village pigwoman

144 Shit Shovel Officer

When Zhao Yuanle came to scout in the morning, he determined several places where pigs could be kept within a short walk, and even cut a back full of pigweed to go back.

At this time, from the moment she entered the village, the piglets behind her were already eating happily.

The little white sow adapted quickly, eating hogweed no less than the other piglets.

A few families on the side of the road saw that Zhao Yuanle was actually bringing a few piglets with him. This posture was like herding pigs.

Soon their attention fell on the few white pigs.

An old woman asked directly.

"Why do you still have a white pig?"

Zhao Yuanle: "He's from the county."

The old woman was curious: "Is this white pig easy to raise?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"It's easy to raise, and it grows meat faster, but it grows less fat than local pigs."

The old woman nodded thoughtfully.

The child beside her turned around the piglets curiously.

I've seen a lot of cattle herders, but it's the first time I've seen a pig herder.

Zhao Yuanle smiled and looked at the children, letting them tease the pig curiously.

The old woman was curious too.

She asked Zhao Yuanle.

"This pig is so obedient and doesn't run around?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"If you don't run away, you know how to follow me, which is more worry-free than herding cattle."

The old woman asked: "Then you have been training for a long time, right? Just like the kind of dog training? Do you want to beat?"

Zhao Yuanle: " pigs have never been beaten, maybe they are so obedient by nature."

The old woman: "That's a little strange."

At this time, a white pig came to the side to shit.

When Zhao Yuanle saw it, he hurried over and shoveled the shit into the leather basket.

When the old woman saw it, her eyes were quite appreciative.

"I will take care of the house, sister."

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

"There is a lot of food at home."

In fact, she didn't really want to be a shit shovel officer, she still shoveled pig shit.

But there is no way, her third mother forced her.

When these pigs grew wildly, there was a lot of pig feces. At a time when industrial fertilizers were basically not used, these pig feces became treasures.

Zhao Yuanle used to herd pigs in the village, and the piglets could still listen to her and drag them home, or dragged them directly to their vegetable fields on the road.

Now she went to the next village to herd pigs, and the piglets couldn't hold back their shit, but this was someone else's land. He Ju told her that she couldn't take advantage of other people's homes, and the fat and shit wouldn't flow into other people's fields, so she gave her this Tools, let her shovel all the shit back.

It's not that Zhao Yuanle never mentioned forget it.

She even offered to give He Ju money in exchange for the choice not to shovel shit.

In the end, He Ju scolded her as a prodigal son and ordered her to shovel shit, otherwise she was not allowed to let the pigs go.

At this moment, Zhao Yuanle looked at the shovel, and realized that he was only breathing normally, and could smell the smell of pig feces from the lid, so he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

It's not easy to raise pigs... It's not easy to make money...

Saying goodbye to the old man, Zhao Yuanle took his piglets and walked towards a piece of weedy mud over there.

On the way, she shoveled another pile of shit for the black pig.

And behind her, there were a few more barefoot children.

They followed her curiously and played with the pigs from time to time.

The oldest of these children is no more than six years old, and because they do not eat very well, their arms and legs are like bamboo sticks, and most of them are tanned, and a few of them are born white.

Zhao Yuanle let the pig over and found a place to sit and rest.

The children played with the pig for a while, and then came over curiously to play with Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle smiled at these children.

"How old are you all?"

Several children talked about their ages one after another.

Zhao Yuanle guessed right, the oldest was no more than six years old, only five years old, and the youngest was two years old.

After Zhao Yuanle talked with these children, he realized that his younger brother was really smart.

The baby here is about the same size as his younger brother, and his speech is not as clear and orderly as his younger brother.

Not to mention giving Zhao Yuanlan advice on hiding things like Yao'er, when Zhao Yuanle asked them what their respective family names were, some of them couldn't answer.

Seeing another piglet shitting, Zhao Yuanle went over and shoveled it up.

An older child next to him wondered.

"You look so good-looking, why do you want to shovel pig shit?"

Zhao Yuanle paused, wanting to speak and tearing up.

She doesn't want to shovel pig shit...

But she still suppressed a smile and answered the child.

"Because pig manure is useful as fertilizer, so I want to shovel it back."

The child came to a sudden.

"Oh, where's that man's shit?"

Zhao Yuanle: "It's also useful."

The child on the side chirped and asked.

"Where's chicken shit?"

"Where's the duck droppings?"

"What about the goose's, and the dog's? Oh no, the dog eats shit, can it still be used for pulling?"

Zhao Yuanle: "..."


She decided to skip the subject.

"There are a lot of flowers over there, go and pick some flowers, and I will weave flower baskets for you."

A bunch of children cheered and went to pick flowers on the grass next to them.There were short legs that couldn't keep up and almost cried, stomping behind, and crying to follow after stamping.

Zhao Yuanle breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, these children picked flowers and came back, and some of them picked flowers for her too.

This afternoon, apart from shoveling shit, Zhao Yuanle weaved flower baskets and garlands for a few children.

The girls all put on garlands and looked at each other with a smile.

Zhao Yuanle also wore a garland on her head in the end, which was put on by all the children.

According to what these children said, she is a beautiful fairy lady, and they are her maids. Miss fairy can't wear a wreath by herself, she needs the maid to put it on together.

Two of the sisters fought over who put the wreath on her head last, and even fought by pulling her hair in the dirt.

In the end, it was Zhao Yuanle who said that if the two of them played together on one side, the two would stop.

Just like that, before you know it, the sun is about to set.

Zhao Yuanle got up and patted his buttocks, picked up his leather basket, called back the piglets grazing around, and prepared to go home.

A bunch of children are still a little bit reluctant.

they asked her.

"Miss Fairy, are you still coming tomorrow?"

Zhao Yuanle touched his wreath, and smiled in the afterglow of the setting sun: "Come, come for a month."

Several children suddenly cheered.

Looking at the innocent looks of these children, Zhao Yuanle chuckled, waved his hands, and walked back to the village.

Behind her was the well-behaved piglet, and the piggy was behind, and in front of her, these children were bouncing around and playing with each other.

For some reason, Zhao Yuanle suddenly thought of his childhood.

She has played like this before, but only rarely, but she still has a deep memory.

Thinking about modern children, it seems that they rarely have the time to play with a bunch of friends in the countryside.

Passing by the doors of these children one after another, they returned to their own home one by two.

At the entrance of the village, there was no one in front of Zhao Yuanle, only the piglets behind him.

She walked along the Yuan River to her home.

Passing by a bamboo forest by the river, she stopped suddenly.

------off topic-----

The author has something to say: Shoveling pig manure is also a shit-shoveling officer!

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