village pigwoman

Chapter 130 On the Road to Home

Spicy and numb as she expected.

She doesn't know why, but the food here has never disappointed her, especially the meat, it really tastes as delicious as it looks.

And at this time, people didn't use any chicken essence and monosodium glutamate in their cooking. Many dishes had natural flavors, but they were fresher than those modern dishes with chicken essence and monosodium glutamate.

She ate a few mouthfuls of mutton griddle, and two big bowls of fat rice rolls were served.

The proprietress held a bowl in one hand, and placed it firmly on the table with her ruthless iron hand.

There are coriander and chopped green onion on the vermicelli floating in red soup. The vermicelli is thin white earthen rice noodles. Next to it is a spoonful of fat sausage with sauce and pea tips boiled in it.

Zhao Yuanle stirred it with chopsticks, and the aroma mixed with the hot air rushed up. As long as she inhaled, it was the aroma of this bowl of powder.

After that, only the voices of Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Sancheng could be heard.

The two of them ate the noodles, and occasionally ate the mutton with chopsticks, and the kimchi next to it, and sometimes took two bites.

Zhao Yuanle felt that the kimchi tasted good too, crunchy, hot and sour, and a little sweet.

When more than half of the noodles were eaten, Zhao Yuanle saw that the mutton had bottomed out.

It turns out that the mutton has only one layer on the top, and the bottom is shredded bean sprouts, ginger and pepper.

Zhao Yuanle took a bite of bean sprouts and found them spicy and crispy, but she still couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"It turns out that's all there is to it."

Zhao Sancheng laughed when he heard her muttering.

"This one sells for more than [-] zi, and you want a lot of mutton? The mutton is [-] or [-] zi a catty, and you are honest if you have these."

Zhao Yuanle: "I know, I just haven't eaten enough."

Zhao Sancheng: "It's enough for the two of us to eat a piece of food. There is no one who can eat enough meat. He must have enough food."

Zhao Yuanle stopped talking and continued to sell his fans.

She thought, if Zhao Sancheng knew that in the future, people would still eat pure meat to lose fat, eat less rice and pasta to lose weight, and prefer dishes with less oil and less salt, how would he feel.

The two of them finished eating the noodles almost at the same time. Zhao Yuanle thought that his family hadn't eaten the mutton Gege, so he asked to pack two portions at the checkout.

Zhao Sancheng: "If you have money, save some money."

Zhao Yuanle: "The two of us eat one grid, and there are four more in the family, so we have to eat two grids."

The proprietress next to her echoed with a smile: "That's right, that's how it should be calculated, it's fair."

Zhao Sancheng smiled and picked up the shoulder strap.

The proprietress put the two grids into two oiled paper bags in front of two people, and then tied them tightly.Her movements are very skillful, and the things inside have never been out of place.

Zhao Sancheng put this into his back bag.

The proprietress next to me reminded: "When you go back to eat, just cover it in a bowl like this, and it will still be the same after steaming."

Zhao Yuanle: "I see."

After finishing speaking, she went out with Zhao Sancheng and started to go home.

On the way back, there were a lot fewer people selling things, and it seemed far less lively than when I first came here in the morning.

Zhao Yuanle sighed: "It's a pity that there are no duck livers, duck intestines and duck blood sold. This is the best when eaten hot."

Zhao Sancheng: "There are not many people selling this one, and the price of a duck is only a few. Only in those special restaurants, I have discussed with those who kill ducks early to buy it.

Most people sell ducks, chickens, etc., where can they sell duck liver, intestines, and blood alone? "

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes."

Where are the modern ones that sell these things separately? Maybe there are in county or provincial capitals, but they basically don’t exist in small towns.

The two were walking home. After walking for a while, Zhao Yuanle realized that Zhao Sancheng was carrying a back full of things, but she was empty-handed. She was a little embarrassed.

"Third Uncle, let me recite it instead."

Zhao Sancheng refused without thinking.

"I'm a big man and I can't carry this stuff? If anyone sees it on the road, they will laugh at me."

Zhao Yuanle: "I have great strength."

Zhao Sancheng: "No matter how strong I am, I'm still a girl. I'm a big man, and I'm still your third uncle. How can I let you carry me on my back? I'm empty-handed?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm just afraid that you will be tired."

Zhao Sancheng didn't feel tired.

At this time, peasants like Zhao Sancheng had to do a lot of farm work every day. Before that, they had to serve in the military. Basically, they worked from dark to dark without a break.

After working so hard all the year round, they get used to it, their bodies have stamina, their skin is more wear-resistant, and their hands and feet are covered with calluses.

For Zhao Sancheng, this little thing is really nothing.

But this kind of labor intensity is still exhausting the body after all, and the food is not very good, and it is impossible to take care of it. People like Zhao Sancheng, most of them are already full of problems when they are around forty.If you don't live much later, you will die in the entanglement of pain and disease.

Zhao Yuanle has no real feelings about these things. Now, she just admires how powerful people are at this time.

When the two of them returned home, they took out all the things in the bag.

He Ju looked at the obvious extra items, and knew that the essential oil and pure dew that Zhao Yuanle got must have been sold.

"Sold it for a silver dollar?"

She asked.

Zhao Sancheng replied beside him: "Yes, one."

He Ju asked Zhao Yuanle again: "How much is left?"

Zhao Yuanle coughed and replied, "Secret."

He Ju laughed out loud.

"It's still a secret, I don't want yours, you earn it yourself and use it yourself."

She wasn't worried about Zhao Yuanle spending money randomly, so in the past two years since Zhao Yuanle's mother passed away, she didn't take care of Zhao Yuanle's lucky money.

She felt that only Zhao Yuanlan, who was disobedient, would spend money recklessly, so every year, she took Zhao Yuanlan's new year's money from under her pillow at night.

Zhao Yuanlan couldn't be happier looking at so many things.

She asked Zhao Yuanle for credit.

"Today I cut two backs of hogweed for your pigs, they are too edible."

Zhao Yuanle nodded in satisfaction: "I reward you to eat mutton, put it in your back, and steam it for dinner at night."

Zhao Yuanlan clapped her hands happily, and immediately turned inside the back sash.

He Ju felt a little helpless after seeing so many things, including pork kidneys.

"There are so many, where can I finish eating?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I can't finish my next meal. It's cold now, so the dishes can be put."

He Ju: "I finished tearing up that tripe, and I want you to eat enough."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then you can eat hot pot for two days."

Zhao Yuanlan nodded: "That's right, eat for one more day."

He Ju took these things, smiled helplessly and began to tidy up.

Zhao Yuanle walked into the kitchen and saw the tripe, which had been washed and torn off piece by piece, neatly stacked in a large bowl.

There is also a Shau Kei lettuce leaf with pea tips.

Satisfied, Zhao Yuanle said to He Ju, "San Niang, let me get the bottom material."

She is still very confident in her skills in this area.

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