village pigwoman

135 weighing

On this day, He Ju looked at the chubby pigs in the pigsty and couldn't help but be speechless.

"My God, this pig grows too fast."

The pigs that have been raised for less than a month look like they have been raised for three months.

Zhao Yuanle was a little embarrassed.

"That's right, don't look at who raised it."

These pigs eat so much, and their metabolism is obviously several times that of ordinary pigs, so they grow several times faster than those pigs.

He Ju and Zhao Yuanle stood together looking at these pigs, and she said seriously: "If it grows at this rate, the pigs will be out of the pen in May and June."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's still early before Chinese New Year. When these pigs are out of the pen, we will buy them and raise them."

He Ju nodded.


Before, she thought it was time-consuming and there was no food for pigs, so she didn't want to raise pigs. Now, looking at the progress, she can earn a lot of money just by raising pigs in a year, and she can definitely raise more.

Zhao Sancheng came in and proposed to record the weighing of these pigs.

Zhao Sancheng: "Let me see how many catties these pigs can gain in a month."

With that said, he was about to enter the pigsty.

But he didn't expect that the originally well-behaved pigs suddenly jumped up excitedly one by one, and their movements were still very flexible. He couldn't catch any of them, and was thrown by the shaking.

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

She still has to go out.

Sure enough, as soon as she got off the horse, these piglets stayed there obediently, and they were extremely honest from the time they were caught to being put into the basket and weighed with a scale.

Weighing results come out quickly.

The black pig is still heavier, it is really fat, more than 50 to [-] catties.

The white pig is relatively puffy, and it doesn't look much different in size, but in fact it is only over 40.

Zhao Yuanle touched Hei Zhu's head and sighed, "No wonder they are afraid of you."

How can a puffy white pig beat a solid black pig?

He Ju: "Weigh it after a month and see how much it grows."

Zhao Yuanle: "I conservatively estimate that I can gain a hundred catties in a month."

He Ju: "Seventy or eighty at most."

Zhao Yuanle insisted on his estimate.

"I asked. Generally, piglets grow more than 30 in a month. Mine is at least three times as edible as them. It will definitely grow a hundred catties."

He Ju: "That's a pig, not a monster."

Zhao Yuanle: "Just wait and see."

He Ju didn't bother to entangle Zhao Yuanle about this issue, so she asked Zhao Yuanle to put the black pig down and go out to talk about something.

Zhao Yuanle put down the black pig, and the black pig was still reluctant to watch Zhao Yuanle leave. He turned his head and rammed wildly at the white pigs who were watching.

Zhao Yuanle went out and asked He Ju, "What's the matter?"

He Ju: "Tomorrow when your uncle and the others come back, and my natal brother and sister-in-law, you don't want to let the pigs go, and then wear that nice pink dress and tie that hair rope.

Xiaolan likes to do those things, you ask her to give you some fancy hair too. "

When Zhao Yuanle heard this, his eyes narrowed, and his intuition told her that something was wrong.

Under Zhao Yuanle's eyes, He Ju dodged for a while, and then told the truth.

"Oh, there is a relative in my natal family. The pig butcher in the family has dozens of acres of land. He is considered a small landlord. His son is still very decent, filial, and knows his roots."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's disdainful look, He Ju said again: "That young man is really good, his mother is also polite, and everyone in the room is easy to talk. This time, my sister-in-law was asked by that relative to come and see. When you wear clothes better, your hands and feet will be smoother, be more sensible, remember to call people, and your mouth will be sweeter, you know."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help rolling his eyes.

She couldn't help but complain.

"Didn't you still hang out with that sister-in-law Mo every day before, and you've changed now?"

He Ju: "That's not because you don't have that kind of intention. First look at two more and choose the right one. Don't worry, Mrs. Mo doesn't know about it. If you like that, you can just push it away."

Zhao Yuanle made a clicking sound.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that He Ju is such a realistic third mother.

Zhao Yuanlan leaned against the wall and listened attentively. When she met Zhao Yuanle's gaze, she showed a meaningful smile.

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

She felt that if she didn't want to get married here, she had to do something earth-shattering and ruin her reputation completely, so as to dispel the thoughts of her family.

But considering the atmosphere at this time, she can't really do something particularly bad, so as not to affect her sister's marriage.

Difficult... She has to think about it.

Zhao Yuanle thought about it all night, until the next day, he still couldn't figure it out.

So she shelved the idea for now.

On this day, He Ju got up early.

She has been busy since dawn, preparing all kinds of things needed today in the kitchen.

Zhao Sancheng picked up Yao'er and prepared to go out with yellow paper, joss sticks, tributes and wine.

Tomb-sweeping day, it's time to burn paper and go to the grave.

Zhao Ercheng was lying on the bed, a little sad.

He couldn't see Zhao Yuanle's mother this year, so he asked Zhao Yuanle to burn paper together.

Considering that it has been raining in the past few nights during the Ching Ming Festival, and the roads everywhere are muddy, Zhao Yuanle changed a pair of shoes, stepped on a pair of clogs and prepared to set off.

When He Ju heard the movement, she called Zhao Yuanlan to go with her.

Zhao Yuanlan didn't want to go.

She is afraid of ghosts, graves, and soiling her good clothes and shoes by stepping on the mud.

Then only three people went out.

In order to avoid Yao'er walking and falling, Zhao Sancheng directly carried Yao'er on his back, and Zhao Yuanle carried things beside him.

Many of the cemeteries in the village are near their respective homes, not too far apart, basically just a short walk away.

The people who are buried here together are the grandparents of the Zhao family, and the ancestors further up.

Zhao Yuanle raised his head and looked over, looking at the densely packed graves, there was no fear in his heart, only emotion.

The tomb of the original owner's wife here looks the newest, and the thatch on it is relatively sparse.

Zhao Sancheng placed the sacrifices, then put the lit incense candles on, poured a few glasses of wine on the ground, called Dad, and said to drink more.

Afterwards, Zhao Sancheng lit the yellow paper, pulled Yao'er to worship the original owner's mother's grave.

He muttered something.

"Yaoer, pray to your grandparents and your mother, let them bless you for your exams, honor your ancestors, and make your life safe and smooth."

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle didn't move, Zhao Sancheng urged: "You also pray quickly, and let them bless you to marry a good man."

Zhao Yuanle felt that it was better to pay respects to the original owner, and bowed down three times, without thinking anything silently in his heart.

At this time, a gust of wind swept over, and the burning yellow paper spun in a circle.

Zhao Sancheng saw it and bowed a few more times.

After finishing these, Zhao Sancheng carried Yao'er on his back and asked Zhao Yuanle to go back together.

Zhao Yuanle noticed that there seemed to be a figure on the other side.

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