As if stimulated by Zhao Yuanle's words, this young man was obviously very excited.

He pushed his silver-rimmed eyes, took a step forward, and looked directly at Zhao Yuanle.

"Then what do you know? You said that at least one person should know what an independent person is, so why don't you tell me what an independent person is?

You said that we went to Western countries to study in those small cities, and many things are not clear. Then I would like to ask you before you explain what is called an independent person, do you know what is called the Declaration of Human Rights? "

Zhao Yuanle is very happy.

This man actually tested her history.

She snorted softly and spoke directly.

"The Declaration of Human Rights, promulgated in France, the full name, the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship, is a programmatic document during the French Revolution, which covers human rights, freedom, rule of law, separation of powers, equality and protection of private property.

Natural human rights, belief, religion, press, freedom of speech, and private property are sacred and inviolable. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuanle looked at this person and asked with a smile, "I'm not wrong."

The man nodded slowly.

Zhao Yuanle: "You ask, what is an independent person, and then ask, I know what is called a declaration of human rights.

Then I also want to ask, do you think we can use the same set of documents as their countries?

They are a fully industrialized capitalist country, what about us?We are also a self-sufficient agricultural nation.

Our national conditions are very different from theirs. Which of their sayings is suitable for us?

Is it possible that you want to tell the people who are digging the soil and farming, what God says doesn’t matter, God has the final say, and God says you were born as a human being, so you have the right to be human? "

The man couldn't help but said: "Then you talk about it, what do you want to say? How can you tell people who dig and farm what are natural human rights?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I won't talk about this at all, because they don't have time to listen to it.

They are busy with all kinds of work, and they have no time to rest all day long. They are busy with how to live, rather than arguing about what is a person. "

The man is dissatisfied.

"Then you said let them know what an independent person is first."

Zhao Yuanle spread his hands.

"Is there a conflict here? We have to let them live like human beings first, and have some free time besides their busy life, before talking about this."

Man: "Then what you mean is that the economy is ahead of the mind."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's living in front of ideas. You said all kinds of Western things, fundamentally speaking, where society has developed, those ideas are born for development and serve.

It wasn't because of these ideas that they suddenly became enlightened and turned their country into what it is now.

It is because those original things blocked the pace of their life and development that they began to resist and had those thoughts. "

Hearing this, Lin Yin was thoughtful, and quickly said, "However, after the Middle Ages, it was the Renaissance, and ideas first started, which led to their development."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's because the Middle Ages was originally a reverse course. Those countries were not originally Western civilizations. They were barbarians who pretended to be their ancestors. They were several barbarians who destroyed the original civilization, and then occupied the land separately. developed their respective countries.

Religion has kept them ignorant for hundreds of years, and a black death killed one-third of the people before they began to want to look for other things.

So, thoughts arise out of need.

When most people have no need to change, it is useless to insist on changing other people's original thinking and fortifying some Western ideas that are not suitable for the local people. "

The eyes of the man who questioned Zhao Yuanle darkened.

He asked another question.

"Do you think there is no need to change yet?"

Zhao Yuanle

: "Then you have to figure out first, what is the majority? I am not the majority, so my thoughts are not important."

Man: "Then what do you think is the majority?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I think those with the greatest ability are the majority."

Now, both the man and Lin Yin were puzzled.

Lin Yin: "I heard from you that the common people are the majority, but now you say that the most capable, the most capable, are the president and the nobles."

Zhao Yuanle sighed.

"Actually, you are right."

Men can't understand Zhao Yuanle's logic.

"Which side are you on?"

Zhao Yuanle: "You don't care about me, whichever side I like to stand on."

Man: "You!"

Lin Yin stretched out his hand to stop the man.

"Okay, you'd better go and have a rest, we girls are talking, what are you doing here?"

The man held back his slightly excited mood and walked back to his seat. He seemed to be doing other things, but actually he was still listening to the movement with his ears open.

Lin Yin looked at Zhao Yuanle with a smile.

"I said, little sister, you have read a lot of books."

Zhao Yuanle snorted.

"I am a genius."

Lin Yin made a joke.

"Okay, little genius girl, I don't ask you which side you are on, I ask us girls' questions, what do you think of a female college student like me?"

Zhao Yuanle glanced at Lin Yin and shook his head.

"That's not how the question was asked."

Lin Yin: "Huh? Why can't you ask like that?"

Zhao Yuanle: "There are some problems, we must first recognize the priority.

Female college students, you seem to be focusing on girls. You want to ask your opinion on girls going to college. "

Lin Yin nodded.

"That's right, that's what it means."

Zhao Yuanle's eyes sharpened for a moment.

"However, before the status of a woman, the most important thing for you is the status of a powerful person.

Needless to say, what kind of family is a female college student who can study abroad.

Under the sun, half is male and half is female, but in real life, class is divided first, and then men and women are divided.

So, I have nothing against you, a female college student.

You can go to university and study abroad, whether you are male or female is not the main reason, but who your father is. "

Lin Yin thought for a while, and then said: "Over there, women have to change their surname after marriage, but we don't. This is the comparison of the different powers of men and women on both sides."

Zhao Yuanle still shook his head.

"In Western countries, women change their surnames when they marry, not to follow their husband's surname, but to follow their family's surname. To put it bluntly, the family background is more serious.

On our side, the reason why women don't change their surnames when they marry is because father is more important, patriarchal authority is higher than husband authority, in other words, filial piety is greater than heaven. "

After Zhao Yuanle finished speaking, Lin Yin hissed and couldn't help feeling emotional.

"I misunderstood you. I don't know whether your opinion is important or not, but it really surprised me."

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

In this regard.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

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Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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