village pigwoman

132 It's raining

Zhao Yuanle knew he was dreaming because she was floating in the air.

In front of her is the uninvited pig god.

Pig God was still smiling, and then greeted Zhao Yuanle.

"How are you doing here?"

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while, but neither nodded nor shook his head.

"There are some good ones, but there are also many bad ones. Generally speaking, it's passable."

Pig God: "How many white pigs have you raised?"

Zhao Yuanle was surprised.

"What's the matter, you also engage in species discrimination? Can't you raise it?"

The pig god smiled and shook his head: "Of course not. Although I am a local pig god, I am not so narrow-minded. I am also advancing with the times."

"Oh." Zhao Yuanle nodded: "That's good, I think that little black pig doesn't like the look of the white pig very much."

Pig God: "Little piggy doesn't understand these things. Of course, I'm here this time to tell you one thing."

Zhao Yuanle: "What's the matter?"

Pig God: "You can try to crossbreed black pigs and white pigs, because with the blessing I give you, the hybrids you get will absorb all the advantages of both sides. You raise this kind of hybrid piglets, pigs The engraving process will be faster.

Hey, it's actually good for me too. "

Zhao Yuanle suddenly became interested.


The Pig God smiled and nodded: "Raise the pigs well. If you succeed in this, I will give you an extra reward."

After the words fell, the pig god in front of him disappeared, and Zhao Yuanle suddenly woke up as if he had stepped on the ground.

It was still dark, and the rooster crowed.

Zhao Yuanle sat up from the bed.

Hybrid pigs…

But the piglets she bought were all male, and all of them were castrated.

If you want a hybrid pig, you have to find a native black boar and cross it with a white sow from that family in the county.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanle felt a little headache.

She is not very strong now, and she doesn't really want to go to the county. If she meets some people she doesn't want to see, it will be even more annoying.

Thinking that it hasn't been long since the white sow gave birth, Zhao Yuanle felt that there was no need to panic, and he could try it in a few months.

Or, she thought of another way, that is to ask her uncle to buy a small white sow, take it back and raise it first, and when the white sow grows up, she can breed directly at her home.

Zhao Yuanle thought about it carefully, and felt that the latter method was better. Although the waiting time was longer, the pigs grew up beside her, and the quality could be guaranteed.

Zhao Yuanle was thinking about raising pigs, and Zhao Yuanlan next to her turned over, and the quilt on her body was kicked aside again.

Zhao Yuanle covered Zhao Yuanlan with the quilt, then got up and put on his clothes and shoes.

Zhao Yuanle woke up a little too early today, even He Ju is still sleeping at this time.

She went into the kitchen to light the fire to cook, and took her herbal medicine book to read by the firelight.

This scene was seen by He Ju who woke up later, and couldn't help admiring it.

"Is Lele so hardworking?"

Reading a book this early in the morning while the fire was lit was too serious.

He Ju thought that Zhao Yuanle was old enough to worry about his future life, so he began to study hard, trying to find a good husband's family in the future.

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm too busy now, and I have to read books while I can."

He Ju didn't know what to do.

She still persuaded Zhao Yuanle.

"Pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

With that said, she came over, took the tongs from Zhao Yuanle's hand and started to light the fire.

The breakfast was ready quickly, and Zhao Yuanle was already used to the clear soup with little water.

After breakfast, the sky had not been very bright, and there was a light rain, which turned into a torrential rain within a short while.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the rain and sighed.

"Today we can't let the pigs out again."

Zhao Yuanlan on the side looked at Zhao Sancheng.

"Father, don't you go out to work today?"

But Zhao Sancheng took off his shoes, went barefoot, put on a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and was dressed again to go out.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help but ask, "Do you still have to go out to work in such heavy rain?"

Zhao Sancheng found the dung scoop from the pigsty, and then found a long bamboo pole, and while tying the two things together, he said: "With such heavy rain, the seedlings in the field are about to drown, so we must go to the field to remove them." Bail out the water in the Yangzi ditch, and build up some mud next to it."

Only then did Zhao Yuanle know that this was still the case, and she couldn't help sighing in her heart, it's really not an easy job to do.

He Ju looked at the heavy rain and felt that it was not good to go out now.

"Let's go when the rain is lighter. It's raining so much now, it's useless for you to scoop it up."

Hearing this, Zhao Sancheng sighed, looking at the rain curtain in front of him, his eyes were full of anxiety.

Yao'er went out, reached the edge of the eaves, looked at the heavy rain outside, and stretched out his hand curiously.

When He Ju saw it, she rushed over and hugged Yao'er back.

"Don't play with water!"

Yao'er was a little disappointed, staring at the raindrops falling from the eaves.

These rain pillars hit the stones, and over the years, they became sunken pits. Moss would always climb up the crevices of the stones at this time.

Zhao Yuanle sat outside the door, under the eaves, looking at the rain scene and the book in his hand.

After a while, she put the herbal medicine book back and picked up the Travel Notes of the Five Sacred Mountains.

Flipping through the Travel Notes of the Five Sacred Mountains, she couldn't help nodding when she saw the typesetting and the language used. It must be something new.

This herbal medicine book in my family is considered to be passed down from my ancestors. It has a sense of time and is also ugly.

Zhao Yuanlan next to her picked up the herbal medicine book and flipped through it.

She doesn't know much about Chinese characters, let alone understand the meaning of this kind of classical Chinese, she just looks at the patterns on it.

Yao'er couldn't play in the water, so he and Zhao Yuanlan looked at the patterns in the herbal medicine book.

In the kitchen, He Ju began to figure out Ming dishes.

Taking advantage of the rain today and everyone at home, she made Qingming dumplings.

Soon, there was an aroma from the kitchen. Zhao Yuanlan was attracted by the aroma, dropped the herbal medicine book and ran into the kitchen.

Yao'er picked up the herbal medicine book that Zhao Yuanlan put down, flipped through the pages with her little hands, and continued to look at the patterns on it.

Seeing that the rain continued, Zhao Sancheng simply took off his coir raincoat and bamboo hat, sat next to Yao'er, picked him up, flipped through the herbal medicine book, pointed to the patterns of the herbs, and read the names of these herbs to Yao'er.

Yao'er listened very carefully, and followed Zhao Sancheng to read the names of these herbs, and the pronunciation was quite standard.

Zhao Yuanle next to him listened to the pronunciation and didn't respond at first, but then suddenly realized something.

She frowned, and suddenly looked at Yao'er.

Yao'er and Zhao Sancheng also stopped, and looked at Zhao Yuanle together.

Zhao Yuanle stared at Yao'er.

She was puzzled.

"Yao'er, who did you learn your accent from?" Why is it so Mandarin-like.

Zhao Sancheng felt nothing.

"Xiaowa, the accent is not right when you study, it's normal."

Zhao Sancheng felt that Yao'er's pronunciation was not standard, so it was not like the dialect here.

------off topic-----

I am very happy to see the feelings and opinions about reading the article in the comment area. As an old pujie, most of the time I think about writing stories. It is easy to run accounts when writing, and I am not very careful about readers’ feelings and control the rhythm. , I am really lacking in this aspect.

Therefore, I hope that the treasures who read the article will express their feelings in the comment area, so that I can get feedback and make adjustments and progress!

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