village pigwoman

142 comparison of strength

Hearing what Zhao Yuanle said, Zhao Sancheng got up, walked to the door, and waved back to her.

"You come."

Zhao Yuanle followed out, and so did the rest of the family.

Zhao Sancheng walked to the side of the cattle pen, lifted the straw covering it, and a square and long bluestone appeared in front of everyone.

Zhao Sancheng pointed to the stone, and said happily to Zhao Yuan: "This stone weighs at least three hundred catties. When your father was your age, he could already lift it up. Now try it."

After Zhao Sancheng finished speaking, he stepped aside.

He felt that it might be difficult for Zhao Yuanle to move this, after all, girls are not as strong as boys.

Zhao Yuanle walked around the stone and turned around, then bent down and stretched out his hand to try to move it.

With this move, she has a bottom line in her heart.

Can move.

Three hundred catties?That's not only two golden phoenix weights, she should be able to move it.

Without too much hesitation, Zhao Yuanle found a suitable position, stretched out her hands to hug the stone, and with all her strength, she took a deep breath and hugged the stone directly.

Not only did he lift it off the ground, but Zhao Yuanle used more force to lift the stone up, his face was not red, and he couldn't see any signs of effort.

Zhao Sancheng's eyes almost flew out.

"Your strength."

The stone is dead. Under the same weight, it is much harder to move than other things, but Zhao Yuanle in front of him directly lifted this stone.

He Ju was holding Yao'er, and Zhao Yuanlan was beside him. The three of them looked dumbfounded.

Zhao Yuanlan: "My mother."

She now knows how restrained Zhao Yuanle was when he knocked her on a daily basis.

With this strength, one fist might kill someone.

After Yao'er was surprised, she clapped her little hands.

"Sister, amazing!"

Zhao Yuanle smiled triumphantly.

"My sister will be stronger in the future."

Not only strength, but also thicker skin.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's obviously relaxed appearance, Zhao Sancheng couldn't help wondering what Zhao Yuanle's current limit is.

He looked around and saw another stone.

He asked Zhao Yuanle: "Shall I give you some more?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Sancheng added a stone next to it.

This stone weighed only a few dozen catties, and after adding it, Zhao Yuanle's expression remained unchanged.

Zhao Sancheng didn't add any more.

He affirmed: "You are stronger than your father at that time."

He Ju hurriedly asked Zhao Yuanle to put the stone down.

"Don't lift it, are you tired?"

Zhao Yuanle put down the stone easily, she really didn't feel tired.

A few people went back to the house, Zhao Ercheng was curious about the result, and hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Zhao Sancheng smiled.

"Better than you."

Zhao Ercheng let out a hey.

It seemed that he still didn't believe it.

Zhao Yuanle walked directly to Zhao Ercheng's bedside.

"Father, it looks like you don't believe me?"

Zhao Ercheng explained: "You may be stronger than me at this age, but you are definitely not as strong as I am now."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's not necessarily true."

Hearing this, Zhao Ercheng stretched out his arm.

"Come on, even though I'm still injured, I've been lying down for a month, and I can still pull my wrists. You say you are strong, so let's compare your wrists."

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle rolled up his sleeves and went straight up.

"Father, this is what you want to compare yourself to."

Zhao Yuanlan next to him has thoughtfully brought a bench over.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Ercheng held hands and put their elbows on the bench.

Zhao Sancheng asked: "Are you ready?"

Zhao Ercheng: "Okay."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm fine too."

Zhao Sancheng counted from one to three, and with an order, the two men's arm-wrestling contest began.

Zhao Ercheng didn't use all his strength at first, but just tested first.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Yuanle's strength was really great, and he was about to pull his arm off.

He quickly bit his lips and began to exert force.

Several people around saw this scene and exclaimed.

Zhao Yuanle's face didn't change. She didn't expect that Zhao Ercheng's strength was really great.

The two fell into a stalemate.

Zhao Yuanle believed it now, the Zhao family really had the gene of a strongman, and this strength was definitely not just a little stronger than the average person.

Looking at the stalemate, Zhao Yuanlan couldn't help shouting and cheering from the side.

Yao'er also followed to the side, waving his hands, very excited, jumping up and down and cheering.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Ercheng looked at each other, their eyes collided in the air, and there was a faint smell of gunpowder.

Zhao Yuanle wanted to win.

Zhao Ercheng also wanted to win.

Beads of sweat even oozed from the foreheads of the two of them.

Seeing this scene, He Ju was quite amused.

"Look at you, father and daughter, you look like enemies now."

Zhao Sancheng laughed: "I want to see whether it is the young ones or the old ones."

After a long stalemate, Zhao Sancheng was defeated.

Zhao Yuanle knocked his arm down.

Zhao Erchang let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but also smiled.

"It's better for you to be fierce."

Zhao Yuanle withdrew his hand and couldn't help rubbing his arm with the other hand.

"Father, you are really strong."

She felt that at this time, Zhao Ercheng's strength might still be a little stronger than hers.

Because Zhao Ercheng was lying on his side with injuries on his body, his arms were not easy to exert strength at all.

And in the beginning, the strength of the two people was comparable, but she relied on her own endurance to exhaust Zhao Ercheng's strength, and finally won.

Although Zhao Ercheng lost, he was very convinced.

He felt that Zhao Yuanle's strength could grow in the next few years, and it should be much stronger than him by then.

"I'm afraid no one will be able to bully you in the future."

He sighed.

Zhao Yuanle: "That's right, so I'm not afraid to go to other places to herd pigs alone. If I bring a knife, who can bully me?"

He Ju and Zhao Sancheng looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

The two of them knew that Zhao Yuanle would not give up this idea.

In fact, the main reason why He Ju didn't want Zhao Yuanle to go to other places to herd pigs was not because he was afraid that someone would hit the pigs, but because he was afraid that someone would hit Zhao Yuanle.

In the countryside and forests, there are many places with few people. What if there are some bad-hearted people?What about tricks?To tease her on purpose?

Zhao Yuanle was not yet familiar with those places, nor did he know any acquaintances.Even now that Zhao Yuanle showed so much strength, she was still worried.

But seeing Zhao Yuanle's current state, she also knew that she would not listen.

Sighing, He Ju: "Then remember to go out at dawn, don't go out before dawn, and come back before dark."

Zhao Yuanle waved his hand: "I will definitely do this."

He Ju: "Just go to the next village and put it there for a month. When you come back here, the pigweed will grow again, and you can sell it after another month."

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