's house, he not only carried a little piggy in his arms, but also carried the pouch of snacks that Mrs. Xi forced on her.

If she hadn't sternly refused, Mrs. Xi would have asked several people to take her home. How embarrassing.

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