village pigwoman

367 many things

Zhao Yuanle did not sit down first, but gave the things in his hand to Widow Yu one by one.

"These two sets of clothes and these cloths are for you, and this snack is from Rongcheng. It's delicious. Try it."

The widow Yu was surprised and happy, but she refused to accept it no matter what.

"It's too expensive. Take it back and give it to your younger siblings. This dress is for your third mother. I don't need it. I don't want it."

Zhao Yuanle forced it to the widow.

"Take it, can I prepare for theirs, this is for you, just take it, I have something to do this time."

Widow Yu hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I want chard seeds. Your chard is good. I want your seeds."

Widow Yu: "Okay, come here, I'll get it for you right away."

Zhao Yuanle: "You take what's in your hand and we'll talk about it later."

Widow Yu glanced helplessly at the things in her hand, and could only enter the room first.

Zhao Yuanle sat on a bamboo chair and looked towards a small bamboo forest behind the house.

She remembered that it seemed that people here would plant bamboo near their own homes, and every household had planted them.

And those pigs happily went to eat pigweed after rubbing past Zhao Yuanle excitedly.

Zhao Yuanle's eyes fell on the wild boar, and then on the little white sow.

She felt that the relationship between the two pigs should be good, and when the time came, the two pigs should be able to do that by themselves, so she probably didn't need to worry about it.

And Widow Yu quickly came out with a bag of chard seeds.

She put the bag of seeds into Zhao Yuanle's hands.

"This one, first soak it in warm water for a while, then soak it in cold water for a day, take it out and drain it, and then plant it. It should be ready for planting next month.

As for the soil, any kind of soil is fine, it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that this vegetable is cheap, and it will grow well if it grows casually, and there is no need to pour manure or anything. "

Zhao Yuanle took the seeds, looked at the black and blue things beside him, and was a little curious.

"What is this? It doesn't seem to be fungus."

Widow Yu went over and grabbed a handful of these things, and said with a smile: "This is dried ground fungus. I tried it before. After drying, put some water in it when you want to eat it. It's still edible, but the taste is better The fresh ones are worse, but it’s just fun to eat.”

Zhao Yuanle walked over and took a closer look.

"Is this fresh and delicious?"

Widow Yu: "It must be seasoned with enough oil and salt to be delicious. Otherwise, it won't taste good."

She looked at Zhao Yuanle: "Do you want some, I'll get some."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.


Widow Yu went in to get the bowl, and caught more than half of it for Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle talked about what he was going to do.

"I'm going to build a big pigsty. This time I'll raise a dozen or twenty pigs, and I'll need some help by then."

Widow Yu packed the things and handed them to Zhao Yuanle, but she couldn't help asking.

"Do you want someone to help feed the pigs?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Well, but it's not like ordinary people raise it, hey.

What I want is to rent a lot of bad depressions and poor land on the slopes, and then plant fast-growing vegetables or grass in them, let the pigs graze on the grass during the day, and then add a meal or two of feed.

Then clean up the pigsty on time, and that's it. "

Widow Yu: "Then this job is still easy."

Zhao Yuanle's eyes fell on the widow.

She couldn't help asking: "Auntie, are you busy?"

Widow Yu: "Huh?"

Zhao Yuanle: "What do you want to do, I will pay you more money a month."

Widow Yu laughed.


Food is included, I don't want money. "

Zhao Yuanle hurriedly said: "That's settled, don't go back on your word, you will come when my land is fixed and the pigsty is repaired."

Hearing Zhao Yuanle's words, Widow Yu's smile paused.

"Are you serious?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded naturally.


There was hesitation on the widow's expression.

Zhao Yuan was happy to see her like this, half-jokingly: "Then how about I don't provide food and pay you wages?"

"That's not what I meant." Widow Yu explained with tangled eyebrows, "I mean, your family members may not agree, besides, my reputation..."

Zhao Yuanle's voice couldn't help raising his voice.

"Fame? What's the matter? It's not your fault to be a widow. Which of these things can count? Then Jin Feng is still a widow now. Do you think she feels ashamed?"

"It's not this..." Widow Yu's voice was much lower, and she talked about the mold.

Zhao Yuanle didn't take it seriously anymore.

"Then I've been in touch with you for so long, what's wrong with my family? My pig is getting better every day, and I've made so much money. You say, this is bad luck? Then what is good luck?"

Widow Yu was happy when she heard Zhao Yuanle's words, but she still cared about this after all. ???.biqupai.

Zhao Yuanle sighed helplessly.

"I still can't trust other people. What if some people in the village are jealous of me and deliberately come to raise my pigs, what if I don't raise them well?

When the time comes, I will have to spend money and worry, alas, you won't come to help me. "

Hearing Zhao Yuanle's words, Widow Yu hurried to explain.

Zhao Yuanle got up and left with his things.

Just leave this sentence.

"You are still willing to help me. Come when the time comes. I will pay you a high salary when you come."

Widow Yu stood where she was, not knowing what to say for a while, and then watched Zhao Yuanle leave like this, and the pigs followed.

After returning with the things, Zhao Yuanle arrested Wu Lin who was tinkering with the triangle ruler.

"Come on, let's make a plan."

Wu Lin held a triangular ruler made of special material, and gave a perfunctory oh.

Zhao Yuanle took the triangular ruler over, and then took out other materials in the house, as well as books about biogas.

"The biogas pond has to be dug, but these things have to be brought out first. Didn't I show you before? Now I give you a task, the sooner you can get these things out, the better."

But Wu Lin is really not interested in this, and even has some resistance.

He frowned slightly.

"These things are dirty."

Zhao Yuanle: "I asked you to do this, but I didn't ask you to adjust the manure and compost."

Wu Lin: "It's hot, it's very tiring to do this."

At that time, he will sweat too much, and his body will smell of sweat all day long, which is so annoying.

Zhao Yuanle snorted coldly.

"If you don't do it for me, I'll kick you out."

After Wu Lin heard the threat, he didn't react at all.

Zhao Yuanle suddenly had an idea, looked left and right, and after making sure that no one at home had noticed, he directly punched Wu Lin's eye socket.

Wu Lin was stunned by the beating, and even forgot to make a sound.

He looked at Zhao Yuanle in confusion.

Zhao Yuanle clapped his hands.

"Let you steal my dictionary before, and finally make you ugly."

Wu Lin: "..."

Zhao Yuanle: "Now, your eyes will soon have dark circles."

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and met someone he knew well,

They greet each other, or nod.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

In this regard.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

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Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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